Chapter 16

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 16

Achord had left for the States. He understood the situation I got into. He even offered to help with the debts, but I refused. I don’t want to owe him anything.
I wondered if Achord liked the States. I bet he would. He would love the view of hot American girls walking down the street.

It’s true that we broke up, but I didn’t feel sad at all about it. He was always like a brother to me. And he will always be one.

Today was finally the day I had been waiting for, the first day of school. I couldn’t wait to meet people there.

Today was also the day I would start working. I was lucky to get a job as a waitress. I didn’t tell mom about it. She would only worry about it. But I had to work. I must help mom to pay off her debts. $5000 would take her forever.

Today would be a long day to me, school, practice, and work.

Yes I can do this, I told myself.

My first class would be English. I was walking around the English Building, trying to find my class which would be in EB 1202.
I finally found it. I was about to walk inside the room when someone tapped my back. I turned around.

“Xiao Xun!!” I was surprised to see her here.

“Gui, what are you doing here?” She asked. She looked surprised, too.

“Well… uhm, I go to this University and this is my class.” I told her.

“Really? This is my class too. English 101?” She asked.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“OH-EM-GEE... We’re going to be classmates.” She exaggerated and made me chuckle. She flashed a warm smile at me. “We have a lot to catch up on.”

We walked inside the class. The class was huge. The seating was like auditorium seating.
I took a seat at the third row from the front row seats. Xiao Xun took the seat to my left. Class didn’t start for a few minutes. The classroom buzzed with conversation. Xiao Xun and I started catching up on each other’s goings-on.

Few minutes later, the professor came. He handed out the syllabus and started the class. I tried to concentrate as he talked about the art of rhetoric. Then he talked about Aristotle’s rhetoric. What-the-frog was he talking about? I don’t understand at all.
I looked at Xiao Xun. She seemed interested on the lectures.
Professor Follett wrote something on the board. RHETORICAL STRATEGIES, it said. I copied everything he wrote on my notes. As I was writing down the notes, I heard someone opened the door.

“I’m sorry, I’m late” said a gentle voice. I didn’t bother to turn toward the voice just to check who it was. That was stupid. Class had almost ended and he just came.

“It’s okay. People always come late on the first day of semester. Take a seat.” I heard the professor said.

The next thing I know, I heard someone sat down to my right. I kept my eyes on the board and my notes.

“Hello.” His musical voice said quietly.

I looked up and was stunned to see who the person was. My mouth flew open. What was he doing here?

“I’m TOP. It’s very nice to meet you.”He flashed a friendly smile at me.

I couldn’t speak. My mind was spinning with confusion. Why would he introduce himself to me anyway? I couldn’t think of anything to say.
He’s a bad guy. He hurt mom that night. Should I be afraid now? But seriously, looking at his gorgeous smile, I wouldn’t think that he was a bad guy.

“I-I’m Guigui.” I stammered. I stared at my notes, afraid to look at TOP.

“We’ve met before. Do you remember me?” He asked in a calm tone. How could I forget? You turned my house into a disaster. What surprised me was that he still remembered my face.

I nodded nervously in reply.

He chuckled, probably found out that I was acting strange. “Are you scared of me? Don’t worry, I don’t bite. I’m a nice guy.” YEAH RIGHT!

“I’m not scared of you. It’s just that…” Just what? I lost for words. I didn’t know what to say. I took a quick glance at Xiao Xun. I was hoping she could help me getting out of this awkwardness. But she seemed so into the lectures.

“Good. I was afraid that you might be scared of me because of what happened that night.” He said. Why did he have to remind me of that? Was he trying to remind me of my family’s debts?


He sighed. “Phew. That’s a relief.” He leaned closer to me. “Don’t you dare to tell anyone about what happened the other night.” He whispered to my ear and pulled back.

Was that a threat?

“O-o-o-ok-okay.” I said nervously.

He laughed. “See, you’re scared.”

I looked up at him. “No, I’m not!” Was he making fun of me?

“Shhh… Can you guys be quiet a little bit?” Someone sitting behind us whispered.


How in the world did TOP end up being my classmate? What if he did something bad to me? I somehow got really scared by the thought. As long as I pay off the debts, I think I should be fine. He won’t do anything bad to me and mom, I told myself.

“You’re late again.” Aaron’s cold voice greeted me as I stepped inside the practice room.

“I’m sorry. I ha--” I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

“I don’t want to hear your rubbish. Go change your outfit and get warmed up, NOW!” He shouted and made me want to cry.

I quickly went to the changing room and changed into my sweatshirt and sweatpants.

I headed back to the practice room and Aaron was already waiting for me impatiently. He looked angry. I gave up. I really had no idea what was going on in his mind.
His caring side melted my heart. And his cold side only made me want to think about him all the time. His coldness had made me so curious of him. I really wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling. I wanted to know what was inside his heart.

I hated the fact that my stupid heart wouldn’t stop leaping every time I thought about him.

Is this love?

“Can’t you do everything a bit faster?” He yelled.

Gee, he was busy yelling at me and how stupid of me to think that I fell in love with him.

“I’m sorry.” I placed my sport bag on the bench and walked up to him.


“Sir, do I really have to wear these?” I asked my manager.

It was my first day of work as a waitress. Seriously, I didn’t think that I would have to wear something like this. I was required to wear a black vest, black fishnets, leather mini skirt, stilettos, and a bunny ear head band. I looked more like a than a waitress.

“If you don’t want to wear those then don’t take the job! It’s that simple.” He said coldly.

I need the job. I have less than three weeks to get $5000 now. If I had this job, I would get at least $140 a day. In fifteen days, I could get $2100. And mom should have enough to add the rest of the money.

“I need this job.” I told him. I had no choice. Only night club would pay me this high.

“Good. Remember to always smile to our customers. Customer is always right. So watch your attitude. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” I said.

Just as I was done with the briefing, I started to make my move. I went to table 3. There was two pair of couples who just came. After I took their orders, I went to table 5. Three guys were sitting at the table. I wasn’t surprised if they started flirting with me. This is a night club after all.

“y waitress, can I get a glass of vodka?” One of the guys chuckled.

“Sure.” I said.

“You’re so pretty. Why don’t you sit and have fun with us here?” He asked.

“I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to do that.” Even if I was allowed to, I wouldn’t do that. I’m not stupid.

“Too bad then. I know you will have a lot of fun with us.” He laughed.

The other two guys winked and laughed naughtily at me as if I was a bad girl.
I don’t like the feeling of being here. People think that I’m a bad girl. I don’t feel safe here. I feel so insecure.
I swear I wanted to cry. I wanted to just go home.

But I have to do this. This is for mom.

You can do this Guigui. You’re strong, I reminded myself.


Aaron was lying down on his bed. He could not sleep tonight. There were too many things spinning around his mind.

“Aaahhhh!!” Aaron hit his head repeatedly and buried his head under the pillow.

As Aaron was busy with his thoughts, someone knocked on his door.

“Come in.” He said.

The door opened.

“Auntie.” Aaron got up from his bed and sat on a couch inside his room.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy with work that I haven’t checked on you. How are you doing?” His aunt asked as she sat next to Aaron. Aaron’s aunt really loves Aaron. Aaron is like a son to her for she doesn’t have any children.

“I’m great. You know you shouldn’t work too hard. It won’t do you any good. You should get more rest, Auntie.” Aaron told his aunt.

Aaron’s aunt chuckled. This was the first time Aaron cared about his aunt. He doesn’t usually express his feelings toward his aunt or friends. “What has gotten into my nephew? You sound different.”

= = = = = = = = =

I’m sorry, Aaron is still so cold. But I have my reason for that haha.
Poor Guigui. She has to work at a night club :(

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?