Chapter 30

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 30

“I thought you were gone somewhere already. I haven’t seen yo--”

“Shhh” Before I could finish my sentence, his hand had already covered my mouth. “You have to come with me.” He said quietly as if he didn’t want anyone to hear.

“Why?” I asked while his hand was still covering my mouth. Hopefully he understood.

“Just come with me!” He then dragged me with him. Why was he being so mysterious all of the sudden?

“NO.” I argued. He finally pulled away his hand free. “Not until you tell me why and where are you taking me!”

“Be quiet, guigui!” He covered my mouth again and dragged me.

I tried to fight, but his grip was too strong that it even hurt me.

Struggling, I tried to push him but I failed. He was too strong.

“Just follow me, okay?” He whispered as he dragged me.

“mmmm… mmmmmmmm…” I tried talking, but my sentences didn’t sound right because my mouth was covered.

I was getting scared and I didn’t know why. TOP was being mysterious and it scared me somehow.

Was he trying to kidnap me? No.. He would never do that. I brushed that thought away. TOP was my friend. How could I have such a thought?

I heard footsteps from behind and as I blinked my eyes, someone had already stood in front of us, blocking our way.

He stood straight right in front of my eyes, pointing his index finger at TOP.

“You’re not taking her anywhere.” He exclaimed, with a serious expression on his face.

Why was he here?

“Get out of the way!” TOP demanded and his hand still covered my mouth.

“Let Guigui go and I’ll leave.” Calvin said. His tone was serious. His eyes were still and he looked at TOP as if TOP was a bad guy.

“I said get out of my way!” TOP yelled angrily. I’d never seen this side of TOP and it scared me somehow.

Calvin and I exchanged looks and he slightly nodded at me as if he was trying to tell me something. Maybe he wanted me to do something, but what?

Thinking, I finally found an idea.

I quickly bit TOP’s hand that was covering my mouth.

“AHH!” He let go of his hand and his grip wasn’t as strong as before.

“Guigui, RUN!” Calvin shouted.

I didn’t have a chance to think of anything. I quickly walked off, trying to run away, but TOP had held my arm. I turned and looked at him.

Those eyes… those gorgeous and still eyes looked at me as if they were saying ‘do not leave’ not in a threat way, but in a way that made me feel so sorry for him.

I felt sorry at him for a second, but I pushed that thought away.

TOP suddenly fell to the ground. It was then did I realize that Calvin had hit him.

“NO!” I screamed. I hated to see this. I hated to see my friend being hit. I crouched down a bit, trying to ask TOP if he was okay, but Calvin had already grabbed TOP’s collar, making him stand.

Calvin looked at TOP and he was ready to give TOP another blow.

“Cal… Please don’t. He’s my friend.” I pleaded. I couldn’t stand seeing my friend hurt.

“But Gui, he was trying to kidnap you.” Calvin disagreed.

How did he know? I didn’t even know if TOP was trying to kidnap me. TOP didn’t say a thing of where he was taking me, but he might just want to bring me somewhere. I’d never know.

“NOO… I mean, I don’t know. He’s not like that. He--”

“No wonder Aaron asked me to follow you. He already had a bad feeling about this.” Calvin cut me off.

It took me a moment to catch his words. Did he just say that Aaron had asked him to follow me? But why?

“So what if I was trying to kidnap her? It’s none of your business.” TOP pushed Calvin instantly and gave a punch to Calvin’s stomach.

No! Calvin was also my friend. Darn. What were these guys doing, hitting each other?

“Don’t start with me!” Calvin yelled. He grew angrier and he came towards TOP.

Calvin raised his hand and blew a punch at TOP, but TOP blocked it. They started fighting, hitting each other. Why? Why was it like this? Why were they fighting?

“Stop it guys.” I shouted, but they ignored me and kept fighting each other.

This was worse than TOP and Aaron’s fight.

They fought each other seriously as if they had forgotten about my presence.

I panicked. I had to stop them before they got hurt. What should I do now? Should I call Aaron and tell him to stop them?

No! I shook my head. Aaron hated TOP so much. He would be on Calvin’s side. That wouldn’t help at all.

Think Guigui! Why are you so stupid?, I scolded myself.

Suddenly, I felt a hand covered my mouth from behind.

When I tried to turn to see who the culprit was, my head started to feel dizzy. And it was getting worse until I finally out.


“Guigui… guigui…” I heard a voice called as I tried to gain conscious.

I slowly and gently opened my eyes. The first person I saw was TOP’s dad. Why was he here?

“Uncle…” I called as I tried to sit. My head was dizzy. How long had I slept?

I scanned my surrounding and I didn’t know where I was. I was in a room, like a shed. There were only TOP’s dad and me in the room. “Where are we, Uncle?” I asked him anxiously.

“We’re in Leo’s headquarter.” He stated as he bowed his head down.

What? Did I hear correctly? How did I end up here?

Uncle Ray slowly lifted up his head and looked at me. “I didn’t know why they brought you here.”

My heart pounded and I couldn’t think at all. Why did they take me here?

“And why are you here, uncle?” I asked.

“I-I…” He let out a sigh. “They keep me here and I don’t know why. I guess it’s because I tried to run away.”

I finally travelled my eyes towards a door in the side of the room. I stood and quietly walked towards the door. I held the knob and gently opened it.

“It’s locked.” Uncle Ray finally said. “They locked us in here.”

“But why?” I said breathlessly, thinking to myself. Was it because I couldn’t pay off the debt? But why did that Leo guy want me here?

I sat besides Uncle Ray and I leaned my back against the wall. I sighed, tried to think of the reason why we were being locked here.

Were they dangerous? What if they were going to kill me and uncle?

I shook my head vigorously, trying to push those thoughts away. No!

Be calm and think positive guigui, I told myself. Everything would be okay. TOP’s dad was here. He’d help.

Uncle Ray turned to me and flashed a warm smile at me. “Guigui…”

“Yes?” I shot a smile at him. He was actually nice and wasn’t scary like the first time we met.

“Thank you.” He said softly. And I could feel joy that slip out of his mouth.

“For what?” I asked gently.

“For bringing my son’s life back.” He said as he gently leaned his back against the wall.

“H-How?” I was curious. I never felt that I had brought TOP’s life back.

Uncle Ray giggled softly. “I shouldn’t be the one saying this, but….” He paused for a second and then he continued. “I think he fell in love with you.”


Uncle Ray let out a sigh, staring at the floor blankly. “I remember he was just happy as he is now before that incident.”

“Incident? What incident, if you don’t mind?” I asked. I hope I didn’t sound too nosy.

“H-He…” Uncle Ray sighed. I tried to read his expression and it wasn’t a happy one. “An incident that had happened about four years ago.”

Four years ago… Then could it be about Han?

“I remember how he always told me everything. I was his best friend.” He told me. I could feel the sadness that came out of his mouth as he let out a sigh.

I looked at Uncle Ray, making sure I tuned every word he said.

“TOP loved Han, his girlfriend. He would always tell me everything about her and he would always tell me how much he loved her.

And then I worked for Leo. TOP would always help me with my work. But sometimes I was just too busy with my work and I wouldn’t let TOP to help. I didn’t want him to be something like me. I wanted him to concentrate in school. So I always told him to stay and accompany Leo’s daughters as they were at the same age.

They eventually became friends and one day, one of Leo’s daughters had fallen for TOP. She begged Leo to make TOP to marry her.” Uncle Ray chuckled sarcastically at his last sentence.

I was surprised, but I was anxious to hear more.

Uncle Ray sighed before he continued. “It was my fault for forcing TOP to marry Leo’s daughter. He disagreed. He told me that his heart belonged to someone else and that he would never marry someone he didn’t even love.

So I talked to him. I told him that there was no true love in this world as I didn’t believe in true love. I told him that if there was true love, his mother wouldn’t leave us even if I was poor and dirty. I told him that all girls were the same. They would only leave guys in the end.

I kept telling him that I might lose the job and we wouldn’t be able to live without the job. It took him some time to think, but I kept forcing him and he eventually agreed to marry Leo’s daughter.

He would always go out with Leo’s daughter and he never broke up with Han. It was then did Han find out about TOP being with another girl. She was upset and hurt. TOP told me that he couldn’t do it anymore. He wanted to call the wedding off. He told me that he couldn’t bear seeing Han like that.

It was until one day, TOP decided to tell Han the truth. They had planned to meet that night. TOP had waited for hours and Han never showed up.” Uncle Ray paused, letting out a huge sigh.
I somehow felt that Uncle Ray blamed himself for everything.

I didn’t know it was like this. So everything was just a misunderstanding. No wonder TOP never showed hatred towards Aaron. TOP must be hating himself.

And Aaron… he had misunderstood TOP. That was why he hated TOP so much.

“He found out about Han’s death. He couldn’t forgive himself. He never talked to me about anything since then. He was never happy. And it was my fault. I shouldn’t have forced him.” Uncle Ray said breathlessly.

“It wasn’t your fault, Uncle Ray.” I told him, trying to comfort him. “You didn’t want it to happen.”

Life could be cruel. Letting one girl died, and two guys had to live blaming themselves. One hated himself. One blamed himself, hating the other. They had to live without forgiving themselves. They had to live with all the pain of losing someone they loved.

Uncle Ray then turned to me and smiled. “That’s why… You’ve changed him. You’ve changed my son. He has come back to the old him ever since he met you. He started talking to me about things and I’m really happy.”

“I-I didn’t do anything.” I looked at him confusedly.

“Thank you Guigui.” He smiled sweetly. “But…. I’m sorry I couldn’t help much about you--”

“It’s okay. I don’t want to talk about it.” I told him.

Uncle Ray let out a chuckle. “Funny how that day, TOP came to me and seriously asked me to help you about the debt. At first, I thought it was a joke, but he was convincing. It was then did I realize that he likes you.”

I giggled softly and there was silence between us. Never thought that a guy could be so open to his dad. TOP sounded like a good boy. He was very close to his dad.

“I do hope you’ll like him back. There’s nothing in this world that could mean a lot to me other than seeing my son happy.” Uncle Ray said wisely, breaking the silence.

I could only reply him with a sweet smile.

My heart belonged to someone else. Someone that I really wanted to see right now, at this moment. Someone who always melted my heart with his hidden warmness.

With my heart pounding, I looked blankly at the wall.

Aaron, are you thinking about me like I’m thinking about you right now?

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Bad chapter :( no guilun haha. But a little history :P
Thank you guys for reading! <3333

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guilun<3 : haha thanks <3 happy ending? Hmm, let me think about it first AHAHA :P sorry I’m so evil XP

RS* : yay glad you loved the confession <3 I was afraid that it was too lame lol. Actions speak more than words, so yeah the kiss explained everything :D will explain later where was TOP taking guigui haha :P

Jaygee : hello my lovely meimei <3 thank you for supporting my story XD you want them to kiss more often? Tsk tsk.. we’ll see. I might have some rated scene, but you’re too young to read rated scene AHAHA :P

xD : thank you <3 thank you for supporting!

Rachaellie : yes he did! I even couldn’t stop smiling when I wrote the confession haha. Thank you for your support <3

Bubble : AHAHA I love hanging you so long :P don’t kill me! But problem is still coming. Hopefully it’s not too much drama lol. Thank you for reading yo y and freaky Bubble! :P

Cupcakes10000 : hello Tiffy. You haven’t been to AF. Busy with school huh? :P lol I’m sorry. Did I make you wait that long for the confession? Gee, I’m such an evil author HAHA. Glad that I could make you happy XD

Joly : AHAHA was it too far? :P But I’m glad you liked it. Thank you thank you for the support <3

=) : Hola! Thanks. I love your nickname. Makes me wanna smile haha <3 anyway thanks for the support.

Unknown : hello there.. haha so you are the same person. what will happen between aaron and guigui? HAHA you’ll find out in the last chapter :P sorry for being too evil XP this time I’ll let guigui know a lil history about TOP.

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?