Chapter 10 (N/A)

Don't Say Goodbye


TA-DA!! <33 @ AFF

HAHA sorry this is not an update, but I promise I'll update soon (maybe tomorrow).
This is a review by Detay @
This is my first review =D yay I'm so happy that I got a pretty high score and it's even higher than my political science exam LOL
Anyway, thank you Detay for spending your time to review my fanfic. This means a lot to me :)

= = = = = = =
Title: Don't Say Goodbye
Author: Chantal
Fanfic URL:
Reviewer: Detay @ AFF (

Title: 10/10
I love your title. It’s very emotional (well if you could put it that way) and demanding too ^_^ I guess if I see it in the main index I would click it right away :) It’s interesting. But I don’t know what’s the connection of that with the story. Well since it’s still on-going, maybe it’s on the last chapters… I guess. Hehe :)

Appearance: 9/10
I like how gray and black is compatible with each other. It’s better than black and white – it’s straining my eyes. So, nice choice. And hey, it resembles the story well! Though I think you should add a bit “red” cause it has fighting and such. LOL, what am I saying xD Anyway, having a poster has an attractive point too. It’s better if you put up one.

Forewords: 8/10
Your forewords lacked something. Hmm.. Well yeah, you kind of made a little introduction of it. But, a little detailed one would be fun :) Forewords shouldn’t be ignored so we have to put a little work on it too. But really, I liked how you explained what was happening :D But I think you should make a description of the characters to reveal a little :D

Plot: 13/15
It was okay. Well I’m one of those people who kind of don’t find a “martial arts” plot of a story interesting. I would close the window or tab right away if that’s what I read in the forewords. But!!! When I was reading it, surprisingly I liked it :) But that’s from my point of view and some would like that kind of plot, so don’t get worried. I’m just expressing my thoughts.

Originality: 9/10
I kind of think this plot is roaming around Winglin. But I hardly come across it. But since it’s Guilun, it must obviously be that kind of plot because of PiLiMit. So it was not really hard to imagine Gui Gui fighting like that :D

Grammar/Spellings/Transitions: 9/10
Well I think I noticed one grammar error on chapter 1, I think. But that’s really rare in the whole story and I really think you have a very good grade in English :)) And I didn’t think you had a spelling mistake there. And the flow of chapters were great, not really confusing. I really like those kinds of stories :) By the way,it’s kind of you got me surprised sometimes. I really expect some things to happen yet it didn’t xD

Choice Of Words/Idioms/Quotes: 9/10
Your words definitely describe the setting, the place, and what’s happening. I like it ^_^ Well it’s not really too hard to understand, I think it was okay. The adjectives were descriptive :D

Details/Settings/Characterization: 9/10
Like I said, very well written. Though why Rainbow Martial Arts..? Hehe, I really didn’t think rainbows did it. Well I was just curious why :D Want to give you a high score though. For the characters, well you really described them well during the story. Both FLH and HSHMM were there! I hope more of Hey Girl will soon appear :D And hey why is Calvin so close to Gui? :/ I don’t like it one bit but it’s okay, I think… Maybe Cal’s gonna’ fall for her sooner or later. Is that how things happen? LOL I hope not. Anyway, just continue with the nice flow :D

Enjoyable: 9/10
Hell yeah, it was :”> Though I kept thinking that it was me, not Gui Gui on the story. I didn’t knew why. Anyway, I’m not that much of a Guilun fan but I just liked your story here :) Will you please update? I was kind of not satisfied when it stops there :))

Bonus: 4/5
I will give you a bonus!! :D Please update! By the way, I really rate high ^_^ And… It’s a long time since I reviewed a story, so sorry if some words can hurt you or anything? I don’t want anyone to be sad. Anyway, be happy! Always smile :D

Overall Score: 89/100

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?