Chapter 32

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 32

What was he doing here?

He looked at me and gave me a slight nod, as if he was telling me that everything was going to be okay. Then he smiled bitterly.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I watched as he walked towards our direction.

I missed him. I wondered if he felt the same.

I looked at him, trying to read the expression on his face. He looked calm yet still kept the coldness. He never changed.

The room was filled with silence as Aaron walked.

My heart was pounding so loud in my chest. I remained quiet.

“So you finally came.” Leo smirked and Aaron stopped about ten meters from where I stood, standing not too far away from TOP.

This was too much for me. The whole Aaron-TOP thingy. Why did they both have to be the ones who come into my life?
And why did they have to be the guys who loved the same person? One was her brother. One was her boyfriend.

“Did you bring what I had asked you?” Leo asked Aaron.

Now what? Leo wanted something from Aaron?

“Let Guigui go and I’ll hand it over to you.” Aaron responded coldly.

I had no idea what this was all about. What was it that Leo wanted from Aaron?

Leo laughed. “Very smart.”

Aaron chuckled bitterly.

“Show me the thing first.” Leo demanded.

Slowly, Aaron’s hand made his way to the back of his jacket and took something out of it. He held up a small cylinder bamboo and spun it in his fingers.

“It’s inside here.” Aaron pointed at the cylinder.

Leo laughed. “I didn’t think it would be this easy to get it.” He let out a small sigh before he continued. “If I knew it would be this easy, I should have done it this way.”

No idea what he was talking about, but it didn’t sound good to my ears.

I took a quick glance at Aaron and then TOP. They stood still, not moving an inch.

“Didn’t know this girl could be useful.” Leo smirked and then he continued. “I should have done it like this with your sister back then, instead of breaking into your house.” He laughed.


I instantly looked up at Leo. Taking a quick glance at Aaron and TOP, they, too instantly looked up at Leo in shock.

“Oops.” Leo said wryly. “It wasn’t funny, was it?”

“What did you say?” Aaron asked, and his expression was colder.

“I ordered my men to break into your house the night your sister died.” Leo admitted.

Clearly, I didn’t hear anything wrong. For a second, I felt my heart stopped beating from the shock.

“You killed her.” Aaron accused, his eyes were glaring coldly at Leo. Then Aaron slightly bowed his head down as if he was blaming himself.

My heart broke into pieces the moment he bowed his head down. He was hurting. I knew he was. And I could feel the pain that he was feeling right now.

I wanted to hug him right now, telling him that it was okay.

“If your sister wasn’t so annoying, trying to fight my men, she wouldn’t have died.” Leo stated.

No. Stop! Why did Leo keep talking about it?

Aaron lifted up his head and his expression was unreadable.

“She was so stupid. She couldn’t even fight.” Leo said, insulting.

Aaron clenched his fist furiously. I knew he couldn’t take it.

I glanced at TOP. He, too, looked very upset. He clenched his fists, but he seemed to be able to calm himself down.

Aaron took a few steps forward and two of Leo’s men instantly took out their weapons, aiming at Aaron.

“No!” I yelled. “Aaron, stop!” Was he crazy? Was he trying to get himself killed? These men had freaking guns.

Aaron immediately stopped and Leo laughed.

“This is very fun.” Leo said laughing. “So, how would you like it if I did something to this girl here?” Leo walked up to me and cupped my chin with his hand.

“Don’t touch her!” Aaron warned angrily.

“This is why I want you to be in my gang. You really have a strong character.” Leo said.

“Too bad I’m not interested in joining your gang.” Aaron said coldly.

“As much as I want you to be in my gang, the thing that you have right now is more important to me. So don’t worry, I won’t do anything to this girl as long as you give me the thing I want.” Leo said calmly as he pulled his hand free.

“Leo, just let the girl go!” Uncle Ray finally said.

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Leo snapped at Uncle Ray.

I wanted this to be over soon. I was tired and my body was getting weaker.

“To make it fair, let’s do an exchange together.” Aaron offered. “Let Guigui come here and I’ll hand this over to you at the same time.”

It took Leo a minute to respond. “Sounds good to me.” Then he continued. “Why don’t you give it to TOP so he can bring it here to me? And I’ll let the girl walk to you.”

Without any reply, Aaron quickly walked up to TOP and handed over the cylinder. He glared at TOP coldly, and so did TOP.

TOP took it from Aaron’s hand and slowly started walking towards Leo.

Leo signaled his men and they loosened their grips on me. I looked at Aaron, as I was scared. What if they shot me from behind as I walked?

Aaron gave a slight nod. I trusted him. So I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards Aaron.

I watched as TOP walked towards my direction. My eyes were fixed on him as he walked. He looked at me, but I couldn’t read his expression.

“TOP, now!” I heard Aaron suddenly shout.

And just by a second, TOP had already grabbed my wrist, trying to drag me with him. “Gui, let’s go!”

I struggled and didn’t want to move. Confused, I looked around. I saw Uncle Ray quickly ran out of the building.

What was happening?

“. Ambush.” Leo screamed.

Then I heard fight sounds from behind. Anxious, I turned around and found that Calvin, Chun, and Jiro were behind fighting Leo’s men.

I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder and the person turned me around. To my surprise, it was Aaron.

I pulled my hand free from TOP’s grip and looked at Aaron.

“You’ve got to get out of here Gui.” Aaron said catching his breath. His hands slightly held mine.

“W-what’s h-hap-ppening here?” I asked and my heart was pounding so loud in my chest. I ignored all the fight noise. I focused on Aaron.

“Everything’s going to be okay. You have to go.” He told me. “It’s not safe in here.”

“B-but what about you?” I asked. I somehow felt like crying.

“I’ll be fine. I cannot leave my brothers. I’m fighting with them. Go now!” He demanded. Then he turned to TOP. “Take her!”

TOP grabbed my wrist. “Gui, come on!” He tried to pull me.

“N-No… Aaron…” I looked at Aaron deeply. I was scared. What if something happened to him?

I couldn’t leave him here. Call me selfish, but I wanted him to come with me.

I could feel my tears almost fell down now.

Aaron smiled faintly at me and gently held my face with both his hands. “I love you and I always do.” He then kissed my forehead gently, as if it would be a last kiss.

My heart pounded and I was scared. Like in the movie, the guy would die when a case like this happened.

NO! I brushed that thought away.

“Go, now!” Aaron demanded then he looked at TOP.

And I still refused to go. “NOO!” My tears had already fallen at this moment.

I couldn’t leave Aaron. No!

“I’m sorry Gui, I have no choice.” TOP said and he suddenly scooped me in his arm.

“Put me down!” I struggled, not caring how weak my body was. “I said put me down!” I hit TOP’s back repeatedly.

TOP ignored me and he quickly carried me out of the building.

I watched as Aaron ran joining his brothers, fighting those men.

Anxiety was coursing through my veins. And my heart was pounding so loud in my chest. Tears fell down my cheeks as Aaron was already gone from my sight.

We made it out of the building. Surprisingly, there were not any of Leo’s men outside.

TOP kept running. And I had no more power to fight TOP. He just wouldn’t let me down.

Suddenly a gunshot could be heard. My heart stopped beating and my mind went fuzzy. I couldn’t think of anything.

“TOP…” I cried. “Did you hear that?”

TOP finally stopped running. He tried to catch his breath.

More gunshots could be heard and a chill went down my spine. My heart raced. I was afraid.

My mind was filled with images of Aaron. I prayed silently. I wished him to be fine.

“TOP, w-what’s happening inside? W-why am I hearing g-gunshots?” I cried hoarsely, thinking of the worst.

Clearing his throat, TOP started. “I--”

“Put me down! I want to see Aaron. I want to check if he’s all right.” I cut him off. “Put me down!”

= = = = = = = = = = = =

I’m sorry for taking so long to update. Gee, calculus sure is hard. Thank god the exam is over hehe

Gunshots? Aww :(
I hope Aaron died. I seriously want to kill Aaron here HAHA. Nah JK! xP
Was this chapter confusing? Cause I think this story has too much dramas lol. And hopefully I didn’t confuse you.
I was supposed to make this story short, like 20ish chapters, but the whole TOP thingy caused me to write more, sorry :( I couldn’t help it though. I like TOP :p haha.
Anyway, the story is ending soon (I think) SO, I’d like to know if I have any silent readers :P
Just a short comment would do, even though it’s only one word, I’d really appreciate it :D
Thank you everyone <33

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


xiao_mei_mei : okay. Guilun interactions are coming soon, hopefully, if Aaron didn’t die HAHA :P

guilun<3 : aww thanks <3 I’m glad you liked it. But there’s not too much drama, right? Haha. Here I updated. Pheww it sure took me so long, didn’t it?

Blue_Sky : Hello! Thanks for supporting. New reader? :P I’m glad you liked it hehe.

frostylychee : Hello new reader haha. Yayy I have a new reader <3 glad you loved it! Cause sometimes I think my story is too much drama. Thanks for supporting.

Joly : I updated. Sorry it took me so long :( been busy studying for calculus exam haha. Anyway, thanks for supporting <3

Cupcakes10000 : Hello Tiff! Yay Aaron saved Guigui, but oh is he in trouble now? HAHA. You have no idea how evil my mind is right now! :P You’ll find all the answers to your questions on the next chapter, hopefully haha.

Bubble : Sorry for hanging you around lol. HAHA yeah I’m evil. And you would shoot me if you had a gun? Ohh too bad, I already shot someone first, guess who got shot? AARON? HAHA. Pshh not telling you :P catch me if you can, and I will tell you!

Flippo : Hello there! Thank you for supporting. I updated. Sorry if it took me so long! Hope you enjoy it.

Tangmo : haha yeah was it too long? XD I actually love writing and blabbering so yeah, that explains how I have long chapters xP aww guilun happy together? Hmm.. let me think about it first HAHA. Glad you love it. Thanks for supporting<3 hehe

Lovable :D : hello! Calvin? Haha. Well he was fighting with TOP and yeah.. now he’s fighting with Leo’s men. Sorry for taking too long to update. Hope you enjoy these chapters. Thank you <33

Unknown=] : what did you mean how many chapters are there? You mean how many left before it ends? Hehe.. I’m not sure, probably about 8-9, or more. Depends on my mood HAHA. Cause I might add more dramas to it. Gees.. girls love too much drama. Thanks for supporting! <3

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?