Chapter 1

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 1

“Mom, do I really have to do this?” I asked my mom as I walked following her from behind.

I could see my mom nodded as she was walking in front of me. “It’s for your own good, honey!” She said.

“But, mom… I’m twenty years old already. I don’t think I need to.” I tried arguing. I hated when my mom wanted me to do what she wanted. And I knew I would end up losing in the end because she was the boss.

“Sweety, you do need it. You’re new in this city. And it’s a big city. I’ll be more relieved if you have some self defense. Moreover, I’ll be working at night starting next month and you’ll be left home alone.” She explained. It was true that we just moved to this city from a small town, but I did not see the need for me to join some martial arts.

“But Maa…” I tried acting spoil although I knew it wouldn’t work on her.

“Just do what I say, okay? The owner of the academy used to be your dad’s best friend when he was still alive. I’m sure he’ll take good care of you.” Now she had to bring up my dad. I had not seen my dad since I was three.

I knew it. I would never win arguing with mom. I bowed my head down as I was walking when suddenly I bumped into my mom’s back. It was then did I realize she just stopped walking.

“This is it. This is the place.” She said as she observed the place.

I lifted up my head to see the house. Woah, it was a very big house, only one floor. Big tall walls were surrounding the house like a prison. In the gate, there was like a board that said ‘Rainbow Martial Art Academy’. WOW was all I could think of. I bet this place was very popular.

Mom pushed the gate open and walked in. I didn’t have any choice but to follow her. I stepped into the house and saw a very big yard. I saw kids were practicing some kind of karate moves or whatever it called there. I wasn’t interested in that kind of thing anyway.

A big tall handsome guy came and approached us. He flashed a very warm smile to my mom. I could tell he must be the person mom was talking about.

“Judy, it’s been a long time.” He greeted mom as he gave mom a warm hug.

“How have you been George?” My mom asked as she hugged back.

“I’ve been good. Wow, you haven’t changed. Still young and pretty.” He praised my mom. Oh puh-lease? Was he flirting with my mom?

I could see my mom was blushing. “Aiyo, I’m old already.” She said shyly.

The guy flashed a smile at mom. “So, is this your daughter you’ve been talking about?” he asked as he took a glance at me. Mom had been talking about me to him? I bet mom had planned everything.

“Yes. I hope I won’t trouble you by letting her join your class here.” Mom said.

“No! No! I won’t be troubled. It’s my pleasure.” He placed his right hand in his chest. Then he turned to me, “What’s your name?”

“G-Guigui.” I said. I hoped he would not laugh at my name because some people did laugh when I said who my name was.

He flashed a warm smile at me. “I’m George Hu. It’s very nice to meet you, Guigui.” Thank God he didn’t think it was a funny name.

“It’s very nice to meet you too, Master.” I remember my mom told me to call him Master since he would be one for the period of time.

“So Guigui, have you ever learned any kind of martial art before?” He asked me.

I shook my head. “This is my first time.”

“George, Guigui’s body is very weak. She gets sick easily. I hope by letting her learn martial art, she’ll get stronger. She always makes me worry.” Mom said. She was too exaggerating. I wasn’t that weak. Sigh.

Mr. George flashed a smile at mom showing that she didn’t need to worry so much. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure she’ll learn what she needs to.”

“Thank you.” Mom seemed relieved. “I guess I’ll leave her with you for now. I have things to do.” Mom turned to me, “I’ll pick you up later.” She told me. I nodded at her in agree. Mom kissed my forehead before she took her leave.

“Okay. Since you’ve never learned any martial art before, it’ll be a little harder for you to join the regular class.” Master said. I didn’t really get what he meant.

I looked at him confusingly. He let out a giggle. I bet he finally realized that I did not understand what he was saying.

“Ok. Let’s put it this way. You need to learn some basic first before you join the big class where you'll meet other students.” He explained. I finally understood.

“Then, what do I need to do?” I asked.

“I will let one of my assistants to train you for the next two-three months. We’ll see the progress then I can decide whether or not you can join the big class.” He said. “Follow me!” He started walking and I followed him.

As I walked following Master, I saw people enjoyed doing martial arts. I could sense that martial arts could be fun.

Master stopped walking. We were inside the house now. There was nothing. No chairs, No sofa, No TV. Oh right, this place wasn’t really a house after all.

“Aaron Yan!” He called out for someone. A tall handsome guy came approaching us.

He bowed to Master showing a respect then he stood straight. “Yes, Master.” H-he was handsome. He had this perfect body figure. I bet any girl would fall for him.

Master gave a light tap on the guy’s shoulder. “This girl is new here. I’ll give her to you for now. You know what to do, don’t you?” Master asked him. What did Master mean? Give me to him?

The guy who was called Aaron Yan nodded his head confidently. “Yes, Master. I know what to do.”

“Good. Then I’ll leave the two of you. I still have students to teach.” Master turned to me, “Don’t worry, this guy was my best student. He knows what he’s doing.” Master said convincingly. I nodded in agree although I didn’t quite understand what was this all about. Master flashed a smile at me before he took his leave.

“You! Follow me!” He ordered coldly. Geez. What was with the attitude? He didn’t even smile, greet, or even asked my name.

I followed him from behind. And here we were, in a place where there were some heavy bags for boxing. No one was here, only me and him. I had to admit this house is huge.

He stood straight at ease. I stood opposite from him. I didn’t dare to look at him. He wouldn’t even smile. So scary. Never mind he was handsome. His attitude irritated me a bit.

“Now, do 50 push up and sit ups!” He ordered coldly. WHAT? Was he kidding? I couldn’t even do 10 and he wanted me to do how many? 50?

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?