Chapter 34

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 34

I opened my eyes to find that I was not in my room.

My eyes were a bit blurry and my head was spinning. I blinked my eyes. My head felt very dizzy. How long had I been sleeping?

“Guigui, you’re awake.” I heard a familiar voice say warmly. I missed this voice.

“Mom… You’re back.” I said accusingly. My voice was sore.

She planted a kiss on my forehead. Her eyes were warm. I missed her. “I’m glad you’re finally awake. I was very worried.”

“Mom, when did you come back?” I asked her as I tried to sit.

“Soon after George told me about what happened.” She said softly. Master… I bet he told mom everything.

“I heard everything, honey.” She narrowed her eyes at me. Everything?


I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence because mom’s cell phone suddenly rang.

She took her cell phone out of her pocket.

“Ow, it’s George. He’s really worried about you.” Mom said as she let out a sigh. “I’m going to call him. Be right back.”

With that, mom left the room.

I let out a huge sigh.

I scanned my surrounding and I realized that I obviously was in the hospital. I wondered how long I had stayed in the hospital.

I slowly moved my body, trying to get out of the bed. I needed to pee.

I felt my whole body weak. I felt like I had no power to move. Gee, I must have been sleeping for a long time.

I heard the door open as I forced my feet to the floor.

And I fell down on the floor. “Ouch, stupid floor!” Great!

“Where are you going?” I heard a musical voice ask. My heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice.

He gently held me and carefully helped me stand up.

I looked up at him and I felt my heart beating fast. I missed him so much.

“You know that you’re still weak. Why are you forcing yourself?” He asked.

His still eyes were staring at me.

“I want to go pee.” I told him.

He giggled softly. “I’ll help you.”

He then carefully helped me walk to the restroom.

“I’ll wait outside. You’d better not fall inside.” He chuckled teasingly.

“I know. And don’t peek!” I warned him jokingly.

He helped me walk back to my bed when I was done.

“Thanks.” I told him as I sat on my bed.

He sat down on a chair next to my bed. We finally broke into silence.

My heart beat fast as none of us decided to break the silence.

I could feel my body tense a bit as I thought about how there was just me and him in the room. It was weird because this wasn’t like the first time we were in the same room together.

I stared at him and quickly looked away when he caught me staring. Shoot!

“So…” We both started. We made eyes at each other and let out a giggle.

“You first.” I said.

“So, how do you feel?” He asked.

“Great. ” I replied as I let out a sigh. “H-how are you?”

Lame! How are you, really?

He flashed a crooked smile at me. He was gorgeous. How could a guy be this perfect?

“I’m fine.” He replied then he continued. “Have you eaten anything? You’ve been sleeping for two days. You must be hungry.” He said concernedly.

I shook my head. “I’m not hungry.”

“I’ll get you something to eat.” He said as he walked to the table.

“I don’t want to eat. I’m not hungry.” I told him. I was not in the mood to eat. Maybe I was just too excited that he was here.

“You haven’t eaten anything.” He accused.

“I’ll eat later.” I promised.

“Okay. You’d better!”

He went back to the chair and sat on it. Again, we broke into silence. Why wasn’t he talking?

I stared at his face. He got some bruises on his face. It must be from the fight last time.

I cleared my throat. “Aaron.”

He turned to look at me.

“I’m sorry.” I said quietly. I didn’t know why I wanted to say it. I just felt guilty for giving him so many troubles.

He looked at me anxiously.

I let out a sigh and bowed my head down. “I always bring you trouble. I’m sorry”

From the corner of my eyes, I could feel that he was staring but I didn’t dare to look at him.

“I just think you should stay away from me because I will only bring you troubles.” I told him.

I felt that I always brought him troubles. He always got hurt because of me. Maybe he would be better off without me. I was such a burden.

He slowly lifted up my chin with his hand. “Why did you say that?” His voice was calm and caring.

“Because… You see, I always bring bad luck to people around me. I brought bad luck to you and your brothers. It will just keep coming. So I’m just telling you to stay away from me because I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Don’t you ever tell me to stay away from you!” He stared at me. “Because that is not going to happen.”

“I just don’t want you to regret it in the end, so I’m giving you a chance to leave me now.” I said and I didn’t know why my heart was aching.

I really didn’t want him to leave, but…

“Don’t be silly.” He let out a sigh. “Even if you bring bad luck, I’m willing to share it with you.”

“No... No.. It’s my problem.”

“Why are we even talking about this?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I’m afraid that you might regret being with me later on, so--” I instantly stopped when I saw the way he was looking at me.

My heart was pounding. Why was he looking at me as if I was something to eat?

I gulped. “A-Aaron… w-why are you looking at me like that?”

He instantly pulled me into a hug and let out a breath. “Because I want you so bad and if you keep talking about bad luck, I don’t know what I’m going to do to you.”

“What?” I couldn’t control my heartbeat. It got faster. What did he mean by that?

“I miss you, Gui.” He whispered softly into my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my ear.

I miss you too, Aaron.

He my hair and I felt loved. Hmm I loved the scent of his body.

Then he kissed my earlobe softly, sending warm shivers through my veins.

“A-A-A-Aar-Aaron.” I called him.

He didn’t respond. He moved to kiss my cheek. His warm lips touched my cheek and I felt my whole body tense up.

He then looked at me. Our faces were only an inch far.

“Please don’t tell me to stay away from you. You’re everything to me.” He whispered softly and warmly.

His words melted my heart. His warm scent filled my nose. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

Why was I so stupid for telling him to leave me?

I stared at his lips. Those y warm lips were so tempting. My cheeks burned and turned red.

He was warm yet so inviting.

And within a second, his lips were already on mine.

I closed my eyes, enjoying every second as we deepened the kiss. We kissed as if we needed each other’s lips like oxygen.

God I loved this feeling.

The door was suddenly pushed open. Aaron quickly broke the kiss in panic.

“It’s alright Auntie.” I heard someone say.

I turned toward the door and I saw mom and Calvin stepped into the room.

Great! They just ruined my moment.

“Aaron, you’re here!” Mom said excitedly.

I looked at Aaron. He had his head slightly bowed down. His cheeks burned red and he remained silent.

I couldn’t help but smile silently in my head. I wasn’t any better. I was embarrassed too. It wasn’t a good way to end a kiss.

I remained silent as no words could come out of my mouth.

“What’s wrong with you guys?” Calvin asked suspiciously as he walked with his crutches to the sofa.

I couldn’t help my cheeks from burning.

Neither me nor Aaron replied. How was I supposed to answer his question? That he just interrupted our kiss?

“Okay, since you guys are here, I’m going to leave first. Please take care of my Guigui.” Mom said.

“Mom…” I said in annoyance. I felt like a kid.

Mom walked up to me and kissed my forehead. “Be good. I’ll come back later.”

Mom flashed a warm smile at Calvin and Aaron before she took her leave.

Calvin let out a sigh when mom was already out of the room. “You guys are weird today.”

“Why are you here?” Aaron asked him.

“Can’t I be here?” Calvin snapped immediately.

“No, it’s jus--”

“Ugh. I was so bored, staying all by myself in my room. I assumed that Guigui has woke up so I want to see how she is doing.” Calvin explained grumpily. “And you, what kind of best friend are you? You don’t even visit me! You only come to the hospital to see Guigui. Unbelievable!”

“Hey, I was planning to go to your room after I check on Guigui.” Aaron defended himself.

“What a lie.” Calvin said jokingly.

I chuckled quietly as I watched how those two best friends talk to each other.

Calvin then turned to me. “So how are you doing Gui?”

“I-I’m all right.” I smiled at him. I looked at his right leg and I felt guilty. “I’m sorry. You have to walk with crutches now.”

“Ah, it’s nothing. I’ll get better soon.” He flashed a relaxing smile at me.

“I really gave you guys so many troubles.” I bowed my head down as I let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry.”

“Gui, it’s not even your fault. We wanted to save you.” Calvin said concernedly.

“But it was very dangerous. I didn’t expect that you guys would attack just like that.” I said anxiously.

“We actually had planned everything with TOP.” Aaron admitted.

“Wait. I don’t get it. Don’t you guys hate him? And I remember Calvin was fighting with TOP when--”

Calvin cut me off. “I had mistaken him. He was actually trying to save you, Gui.”

So TOP was trying to save me? I had mistaken him for trying to kidnap me.

“Did he tell you that?” I asked curiously.

Calvin nodded in reply.

“So you guys are friends now?” I looked at Aaron, trying to find an answer. It would be better if Aaron and TOP were friends.

“I just don’t hate him as much as before.” Aaron replied.

At least they didn’t hate each other now. They even worked together as a team to save me. I was glad.

“And you!” I shot a glare at Calvin. “Why were you following me on that day?”

“If it wasn’t for your so overprotective boyfriend.” He chuckled teasingly.

Oh yeah! I remembered Calvin said that he was asked to follow me by Aaron.

“Hmmm” I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at Aaron which made Calvin giggle.

I wondered why Aaron did that.

“I’m just trying to protect my girlfriend.” Aaron said calmly. The ways he said the word girlfriend just melted my heart.

“By asking someone to stalk me?” I asked inquiringly. I wanted to know.

Aaron looked at Calvin hopelessly as if he was asking for help. Calvin shrugged and let out a chuckle.

“Can we not talk about this? I’ve already had enough scolding from Master.” Aaron said. Obviously, he was trying to change the topic.

“Are you trying to run away from my question?” I asked him suspiciously.

“Cal, did you have lunch?” Aaron turned to Calvin, ignoring my question.

I pouted. Calvin giggled as he watched us.

I was relieved. Everything was over. I was glad Calvin was okay.

Thank you, Aaron.

Thank you for being a good boyfriend. Thank you for always protecting me. Thank you for loving me.

= = = = = = = = = =

I know I know. It was lame :( don’t worry. I’ve written the rest chapters on my book. I just need to find some time to type and post all the chapters.

I didn’t mean to make George sound like an old guy here lol
Just so you know, this fanfic started before the news of Guigui’s new drama with George HAHA. I’ve been a fan of George before he even had a drama with Guigui.
I also remember that George played as Aaron’s master in the X family that’s why I made him as Aaron’s master here hehe. Too bad George died in the X family though :(
I was very surprised when I heard that Guigui would be in a drama with George so… I’m really sorry if anyone like guihu pairing and George sounds so old here hehe ;P

okay, I know I’ve said that it was ending soon, but dunno, I think I’m gonna add a few more chapters before it ends.

And I’m very sorry if it took me so long to post a chapter. I’m a junior in University this year, so life can be hectic. If you’re a student in University then you know what I’m talking about lol

And sorry for too much blabbering :P

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?