Chapter 41

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 41

We finally arrived at our destination. Why did she bring me here, to a hospital?

My heart was beating fast against my chest and I didn’t know why. I was nervous and scared. Why were we in a hospital?

I tried to keep my mind think positively. Aaron was fine and I knew it.

She led the way until we stopped in front of a room. She gently pushed the door open.

I took a deep breath before I stepped into the room.

My eyes travelled to the person lying on the bed.

“A-Aaron…” I felt shivers down my spine.

His face was as pale as he was in my dream, except this time he was sleeping.

His body was covered with a white sheet.

I walked up and sat down next to his bed.

His eyes wouldn’t open. He looked in peace. Did he know I was here?

For some reason, tears dripped down my face.

Was he…?

“Gui…” I heard Aaron’s aunt call.

“Auntie, is he still sleeping?” I asked as I wiped my tears. My eyes were still fixed to the person lying on the bed.

I felt an arm around my shoulder. I heard her take a deep breath. “He’s gone.”

My heart stopped beating. What did she mean by he was gone? Did I hear wrong or did she say it wrong?

“He’s been suffering from a brain cancer. He’s been hospitalized for a week. And last night, he…”

“No…” I shook my head. I didn’t believe any word she said. Aaron was alive.

“I’m sorry. I could’ve looked for you earlier, but Aaron insisted on not telling you.”

“No!” I cried. I didn’t believe that he was dead. I didn’t even believe that he was sick all these times.

I looked at the body lying on the bed, shaking him hard.

“Aaron… Wake up! I’m here.” I forced a smile through my tears. I would want him to see me smile when he opened his eyes. “Wake up!”

“Guigui…” Auntie muttered softly.

“Wake up… I miss you so much.”

I waited and got impatient when he didn’t wake up.

“Let’s go to the beach again, wake up!”

His body was still. He wasn’t moving.

“Why won’t he wake up?” I looked up at Auntie then I shook Aaron’s body again. “Aaron, you have to wake up now or I’ll get mad. I know you’re pretending to sleep.”

He didn’t open his eyes, getting me scared. He was only playing around. I knew he was.

“Come on! I don’t want to play anymore.” I shouted.

I felt Auntie hug me from behind. I could hear her cry. But I didn’t care. I was trying to wake Aaron up.

He had to wake up like now. He should know how much I missed him. He should know that I had not seen him for more than a week.

I wanted to feel his warm hug. I wanted to taste his sweet lips.

“Wake up…” I hit his chest. “Wake up! I’m tired of playing.” I kept on hitting his chest and shaking his body.

Why wasn’t he moving? Why was his face still?

“Aaron, it’s not funny.”

“Guigui, stop it…” Auntie cried. “You’re hurting yourself. He’s already gone.”

“No Auntie. He’s just playing with me. I know that.” I told auntie and my face was soaked with tears. I shook Aaron’s body again.

Auntie shook her head, crying.

“Look! He’ll wake up soon and burst out laughing. He always does that to me. He loves playing with me”

“No Guigui…”

“Trust me, he’s just playing with us…” I kept shaking Aaron’s body. I didn’t want to give up. His joke wasn’t funny at all.

“He wouldn’t want to see you like this.” Auntie cried. She wasn’t any better. She was crying helplessly just like I was.

I kept on shaking his body, but he never woke up. His pale face was still and stiff. His lifeless body felt cold.

“Auntie, he won’t wake up!” I cried. Tears just fell down uncontrollably.

Auntie looked at me, crying.

I felt weak. I felt like my heart just exploded. I felt like I had lost my mind. I didn’t know how I should feel and what I should do.

I covered my mouth, crying. And I fell to the floor and I cried on the floor.

I screamed Aaron’s name many times. Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. There was no way I could stop crying now.

He was gone.

Auntie joined me on the floor. She hugged me and cried helplessly.

“Come back Aaron…” I cried. It felt like I didn’t have power to speak. I felt like I had lost everything.

Why did he leave me?

Why was it so fast?

It felt like yesterday we went to the beach together and now he was not here anymore.

It felt like yesterday he kissed me passionately and promised me that he would always stay by my side.

I never told him how much he meant to me. I never told him how thankful I was to have him.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe this. My Aaron… My Aaron was gone… forever…

My heart was ripped out and the pain couldn’t compare to any pain I’d had before. The pain was unbearable that it felt like my heart was bleeding so hard.

The pieces of my heart were missing.

My heart cried. But did it help?

No matter how hard I cried, he wouldn’t come back.

= = = = = = =

I killed Aaron :(
I’m sorry. I intended to kill him from the beginning.

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?