Chapter 33

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 33

“TOP, w-what’s happening inside? W-why am I hearing g-gunshots?” I cried hoarsely, thinking of the worst.

I couldn’t think of anything anymore. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood draining from my face. My body grew weaker.

Clearing his throat, TOP started. “I--”

“Put me down! I want to see Aaron. I want to check if he’s all right.” I cut him off. “Put me down!”

“I’m sorry Gui. I can’t do that!” TOP said and he started walking casually.

Why was he doing this to me? I was worried about Aaron. Why couldn’t he just let me down?

“Why? Why are you doing this to me?” I cried as I hit TOP. I gathered my energy to fight TOP, not caring about how weak my body was.

“He’ll be fine. Trust me!” TOP told me. How could he be so sure?

There was still a chance to help Aaron and the others. Why wouldn’t TOP do it?

I tried to struggle free, moving my legs and hands in his arm as he carried me, but my power was nothing compare to TOP. He was much stronger than I was.

“Gui, please stop moving. I’m doing it for your best. Besides, I had promised him.” TOP admitted.

My heart beat faster and I began to tremble. What? What promise?

It scared me, the way he said that he had promised Aaron. It sounded like Aaron was going to die.

The image of Aaron surrounded by Leo’s men--beaten, weak, and bleeding hard--was flashing in my head. No! I would never want that to happen.

Without thinking any further, I bit TOP’s back. He swore in shock, loosening his grip a bit, and I quickly jumped out of his arm.

“Guigui!” I heard him call as I quickly made my way back to the warehouse.

I wasn’t thinking. My mind was filled with images of Aaron. Call me stupid, but Aaron was important to me. I’d do anything to save him.

I’m coming. Wait for me, Aaron.


I knocked out the big size guy that was fighting with Chun. He fell to the ground and Chun looked at me thankfully.

I saw Calvin and Jiro were fighting the men together. They were surrounded by Leo’s men, but they seemed to manage fighting them.

More men were coming and I could hear some shouting. Just how many men did Leo have?

I didn’t think there would be this many. This was out of my expectation.

No matter how tired I was, I forced myself to fight them. I had to be careful. I had to concentrate.

I was relieved that Guigui had left this building. I could fight without worrying about her. At least she was safe and unharmed.

I knew she was with the right person and I felt relieved. I believed TOP would protect Guigui. I trusted him.

“Aaron, behind you!” Chun shouted. I instantly turned.

Another guy came, aiming his gun at me. With a quick move, I jumped and kicked his hand causing the gun to fall. Then I threw jabs at him.

“You’re not running anywhere.” I heard Calvin say as I threw a jab one of Leo’s men.

Then I saw Calvin ran. I followed the direction he was running to. Leo was trying to run away and Calvin was chasing after him.

I knocked the guy down and followed Calvin to chase after Leo.

Leo grabbed a gun that was lying on the floor and shot it in the air, defending himself. He then aimed his gun at Calvin.

“Take a step forward and I’ll shoot you!” He warned Calvin and smirked.

Calvin and I stopped. We stood a few yards before Leo.

Leo then pointed the gun at me and chuckled sarcastically. “Very good. You planned everything!”

Smiling bitterly at him, I took two steps forward.

To my surprise, he shot the gun in the air again twice.

“Don’t think that I wouldn’t dare to shoot!” He warned, aiming the gun at me.

I couldn’t let him go. I had to catch him.

I thought hard, trying to come up with a new plan.

“Stay still!” He pointed the gun at me then Calvin then me again.

Calvin raised his empty hands in the air as he stood still.

Leo took a few steps backward as he aimed the gun at Calvin and I.

He walked backward until he almost reached the entrance door.

I had to think of something. Letting him go would be a big mistake. He could come back.

“Aaron, Aaron are you all--” I heard a familiar voice and my heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be…

I turned toward where the voice came from.


What the hell was she doing here? It wasn’t safe in here.

Where was TOP? She was supposed to be with TOP.

She paused as she tried to catch her breath. Then she let out a smile as she looked at me. “Thank God you’re okay. I heard gu--”

Before she could finish her sentence, Leo had already stood behind Guigui and pointed the gun at her head. He put his other arm around Guigui’s neck.

“No!” I yelled as I stepped forward. I panicked. This was something I had not anticipated.

“Don’t you dare!” Leo pulled the trigger.

I paused. No! Not her!

My heart was pounding so loud. I could swear I heard it beating. I couldn’t breath. I felt a pain in my chest.

He had my Guigui.

I felt very weak and I couldn’t think of anything. I didn’t want her to get hurt.

“Guigu--” I heard TOP came rushing. He suddenly stopped and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Guigui was held by Leo. “Guigui!”

Leo chuckled in an evil way. He pointed the gun at TOP. “Back off!”

TOP slowly moved and stood not too far from where I was standing.

For a moment, I felt like beating TOP for not taking Guigui away from this place. I couldn’t believe he let Guigui come back.

We had planned everything, but everything didn’t turn they way we wanted. It turned into horror.

I would hate myself forever if something happened to Guigui.

“Let her go! She’s innocent.” I heard Calvin say.

“Not that easy. You guys had set me up. I should take my revenge now.” Leo laughed in an evil way.

I looked at Guigui and she stared at me in horror.

I knew she was scared. I wish I could replace her. I’d do anything to make her safe, even if I had to die.

Guigui’s eyes were filled with tears. Her body trembled. She was full of fear.

I hated this. What was I supposed to do to catch Leo without hurting her?

I felt weak and I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t think of anything except that Guigui was held by Leo. She was not safe.

My heart raced and I prayed silently. I had to do something.

Leo laughed. “Didn’t know that a girl like her could become your weakness.”

Leo then Guigui’s ear disgustingly. I saw Guigui’s tears rolling down her cheeks.

Damn I hated myself.

Anger was burned inside of me. I clenched my fists furiously. I could swear I wanted to kill Leo right now.

He could do anything to me, but not her.

“You’re going to pay for it.” I warned him angrily. I’d never been this angry before.

Calvin ran toward Leo, trying to attack him.

Boom! Leo shot Calvin’s leg.

Guigui screamed and started to cry helplessly.

“Cal!” I heard Chun yell from behind.

Calvin fell to the ground and his leg started bleeding. He scrunched up in pain.

I glared at Leo furiously. He didn’t just hurt my friend. “You…”

“I’ll give you the thing you wanted, so let Guigui go and you can leave!” TOP said, his voice harsh. I could tell that he, too, was furious.

Leo chuckled. “Too bad I don’t want it anymore. I believe that it’s not even real.”

Leo pointed his gun at Guigui’s head. “Let’s see how you guys will like it if she dies.”

No No No!

“Aaron…” Guigui cried. She looked at me hopelessly.

My heart ached. I hated myself even more for not being able to save her. I hated myself for not knowing what to do.

I was in dilemma. If I made a move, he’d shoot her. If I didn’t make a move, he’d still shoot.


I should have known. I should have trusted TOP and left with him. Now I was only giving Aaron a hard time.

I could feel the gun barrel pushing at my head. I was afraid, not afraid of the death, I was rather afraid of not being able to see Aaron again.

But if this could let Aaron and the others free, then I was willing to die.

I started all the problems from the beginning. I should be the one who hurt.

“Say bye to your friends, young lady.” Leo said. And I heard him pull the trigger.

I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. I’d miss him so much.

From my teary eyes, I looked at him. This would be the last time I saw him.

He stared at me and I couldn’t tell his expression. Guess he wasn’t happy watching me about to die.

I took a deep breath as I slowly closed my eyes. I let out a smile. I’d want to die smiling.

Goodbye, Aaron. You’ll always be in my heart.


I watched as she stared at me hopelessly. She was fearful.

“Say bye to your friends, young lady.” Leo smirked as he slowly pulled the trigger.

Her eyes were teary and she looked at me as if she was saying goodbye.

She bravely closed her eyes and smiled faintly. No! No!

I didn’t care anymore. I ran up to her and boom! I heard a gunshot.

I paused and my heart stopped beating. I looked at Guigui. Was she…?

Leo fell to the ground. And I saw Master was standing in the entrance door. It was then did I realize that Master just shot Leo. He came in the right time.

“What the hell were you guys thinking, doing something dangerous without my permission?” Master yelled angrily as a group of police came, surrounding the place.

Guigui opened her eyes and started crying helplessly. I quickly went to her and pulled her into a warm hug.

I didn’t care about my surrounding anymore. I only focused on Guigui, only her.

It felt like my heart almost exploded. I could go crazy if something happened to her. I’d hate myself forever.

“I’m scared. I-I’m so scared.” She cried in my chest. “I thought that I would never see you again.”

I smiled silently to myself. What a silly girl she was.

She must have been very scared. Good thing it was over and I was relieved that she was all right.

I gently kissed her head. I felt like I had the whole world when she was in my arms.

“It’s okay. I’m here.” I whispered softly to her ears, trying to comfort her. “I’m sorry…”

She pressed her face into my chest harder and she cried harder.

I her hair and hugged her tighter. I enjoyed the moment she was in my arms. I didn’t want to let go.

Guigui gently released from the hug. She looked up at me. “A-A-Aar--“

Before she could even finish her sentence, she had already fainted.

“Guigui!” I caught her in my arms. I hugged her in my arms as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

She was so weak. She’d always been so weak.

I don’t know what I’m going to do without you, Gui.
You’re very important to me and I want to treasure you with all my heart.
No matter how silly you are, you’ll always be my number one girl.
No matter how silly you are, you’ll always be the one I care about.
Because I love you. I will always protect you with all my might as long as I’m still alive.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Phew this was a freaking long chapter.
so I didn’t kill Aaron, you guys had better not kill me hehe. But Guigui was so stupid for going back :P
I think I’m gonna have some sweet guilun scene next xD

tsk tsk tsk I can’t believe my chocolate buddies from AF are so scary. They threatened me :( it’s okay. I love you guys! <3
Okay. Hope you liked the chapter though I thought that it was pretty lame, too much drama lol. I hope you guys love dramas!

Thanks for the comments chocolates <3

= = = = = = = = = =


xiaogui23 : haha yeah. It was fast update cause I actually had written everything on my journal book. And I carry the book everywhere with me xP so when I’m ready, I type the chapter and post it up haha. But dang you’re so smart. You could guess everything HAHA. You’re right, so aaron and TOP planned everything hehe. Thanks for supporting <3

greenie : hello! They’re okay! oh wait. Calvin’s not okay xP at least guilun is fine, right.. thanks for supporting <3

Joly : lmao I never thought it would turn like this either. I planned to write a short one, but it turned out the other way. I think I should finish everything first next time. Cause I tend to add more dramas :( thanks for supporting <3

guilun<3 : yaaa they’re okay.. Except for calvin haha. thank you <3 it’s getting lamer though. So much drama :( but don’t worry, it’s ending soon so hopefully I won’t add more dramas lol.. thanks for supporting <3

angelangie : OMO! Big sis! <3 tehehe… ILY <3 but what’s with the sharpening knife? HAHA. You scared the hell out of me xP good thing I didn’t kill aaron, so you wouldn’t kill me right? well you know I really hope you’ll continue writing as we chocolates are missing your story <3 and we always love your dribbles on thread haha. Hopefully you’ll get back in action when you’re not too busy with work hehe

Jaygee meimei : Hai meimei <3 it’s okay mei. It even took me so long just to update one chapter haha. So you should forgive me xP haha yeah gunshots! But aaron’s fine hehe. Though it was kind of scary of guigui, she almost got shot xP *grins* I’m an evil.

lovable : HAHA I did let aaron alive. xP sorry for scaring everyone hehe. thanks for suuporting <3

Bubble : omg my most evil reader, how could you join angie and threatening me? xP so I did think twice and didn’t kill aaron, are you still going to kill me? Haha. Oh pity me, losing to my freaky bubble hehe

Tiffy : yeap. So you’re right. Aaron and TOP planned everything haha. Was it confusing? Wait it doesn’t mean they’re friends though HAHA. We’ll see what happen next.

yammieflyyy : haha I’m happy you left a comment xP thank you very much! <3 was the suspense too much? Or I think the drama was too much lol. Yesh GUILUN FTW!

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?