Chapter 5

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 5

“What are you doing?” I could hear a gentle voice. His voice was like a melody. I knew this voice. It was him. I couldn’t turn my face to look at him. I was in pain. I hardly could breathe. Suddenly, those girls stopped kicking me.

“Aaron!” One of them gasped. They knew Aaron?

My legs and body were hurting. I tried to sit up and catch my breath. I could see Aaron was glaring coldly at those girls. I assumed he was always cold to anyone.

I looked around to find the girl who was being bullied before. She was gone. That was totally awesome. She left me being bullied instead. I felt like such a hero in sarcastic way.

“It’s a rare chance to see you here, Aaron. I’ve terribly missed you. Did you know that?” The girl with long hair said as she walked up to Aaron and hooked her hand in Aaron’s arm. Aaron swiftly swung his arm from hers. “Hey!” The girl pouted.

The other girl walked up to Aaron. “You always act cool. That’s good. We like you. We should hang out sometimes. What do you think?”

I could tell she was flirting with Aaron.

“I hate annoying girls like you.” His mouth locked into a snarl. OUCH! That hurt. I never thought Aaron would say something like that to girls. That was….mean.

Those two girls didn’t look so happy with what Aaron had just said. Their faces turned into frowns.

“You!” Aaron pointed at me, “What the hell are you doing here? Let’s go home now!” He exclaimed. He sounded angry.

I tried to get up. But I failed. My legs were hurting. They were too weak. “My legs…” I cried.

“Such a crybaby…” He mumbled as he walked up to me. He held my arm and gently pulled me up. I stood carefully. He was holding me against the side of his body as if he was making sure that I wouldn’t fall. I’d never known Aaron could be this caring. Was I thinking too much? Guigui, you were just his student. Of course he had to care about you.

“Thank you.” I whispered softly. It was close enough to his ear to hear. He didn’t reply. He gave a cold glare to the two girls.

“Aaron, do you know her?” The tall girl with short hair asked.

Aaron didn’t answer. He looked at me instead. “Let’s go!” He commanded as he was still holding me. I nodded in reply. He completely ignored those two girls.

“Aaron, who is she?” One of the girls asked as Aaron and I turned around about to leave.

Aaron didn’t answer. He dragged me along with him.

“Aaron! Aaron!” I could hear the girls called from the distance.

Aaron and I kept walking. We were far enough from the alley now.

Neither of us had the courage to start a conversation. We remained silent. Aaron was still holding me. I…. I felt so secure somehow.

“Thank you for saving me.” I said softly. I hoped he was in good mood now.

He paused and turned to me, “Are you stupid?” He raised his voice. He sounded mad.


“What’s the purpose of learning martial art if you end up being beaten up?” He stared at me angrily.

“I--” I really didn’t know what to say. Maybe he was right. I was just stupid. “Do you know the girls back there?” I changed the subject. I had to save myself from his scolds.

“They are just some gangsters. What were you doing out there this late?” He asked. This was the first time he sounded concern. He never talked nor asked much before. He talked a lot tonight.

“I-- I was just sending dinner to my mom. I was on my way home when I saw a girl was being bullied in the alley. She was being beaten up. I couldn’t bear to see it, so I wanted to help her.” I confessed. I didn’t know why, but I felt like I should tell him.

“So you wanted to be a hero by being bullied and beaten up instead?” He asked in a sarcastic tone.

“No. I was just-- I don’t know.” I let out a sigh and bowed my head down. I didn’t dare to see him. I felt embarrassed. I didn’t mean to be a hero wannabe. It was just too sad to see a girl being bullied.

“I’ll have to train you harder from now on.” He said. He let out a sigh before he continued, “You’re coming with me now!”

I lifted my head in shock, “What?” Did I hear wrong? He wanted me to come with him? But where? “I think I should go home now. Thank you for tonight. I’ll see you tomor--”

I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence because Aaron had scooped me up in his arms, as if I weighed only ten pounds.

“Hey! Hey! Put me down!” I struggled. He was walking before I finished talking. Oh No! Where was he taking me? I was being kidnapped. AAAAAAAAAAHHH!


“You got some bruises on your back and legs. I’m sure they’ll be gone in no time.” She said as she examined my body. “This will help.” She said as she handed me a box of ointment cream.

“Thank you-- err… I don’t know your name.” I said as I took the cream and I put back on my shirt.

“Xiao Xun. And you’re welcome.” She flashed a friendly smile at me. She was pretty. No wonder she was Calvin’s little sister. Her long hair was shining black and straight. She had such nice hair. “She’s done. You guys can come in now.” She shouted loud enough for the boys to hear.

Aaron, Calvin, and two other guys came into the room. I knew they were Chun and Jiro. Aaron, Jiro, and Chun were standing at the foot of Xiao Xun’s bed while Calvin took a sit on the edge of the bed, facing me.

“How are you doing, Gui?” Calvin asked in a concern tone.

“I’m all right.” I faked a smile. Of course I was. It was nothing.

“That’s good.” He flashed his charming smile at me. His smile was mesmerizing as always.

“Aaron, who did this?” One of the guys asked. If I wasn’t mistaken, he was Chun.

“It was Da Ya and Apple.” Aaron replied.

“Them again? When will they get tired of bullying people and taking money from them?” Jiro shook his head. He sounded upset.

Who were these Da Ya and Apple actually? How did these guys know them? I was getting curious as hell now.

“Who are they?” I asked curiously.

“They were Master’s students like us.” Calvin explained.

“But they took the wrong way and decided to join some gangster activity. They thought it was cool.” Chun added. He sounded like he was suppressing laughter.

“Don’t worry they aren’t dangerous.” Xiao Xun added. They weren’t dangerous? Were you kidding me?


“I’m sorry I ruined your night out with the boys. You guys had to end up staying in Calvin’s house worrying about me. I’m really sorry.” I apologized to Aaron as he was sending me home tonight. I felt really bad.

Aaron didn’t respond. I decided to keep talking to kill the silence between us.

“You know what? I thought I could beat those gangster girls by myself. Maybe I was too proud of myself.” I giggled to myself. “But I did scare them a bit, I think.” I smiled proudly and continued, “Calvin’s sister is really nice. Don’t you think so? And she has nice hair. She’s also pretty.”

He still didn’t speak a word. Was I talking too much?

“Eh! Eh! Eh! Why aren’t you talking?” I nudged his arm as we were walking side by side. I could tell he was annoyed by my action.

He stopped as we were in front of my house now.

“Go inside now! I’ll be going.” He said. Gee, that was cold. I talked so much and he didn’t speak a word. I felt so stupid. I felt like I was a karaoke machine, singing to myself.

“Eh! Wait!” I stopped him as he was about to take his leave.

He paused and turned around to face me, but said nothing.

With a blissful smile on my face, I walked up to him. “You know what, teacher?” I gave a light tap on his shoulder. “You should smile like this.” I brought up my index fingers, pointed at my lips, and flashed my brightest smile at him.

“Are you retarded?”

“WHAT? I was just showing you how to smile because I’ve never seen you smile before.” I told him. How could he say I was retarded?

Aaron smirked and walked away.

“Eh! Eh! Eh! How can you just leave like that? Hey!” I shouted. But he kept walking. Maybe I was really retarded. Gees, I felt really stupid just now. Aaah! This was so embarrassing. I wanted to bury my head. I didn’t know how I would face him tomorrow.

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?