Chapter 24

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 24

“Guigui! Guigui! Are you inside?” I heard a familiar voice ask. He sounded worry.

He started turning the door knob one way and then the other. He started pounding the door. “Guigui!”

“HELP ME!” I screamed. Brian slapped me and covered my mouth with his hand.

I bit his hand and he screamed. “AAAAAAAHH!”

I tried to push him, but I failed. He was too strong. He pushed my arms together over my head and held both my hands with one of his. I struggled and he slapped me. He slowly pushed his face into my neck.

“Let me go! Go away!” I cried and struggled more.

BAM! I suddenly heard a loud voice. I looked toward where the sound came from and found TOP had just broken down the door.

“GUIGUI!” He shouted worriedly.

I looked at TOP. He was now glaring at Brian furiously. His eyes were furious. He looked as if he wanted to kill Brian. He walked over to Brian, grabbed his shoulder, and pushed him to the floor.
I watched as I tried to sit up.

“Don’t want something happens to your little girlfriend, huh?” Brian smirked at TOP.

Brian tried to stand up, but TOP kicked him, making him fall back onto the floor. TOP placed his foot on Brian’s chest and pressed it into the floor.

“You’re definitely going to regret your actions.” TOP snarled furiously. I could feel the anger that was burning in him.

TOP started giving punches to Brian. Brian swore and managed to push TOP off of him. I noticed Brian went to the table, grabbed a bottle off the table, and smashed it.

“TOP! Watch out!” I screamed as I saw Brian walk toward TOP with a broken bottle in his hand. No! He is not going to hurt my friend.

Brian swung the broken bottle at TOP, but luckily TOP got a hold of Brian’s wrist. TOP was holding Brian’s wrist from stabbing him with the broken bottle.

No! I had to do something! I walked toward them. I stood next to Brian and bit Brian’s right arm. Brian screamed and TOP managed to kick Brian’s stomach, making Brian fall backward.

“Guigui, run!” TOP yelled, looking at me as if he was saying that everything would be okay.

I shook my head, crying. “No! Not without you.”

I couldn’t leave my friend. No!

“I’ll be fine. Run, NOW!” He yelled again.

“Nooo.” I cried.

Our fault was being too busy talking that Brian suddenly kicked TOP real hard in the chest, causing TOP to fall onto the floor. I could hear the sound of TOP falling onto the floor. It was loud. Brian pushed me against the wall and onto the floor.

“I’ll deal with you later.” Brian pointed at TOP and then he quickly looked at me and slowly walked toward me.

I looked at TOP. He placed his hand on his chest in pain.

“I didn’t want to hurt you, but now I do.” Brian looked at me furiously, still holding the broken bottle.

He ran toward me. I couldn’t escape now. I closed my eyes. It was like as if I didn’t care about what would happen to me. I was ready… I waited for it, but suddenly I felt a pair of arms hug me and I didn’t feel anything.

I slowly opened my eyes only to find Aaron bleeding. I gasped in shock.

“Aaron…” I cried hoarsely. My eyes were burning in tears the moment I saw him bleeding. Why was he here?

“You’re a silly girl.” He whispered, slightly smiling. He pulled me against his chest, hugging me tightly. His back arm was bleeding.

“You can go to hell!!” I heard TOP yelled and he gave Brian punches.

I pulled from the hug and looked up at Aaron. He touched his wounded arm. He suddenly fell on his knees, he skewed his head, and his face scrunched up in pain.

“Aaron… Aaron… Are you all right?” I asked as I helped him lean against the wall. I couldn’t help myself from crying.

“It’s nothing.”

“What were you thinking? Why are you so stupid?” I cried harder.

“Do you think I will let anything happen to you?” He snapped and his arm kept bleeding. What did he mean by that?

“What do I do? What do I do now? You’re bleeding.” I began to panic and I looked at him, crying. Why did he have to take the stab for me?

Aaron chuckled. “Calm down!”

Calm down? How could I calm down when I knew he was hurt like this? Moreover, it was because of me.

“It’s just a small wound.” He said calmly. How could he be so calm?

I started crying helplessly. Aaron flew his hand to my face and wiped the tears off. “It’s okay. I’m the one in pain, why are you crying?”

“It’s because you’re hurt. I won’t forgive myself. I should be the one who’s hurt.”

Aaron smiled faintly. “I won’t let that happen.”

I stared at his face and studied his flawless features as I waited for my breath to return normal.

TOP rushed toward us with a wound dressing and athletic tape in his hand.

“Are you okay?” TOP asked Aaron. I noticed Brian was unconscious. TOP must have punched him real hard.

Aaron looked at TOP and yelled. “Go away!”

“Your wound needs to be bandaged.” TOP said concernedly as he took Aaron’s arm.

Aaron pulled his arm away from TOP. “Don’t touch me!”

“I don’t care how much you hate me, but I seriously need to bandage your wound.” TOP exhaled sharply.

How could Aaron still hate TOP at a time like this?

“I’ll do it.” I took the dressing tape from TOP’s hand. I knew how to take care of this.

“Ahhh!” Aaron screamed as I put pressure directly on the wound.

“Ah, sorry. It’s going to be okay. I have to stop the bleeding first.” I told him as I tried to stop the bleeding. From the corner of my eyes, I knew that Aaron was staring at me.

“Are you okay, Gui?” TOP finally asked.

“Yes.” I replied as I busily covered the wound with the dressing.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve come earlier to save you.” TOP sighed softly.

“I should be the one sorry. I brought you guys into troubles.” I said as I affixed the athletic tape on the sides of the dressing and then I bowed my head down.


The three of us were walking together. It was very awkward that none of us wanted to start a conversation. But I felt utterly safe and totally unconcerned about where we were going.

Aaron was walking at my right side while TOP was at the other side. This was very awkward. Aaron hated TOP and I think TOP felt the same way toward Aaron. What should I do, really?

I had to thank Han for putting me into this awkward situation. Aaron and TOP really didn’t like each other. One was Han’s brother, and the other one was her boyfriend, or ex. She was very lucky to have these guys by her side.

“Ehm.” I cleared my throat. I really wanted to say something.

I looked at Aaron and then TOP. They both were walking with a serious expression.

“I wonder how you guys knew where I was…” I finally said.

“Xiao Xun told me.” TOP answered. Xiao Xun? How could she…

TOP continued. “She said that she was suspicious of you going to this model scam thingy and turned out that she was right. Why did you do that, Gui?”

“It’s because…” No! I couldn’t tell him. “because I want to be a model.”

TOP chuckled softly. “That is so not your style. Tell me, is it because you nee--”

I quickly cut him off. “No! Whatever you’re going to say, it’s not because of that.” I gulped.
I ain’t going to let TOP say anything because Aaron would hear it.

I looked at Aaron and I noticed that he kept silent. He didn’t say a word.

“We’re leaving!” Aaron suddenly took my hand and dragged me along with him.

“Eh Eh!” I looked at TOP innocently and shrugged my shoulder as Aaron dragged me.

TOP suddenly held my wrist. “That’s rude. We’re still talking here and how could you just leave and drag her with you? If you want to leave, then leave! Guigui can stay with me.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hi everyone. How did you like this chapter? :D
Honestly, I didn't know who should save Guigui.
So I decided to make both Aaron and TOP saved her haha so lame!
Ok, I’ll continue Aaron and TOP’s fight on the next chapter HAHAHA.
Thank you! <33

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?