Chapter 43

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 43

I walked toward one destination as I enjoyed the clear bright sky.

It had been six years since Aaron left, forever.

I never forgot him. Even though our time was short, I felt very thankful that I had met him.

I still loved him. It was never over. I moved on because I had to, but I took him with me in my heart.

“Aaron…” A tiny smile grew on my face.

I walked to run across the street, excited.

I heard screeches of tires.

I turned and see a car coming towards me.

I took a quick glance to see Aaron and he was gone. He was only a hallucination?

I closed my eyes, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to get out of the way fast enough.

I’m coming Aaron… I’m coming.

I felt someone pulled me and we fell to the ground.

“What are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself?” I heard the person ask.

I looked up to see a person.

“Aaron…” I whispered.

My eyes burned in tears. Tears fell down my cheeks helplessly.

“Are you okay?” The person asked before I out.
~End of Flashback~

I finally arrived at my destination. I quickly made my way to a certain room. I finally saw him. I walked up to him impatiently.

“What did you do this time?” I scolded as I let out a sigh.

He bowed down his head and no words could come out of his mouth.

He hated it when I scolded him.

“Why aren’t you answering? What did you do this time?” I scolded him again, raising my voice.

He looked up at me.

“T-They were m-making fun of me.” He finally admitted with his small voice.

My heart sank. I felt guilty sometimes when I scolded him. I knew it wasn’t his fault.

“They said that I don’t have daddy.” His cute voice said, sad. “Everyone in class is always picked up by their daddy.”

It really broke my heart to hear him say that. Everyone always made fun of him because he didn’t have daddy.

I squatted down and kissed his forehead. His body was tiny compared to mine.

“Mommy… Are you mad at me?” He asked innocently, his voice was really cute that I could never get angry with him.

I shook my head. “I’m not mad. But promise me you won’t do that again?”

He nodded his head and a little smile grew on his face.

I let out a smile as I saw how innocent he was.

He resembled Aaron a lot. His lips, his eyebrows, his nose…

The way he smiled was just like Aaron.

“Let’s go!” I held little Aaron’s hand and we walked heading toward the academy.

I made him learn martial arts. He was only five years old, but he learned fast. Guess he got that from Aaron.

“Aaron..!” Calvin called my son as we arrived.

Little Aaron ran happily towards Calvin. “Daddyyyyyy Calvin!”

Calvin squatted down, stretching out his hands. Calvin hugged little Aaron in his arms and stood up, carrying him.

“I heard you made trouble again at school.” Calvin looked at Aaron, smiling. Aaron had many people who loved him.

Little Aaron nodded innocently.

“Who is it this time?” Calvin asked. “What did he do to my little boy?”

I chuckled as I watched how Calvin cared a lot about my baby.

“A group of big boys. They kept saying that I don’t have daddy.” Aaron said innocently.

“Who said you don’t have daddy. You have four daddies. Did you give them a lesson?” Calvin asked playfully.

Aaron nodded in reply.

“Good.” Calvin patted Aaron’s little head gently.

“Cal… What are teaching my son?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

Calvin let out a chuckle. “It’s guys’ business.”

I chuckled. Guys’ business? My son was only five. And he already knew how to make troubles at school. He fought at school. Thanks to Calvin and the others for teaching him how to teach the bullies lessons.

“Are the others here yet?” I asked Calvin softly.

“Look who’s here…” Before Calvin even answered, I could hear a familiar voice coming from behind.

The person walked to Calvin and took little Aaron from Calvin’s arms to carry him.

Aaron gave a peck on TOP’s cheek as TOP carried him.

“Daddy TOP, I miss you.” Aaron said. His voice was adorable.

He called everyone daddy. TOP, Calvin, Chun, and Jiro were his daddies. I didn’t let him at first, but he really needed a daddy figure. And everyone was really nice. They took care of my little boy.

Aaron was only a kid. He needed to be loved by his daddy. But what could I do?
His daddy wasn’t here anymore.

“Happy birthday little guy!” TOP said as he kissed Aaron’s forehead.

Soon, the others arrived. They gave little Aaron hugs and kisses. Everybody loved him. Everybody spoiled him.

We were celebrating Aaron’s birthday in the academy.

Aaron was turning five today. He was excited to celebrate his birthday. He always wished to live with his daddy.

My heart ached in pain every time I heard what he wished for. I wish I could make his dream come true.

He never got a chance to meet his daddy.

From where I was standing, I saw little Aaron blow his candles. His face was drawn with smiles.

Everyone really loved him.

I watched as Xiao Xun helped him cut the cake. He loved being around everybody. He would forget about me when everybody was around him.

I walked out to the back yard. I needed some time alone.

I stared at the sky, thinking how much I missed him. He was always on my mind, in my heart.

“Are you okay?” I heard a voice.

I turned around and find a figure who looked a lot like Aaron. He was the person who saved me from that accident.

I gave him a smile. “I just need some time alone, Wangzi.”

He always reminded me of Aaron. His face line was just like Aaron’s. His lips were as small as Aaron’s.

“You suddenly left. I was worried about you. It’s good to know that you’re fine. I’ll join the others then. Looks like your son is going to open his presents now.” Wangzi flashed a warm smile before he took his leave.

Wangzi always cared about my son and me. He was willing to take me and my son, but I didn’t love him like I loved Aaron.

I stared at the sky; my mind was filled with Aaron. How good it would be if he was here, celebrating our son’s birthday. We would be a very happy family. We would create a small and warm family that everyone would always dream of.

If heaven had a phone, I would call him and tell him how much I missed him. I would call him every day and tell him how his son was doing.

“Aaron, how are you doing? Do you know how much I miss you?” Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. “Everything I do only reminds me of you. Why must you haunt me like this? It had been six years and you’re still in my heart. I love you so much. I can never forget you. Tell me what to do Aaron!”

“Guigui, you have to let me go. You finally found the right guy for you. Forget about me. Don’t make him wait for you too long.” I heard Aaron’s voice. It felt like it came from the sky. My heart skipped a beat.

It sent shivers down my spine. My heart leaped. I had not heard this calm and warm voice in a long time.

I whirled around to find where he was. He was nowhere to be found. Where was he...

“Aaron… Is that you?”

“Wangzi is a nice guy. He will take care of you and our little boy. You have to give our son a chance to have a father.” I heard his voice echo again.

“Where are you?” I whirled around. No… Why couldn’t I see him? Why was he talking about this?

“I’m always in your heart Gui, but you have to start to let me go and start to accept Wangzi in your heart. Remember, I love you and I’ll always be watching you.”

“Aaron… Aaron…” I shook my head, crying.

I fell on my knees and tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. There came again the same pain when I lost him.

Six years wasn’t enough. How many years would I need to be able to forget him?

A hundred year still wouldn’t be enough, because he already occupied my heart.

I love you, Aaron. I always do.

= = = = = = = = = =

Thanks everyone! This story finally ended.

First off, I’m sorry I had to kill Aaron. I’ve always wanted to write a sad story, so…

I’m sorry the last few chapters were so bad. I just want to end the story quickly and get back to school haha.
I will start a new guilun story soon.
I don’t know which one I’m going to write first haha.

Thank you guys for reading my story <3 I appreciate all your supports <333

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?