Chapter 38

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 38

Smiles had been written all over my face for two days. I couldn’t forget the night I spent together with Aaron.

The time we spent at the beach was a beautiful memory to me. We played at the beach until we were tired. I enjoyed every second I spent with him.

My heart would jump in excitement every time I thought about our first night, a night full of romance and passion.

I loved him more and more.

I was walking toward the academy. I had to go practice today.

I couldn’t wait to see him today. I wanted to tell him how lucky I was to have him.

He had become someone very important to me.

“Aaron… Aaron…” I called happily as I entered our usual boxing room.

Eh! Weird. He was not here. Oh maybe he was coming late.

I sat on the bench in the side of the room. I smiled silently to myself as I thought about me and Aaron.

It was funny how I felt so shy to face him yesterday. How could he face me so calmly after what happened between us?

Boys sure were unpredictable.

I had been waiting for thirty minutes and Aaron had not showed up. Where was he?

I walked toward the yard where Calvin usually taught his students.

To my surprise, Calvin was not there. What was with everyone? Why wasn’t everyone here today?

I walked to the other big room next to the boxing room. I hoped I would find someone here.

“Yes sensei!” I heard the kids exclaimed as they started leaving. I assumed that they just finished their lessons.

“Chun!” I called as I saw him about to walk to the other door.

“Guigui!” He walked toward me. “How are you?”

“I’m good. What’s with everyone today? I don’t see Aaron and Calvin today.” I stated.

“Oh.” Chun said as he gently wiped his sweat with a towel. “Calvin is still injured so master told him to rest. And Aaron….”

“Yeah? Do you know where is he?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know. He’s been acting weird lately.” Chun said softly.


Chun nodded. “He finished teaching early and went home early. He usually stays late with me and the others.”


I lay on my bed, thinking about Aaron. Weird. He wasn’t in the academy today. And I couldn’t reach him at all.

I tried to call him, but he didn’t answer. Weird.

Where could he be?

I thought about the day we spent at the beach, again.

And I couldn’t help myself from smiling. Aaron never failed melting my heart.

I slowly drifted to sleep.


A week had passed. I kept coming to the academy and to my disappointment, Aaron never showed up.

I started to miss him. I missed him so bad. Where was he?

He didn’t think of leaving me, did he?

Was he thinking to leave me after he got what he wanted?

I brushed that thought away.

NO! He wasn’t like other guys who would dump the girls after they got what they wanted.

Aaron was different. I knew he loved me. He really loved me. He cared about me.

“Where are you, Aaron?” I mumbled to myself as I looked at our picture together.

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?