Chapter 12

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 12

I had a bad feeling all of the sudden. I felt someone’s presence as I heard footsteps behind me.
I paused for a while and turned around to see who it was. There was no one. Maybe it was just my feeling. I continued to walk home. And I heard the footsteps again. A chill that had nothing to do with the weather made me shiver. I didn’t know why, but I had the feeling that this wasn’t something good for me.
I paused again. Once again, I turned to see if someone was walking behind me. But there was no one. Gosh… I was getting scared now. I’d better get home real fast.

The sky was dark and the street was empty. I hated it.

I walked as I looked over my shoulder. I realized with a shock that someone was walking quietly about thirty feet behind me. I could tell it was a guy. I couldn’t recognize his face, but I was pretty sure that he was following me. I listened intently to his footsteps which were very quiet. I started to quicken my pace.

I didn’t have much money with me, but if he wanted to take it then I’d just give him. But he might be something worse than a thief. What should I do?

I continued to walk as quickly as I could without actually running. My house was only a few yards from me now. It seemed forever for me to get to the house. I quickened my pace as I fumbled in my purse for the key to my house. Yes, I found it!

I finally reached my house. I risked a quick glance over my shoulder before I opened the door, and he was about forty-fifty feet back now. I hurriedly opened the door, stepped into the house, and quickly slammed the door. I didn’t forget to lock the door. I heaved a relief sigh as I leaned my back on the door. God, that was close.

I peeked out the window, checking if he was outside. If he was, then I was right, he was following me. But I didn’t see anyone. Maybe he was gone now. Or maybe it was just my feeling and I wasn’t being followed. I was relieved.

I went upstairs to my room. I changed into my pajama. Then I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I went downstairs again as I didn’t want to sleep yet. I walked toward the kitchen. I went to the fridge to grab some drink. I grabbed a can of coke before I walked up over to the couch and picked up the remote TV on the table. I placed my drink on the table next to the couch. I slouched further into the couch and turned the TV on. Feeling bored, I kept changing the channels over and over, trying to find something to watch.

I hated staying at home by myself. I didn’t get why mom had to work late at night and came back home early morning. Breathe, I had to remind myself. Mom works hard for me. She works as a singer there, so there’s nothing to worry about. I sighed softly.

I changed the channel to channel six. Pi Li MIT, my favorite drama was showing. Finally I had something to watch. I picked up my drink from the table. I opened the can of drink and took in a big gulp.

007 looked very cool. He reminded me of the cold Aaron Yan, my instructor. They act cold outside, but very warm and caring inside. I smiled quietly at my stupidity. How could I think about Aaron and 007?

As I was watching my favorite drama, I heard someone knocked at the front door of my house. Who could it be? I looked at the clock, it was showing 11.30. It was late. Who would knock on my door this late? It can’t be mom as she is at work at the moment. Moreover, she won’t knock at her own house. She has a key duh!

From the couch, I looked at the door. The door knob e way then the other, a pause, then a brisk jangle. Who was it?
No way! It couldn’t be the guy from earlier, could it?
He knocked at the door and jiggled the knob again. This could be bad. What should I do?

This had to stop. I decided to open the door. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan, ready to hit him real hard on the head. Then I walked toward the front door. I glanced at the door.

“Who is it?” I shouted, hoping for a reply. I waited about twenty seconds, but there was no reply.

I didn’t open the door yet. The door banged against the jamb.
I unlocked the door and threw the door open. I was ready to hit him with my frying pan when I recognize who the person was. I paused, puzzling.

“Why is it you? What are you doing here? How did you know where I live?” I loaded him with many questions. He couldn’t be the guy who was following me earlier, could he?

It took him a minute, “Why weren’t you at the academy this afternoon?” Aaron asked, scowling. What was he angry for?

“You didn’t answer my questions.” I snapped.

He looked at me. His face was serious. Without saying any word, he stepped into my house.

“Eh! Eh! What are you doing?” I asked, irked. I was still standing at the front door. I watched as he sat on the couch.

“Are you going to stand there forever?” He asked.

What did he want, coming to my house this late?

I shut the door and walked over to the couch. I looked at him, confused. I put the frying pan on the table and I took a sit next to him on the couch.

“Aren’t you going to offer me some drink?” He asked. Wow. What was with the attitude?

“I don’t know why you’re here. But if you’re thirsty, you can go to the kitchen and get some drink. Help yourself.” I sighed.

I don’t know what he wanted. This was already late. What was he doing here?

He stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. Maybe he was getting some drinks. I fixed my eyes on the TV now. I didn’t want to miss out my favorite drama.
Aaron sat back on the couch. He took a sip of his drink.

I wondered if it should bother me that he was here in my house, instead I felt a strange surge of pleasure.

“Save her, 007.” I murmured as I watched the drama. I knew 007 would save TMX no matter how cold he acted toward her.

From the corner of my eyes, I could feel that Aaron was looking at me. I turned to stare at him. “What do you want?” I asked as I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows at him.

He looked at me anxiously. He raised his hand to my hair, then carefully brushed it across my face. My heart began pounding.

“Aaron…” I breathed.

“Where were you this afternoon?” He asked. Same question.

“I.. I was on a date with Achord.” I confessed. “Do you remember him?”

“Oh.” Was all he could say. He looked away from me.

I looked back on the TV. We were silent.

It was now showing the best part, 007 to the rescue. Cuteness indeed. TMX is so lucky. Somehow I felt that 007 and TMX resembled Aaron and me a lot. 007 always saved TMX, just like how Aaron always saved me. Ha, silly. 007 and TMX are meant to be together in the end, but Aaron and me? Not likely to happen.

I giggled to myself. I’d been thinking too much lately.

“Is there anything funny?” He asked. I assumed he heard me giggle.

“No, I was just--” Just what? I don’t know. Why should I answer his question anyway?

He chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, pouting. And I had to admit it was the first time I saw him chuckle.

“It’s funny how you talked to yourself while watching this drama. And then you giggled to yourself. I don’t know why, but I find it so funny.” He said. I scratched my head. He looked at me and smiled, “You kind of remind me of someone.”

“Who?” I asked curiously.

The smile was gone from his face as he heard my question. Oh no! Did I say something wrong?

He looked away and let out a huge breath, “You remind me of my sister.”

“I do? You mean I remind you of Han?” How? I thought it was only me who thought that Han was so much like me. We both would always rather take the blame, which was stupid.

He nodded his head. “How do you know her name?”

“Well, Cal-- Ehm.. I-- Uhm..” Stupid mouth of mine.

“Calvin told you, didn’t he?” He looked down into my eyes.

I nodded reluctantly.

“It’s okay. It’s not a secret.” He said, his voice gentle.

I was speechless. Aaron is really nice tonight. I wondered if he took the wrong medicine.

“Do you know that you’re a lot like 007?” I asked him.

“007? Who’s 007?” He asked curiously.

“That guy.” I pointed at the TV, showed him who 007 was. “He’s just as cold as you.” I chuckled.

With that, we started talking nonstop tonight. We smiled and laughed together. Aaron is actually a really nice guy. It’s fun to be with him. I always have this warm feeling whenever I’m around him. I love the feeling.


Guigui fell asleep on Aaron’s shoulder as she and Aaron had talked a lot tonight. It was the first time Aaron opened up himself to people other than his best friends. Even his best friends sometime had a hard time catching up with him. Aaron was mysterious. No one knew what he was thinking or feeling.

Aaron looked at the sleeping Guigui who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder. He smiled to himself. He just found a part of himself that had lost for a long time. He was finally able to smile. Was it because of Guigui who’s a lot like his sister? Or was it something else? No one knew.

Aaron raised his free hand and placed it gently on the side of Guigui’s neck. He slowly moved and got up from the couch. He gently pulled Guigui to his embrace and carried her in a wedding style. He didn’t want to wake her up. He carried Guigui upstairs to her room. He didn’t have a hard time finding Guigui’s room as there were only two rooms in the house. And Guigui’s room was the one with stitch door knob cover on the door.

Aaron pushed the door open and stepped inside Guigui’s room. He walked up to the bed and lied Guigui down on her bed. He opened the folded blanket and gently wrapped it around her, not wanting to wake her up.

He didn’t realize there were other feelings…

= = = = = = = = =

Aaron smiled? W-O-W! xD

As much as I want to write in Aaron’s POV, I have to hold it back. Like I said, I can’t write in Aaron’s POV because I’ll spoil everything.
Hopefully this chapter wasn’t boring because I was so sleepy when I wrote it.
Thank you for the comments guys, ily <333

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?