Chapter 17

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 17

“You don’t know that.” I said.

“Believe me, I do. Now watch!” TOP, who was sitting next to me, pointed at this one guy who was talking to the professor behind the podium. He told me that the guy was holding his fart and was about to let out one.

I watched the direction where TOP was pointing at.

“Wait for it... Wait for it…” He whispered softly, so close to my ear that I could feel his breathing in my ear. “1… 2… 3… There! There! There! Did you see it?”

True enough, the guy’s gesture showed that he just quietly let out a fart.

“Gross!” I laughed and looked up at TOP.

“Guigui, farts aren’t funny.” He said in a serious tone.

I blinked my eyes and TOP burst into laughter. He failed in trying to look serious.

I laughed harder as I watched his expression. “How… how do you know that he was going to fart?”

“Magic.” He laughed proudly. Magic, seriously?

“Right.” I said and he giggled.

I couldn’t believe this. TOP and I had four classes together. What a coincidence! What’s stranger was that we both were majoring in Economy.
TOP was actually a nice guy. He was funny and always made funny jokes that would make me laugh.
We became friends. TOP didn’t care about my family’s debts. He enjoyed being friends with me, and so did I. But I knew I still had to work hard to pay off my family’s debts.

For a few days, I’d been thinking. I found that TOP and Aaron had this intense gaze that would make any girl fall for them. But they were totally different. TOP was funny and he loved talking. He was like a kid, who was always happy. He always made people feel comfortable being around him.

And Aaron… He was cold. He didn’t talk much. No one knew what he was thinking and feeling. He kept everything to himself. He looked like someone who needed love. He was lonely. That’s what made me so curious about him. That’s what made me care about him.

I sighed silently. Why did I start thinking about Aaron again? I didn’t want to, but my stupid mind and heart wouldn’t cooperate.


Today was my second week working in this nightclub. Many guys had tried flirting with me. I couldn’t do anything. I just ignored them. That was the best I could do.
I couldn’t blame those guys either. I looked a little ty. I could only hope three weeks to pass real fast, so I wouldn’t have to do this anymore.

I had suffered a lot for the last seven days. I didn’t know that going to University and working would be this hard, and I still had to go practice boxing.

I went to school in the morning, I had to practice boxing in the afternoon, and then I had to go straight to work. I hadn’t gotten enough sleep since I started school and work. I had only four hours of sleep yesterday. I had to skip lunch and dinner sometimes.

God, please give me strength!

After taking orders in table six, I walked to table nine. There were four old guys sitting at the table.

“Hi, may I take your orders?” I flashed a friendly smile at them. I had to be friendly.

“Sit here with us!” The guy with bald head said while laughing naughtily.

I forced a smile. “No, thank you. I’m only taking orders here.”

“It’s okay. My friend owns this club, he wouldn’t mind letting you sit with us here.” Another guy said. I didn’t want to, why wouldn’t these old guys understand?

“No… I’ll only take your orders.” I said in a serious tone.

One of the guys stood up and went to my side.

“Look at this, guys! How cute?!!” He touched my bunny ear head band and all of them laughed out loud.

Breathe Guigui! Breathe! You can do this.

I took a deep breath and looked at the guy who was standing beside me. “Are you guys going to order something?”

The guy, who was standing beside me, let out an evil laugh and tugged at my skirt.

“Hey!” I yelled. That wasn’t nice of him.

“Come on, join us!” He held my arm and started pushing me toward the seat with force. One of his friends was trying to pull my hand but I pulled my hand away.

I swear I wanted to cry. I could only hope someone to help me. I couldn’t fight these guys.
What were all the people in this club doing? Couldn’t they see me being harassed?

Aaron… Aaron… Where are you? Aaron, save me!
Aaron was the only person came to my mind.

“No, please… Let go of me.” I struggled. This guy was too strong. He was pushing me with all his energy. I was still struggling.

I tried really hard not to cry.
The guys were laughing. They seemed to enjoy this.

“Sick old bastards!” I heard a voice shouted and I suddenly didn’t feel the guy’s hand on my arm anymore.

I turned around and found the guy was on the ground. When I looked up, I saw TOP. Did he-he just punch that guy?
I looked around and almost everyone in the club was looking at us.

“What a shame!! Old guys like you to do this kind of thing to an innocent girl.” TOP gave the old guys a cold glare.

“Show some respect, young man!” The bald head guy said.

TOP smirked. “You want me to show you some respect? Why don’t you all respect your wives at home first?”

“You have no rights to tell us what to do.” One of the old guys stood up and walked to TOP.

“TOP…” I whispered his name quietly. He looked at me and I shook my head, signaling him to stop. I didn’t want him to get into troubles.

TOP walked up to me, held my wrist and dragged me out of the club with him.

“Eh! Eh!” We had been walking for almost ten minutes now. He was still holding my wrist.

TOP finally stopped walking and let go of his hand from my wrist. He stared at me. I couldn’t help but stare back.

“What?” I asked and he was still staring at me.

TOP laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” I got annoyed. That was so not fun. Dragging me out with him? I was sure I would get trouble tomorrow.

“Don’t you think I was cool back there?” He said proudly. This was why I always felt comfortable being around him. He was funny. He just looked for trouble and he thought that he was cool.

“No.” I lied. Yeah, he was cool, A BIT.

“What were you doing at the club, Gui?” He finally asked. We started walking. I didn’t know where we were walking to.
“I thought you were a nice girl.” He teased.

“EH! I’m working my off to pay off my family’s debts! Your dad gave my family three weeks remember?”

“Oh yea yeah… You know--”

“Now, it’s your fault. I bet my manager is going to scold me to death tomorrow. How could you just drag me out of the club?” I sighed and pouted.

“Look who’s talking! What would you do if I didn’t save you back there?” I could tell he was so proud of himself.
“Maybe I should just let those guys eat you and I should just continue having fun with my girls.” He let out a sigh. I knew he didn’t mean that. He was just teasing.

“EH!!” I hit his arm and he burst into laughter.

He took of his jacket and handed it over to me. “Wear this! I don’t know how many more old guys I have to hit if you’re wearing something like that.”

= = = = = = = = =

Hello everyone, thank you for the lovely comments.
I know, no Aaron on this chapter. But I need to show you some scenes of Guigui and TOP getting closer. It’ll be weird if Guigui and TOP suddenly become close hehe

Achord has left, but Guigui and TOP are getting closer, will Aaron get jealous? xD
Next chapter: Guigui, Aaron, TOP!
If you want to know what will happen, leave me 100 comments!
Haha JK. I’ll try to update soon <3

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?