Day After

V6: Re-Born

A small fracture of light from the sun’s radiant beam rested gently on Jaehwan’s face. Displeased with the sun’s morning greeting, the sleeping Jaehwan pulled the thick linen sheets over his head. Just a few more minutes, he thought. The bed was just too cozy to leave it now.

“The bed? When did I get in bed?

Alarmed by the sudden thought Jaehwan shot up immediately.

“So the dead has risen.”

Jaehwan turned in the direction of the voice to find a smiling Hyuk with a bowl of cereal in hand.

“Where am I? Jaehwan asked.

“You’re at home.” Hyuk replied as he plopped down next to Jaehwan. “Are you hungry?

“How did I get here?” Jaehwan said ignoring Hyuk’s question as he pulled curiously at the fabric of the pajamas he was clothed in.

“Those are N’s. We didn’t want to go through your stuff so N brought those. Hyuk said noticing Jaehwan’s confusion. “You were a bit out of control last night.”

“What do you mean out of control?”

Hyuk sighed at his friend’s lack of understanding before explaining in detail exactly what happened the night before.

“You got a little…well…you were drunk. I don’t know why you drank so much last night, but I do know you were completely out of your mind. You even cursed at Taekwoon,” Jaehwan hid his face in embarrassment before Hyuk had even finished explaining what happened. “Don’t worry about that part he actually thought it was funny. However you should be worried about what happened next. You kept insisting that I take you to the restroom to pee so, I did…”

“Go on Hyukkie, its ok…nothing you could say can shame me more.”

“Well that’s where you’re wrong.” Sanghyuk said before taking a bite of his cereal. “When we got to the stall you went inside, relived yourself, and then you slipped and hit your head on the stool before passing out.”

“Oh my god…I’m so embarrassed.” Ken said as he buried his head further under the sheets.

Hyuk reached over to pat Jaehwan’s back for comfort before continuing.

“It was a mess Ken. You had hit your head so hard you were bleeding. I quickly went to get N and Ravi and they decided you had enough for the night. N brought you and I here, while Ravi went to tell Hongbin and Leo you weren’t feeling well and went home.”

“But…I feel fine,” Ken searched his head for any wounds which only brought more confusion when he discovered none.

“Ken…why do you think N brought me with you? I healed your head.”

“Ah yeah, thanks…” Ken said with a faint smile. Jaehwan had forgotten about Hyuk’s ability to heal the wounds of others. After saying how sorry and thankful he was to Hyuk, Ken decided to get dressed before heading down for breakfast with N and Hyuk in the kitchen.

“How’s your head Jaehwan?” N asked once he noticed Ken enter the kitchen.

“It’s fine. Thank you for what you did last night.” Ken responded with sincerity.

“No problem, I know you’d do the same if it was me.”

“So what’s for breakfast?” Ken asked.

“Well as you all know I’m no Choi Hyun-seok but I managed to make spicy stewed fish, cold cucumber soup, and rice.” N said while showcasing each item. “I think it turned out pretty well. Only you and I will be eating since Hyukkie here decided on cereal.”

“It was more like a decision of life and death.” Hyuk teased.

“Aigoo...” N mouthed as he delivered several neck chops to Sanghyuk

“I’m pretty sure N cooks the best breakfast.” Ken said as he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet.

The three men continued to have breakfast while occasionally throwing in a few jokes about N’s cooking. Hyuk was the first to leave because he had a class at 12, leaving Ken and N alone.

“So,” N said only a few moments after Hyuk left. “What’s the deal with you and that kid Taekwoon?”

“I don’t know really…He’s the quiet type but I really like hanging out with him.” Jaehwan replied with a slight flush of pink in his cheeks.

“I think he’s a bit weird if you ask me. I mean he laughed when you- “

Rrring. Rrring. Rrring

“Hello” N answered into his phone. “Ah, Wonshik what is it?”

“Where’s Hyuk?” Ravi yelled through the phone, panic in his tone.


Hyuk pulled into the school's parking lot. Removing his keys from the engine, as the car came to a halt. He grabbed his bag out from the back seat and exited the vehicle. As he was walking out of the parking lot he heard sirens heading in the direction of the campus center. At first he thought it was just the campus police but the sound of sirens multiplied in a matter of seconds.

Hyuk tightened his grip on his bag and jogged towards the sound. He reached the campus center and could see many students and teachers being blocked from entering the building. Some students were on their phones calling out to their parents or friends. Some were crying and those close to them were trying to comfort them. As Hyuk got closer and closer to the police blockade someone grabbed him by the shoulder pulling him back.

He turned to see Minho with a weary expression. "You shouldn't get any closer."

Hyuk furrowed his eyebrows, "Why? What's going on?"

"He's dead." Minho began, "Professor Kang is dead."

Hyuk couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stared at Minho waiting for him to laugh to say it was all a joke. He wanted him to pick on how gullible Hyuk was and tell him what was really going on but he didn't. Minho just stared back at him with glossy sad eyes.

How could this happen? How did he die? Hyuk wanted to ask these things but the words wouldn't come out. He just stood there blankly until his knees grew limp and he came down on them. Tears began to form in his eyes. Minho knelt down beside him and held him as he began to weep. "It's ok." He whispered in a calming manner. "It's ok."

After he stopped crying Sanghyuk thought of Jiyoung. He quickly stood up and looked around before asking Minho where she was. Minho shrugged in response and Sanghyuk quickly took off in search for her.  He searched desperately through the crowd to no avail, she wasn't there.

"She must be near the scene of the crime," he thought to himself.

There was no way he was getting through the police blockade so he had to find another way into the building. He made his way to the back of the campus center but only to find more police. Nothing surprising there it only made sense they would cover all entry ways. They wouldn't however cover the roof.  Sanghyuk snuck unto the side of the building; luckily most of the students were in the front of the campus center so no one was around. Just in case he double checked his surrounding and once he realized it was clear he quickly flew to the top of the building.

It had felt so good to use his powers again, but now wasn't the time to dwell on that matter. Once on the roof he found a skylight, opening it slightly enough for him to squeeze through. He jumped through the skylight using his powers to gently float down to the floor. He could hear voices somewhere down the hall and followed them until he could see the yellow tape and a few police officers walking around. He hid behind a trash can as he waited to see if Jiyoung was there or not, and as if on que there she was. She was coming out of the room boarded by yellow tape. A police officer guided her to a nearby bench and sat her down to ask her a few questions. Sanghyuk stood up from behind the trash can and headed towards her only to be stopped by a police officer.

"You're not allowed in here kid." The officer said as he pulled him away. Jiyoung looked up and saw Sanghyuk. Her eyes were blood shot red and she looked as if all the life had been drained from her body.

"Wait!" She called out to the officer her voice a bit hoarse. "He's family."

The officer looked at her and then back at Sanghyuk he released him and Sanghyuk immediately ran towards Jiyoung.

"Are you ok?" He asked, pulling her into a tight hug. She didn't answer but Hyuk could feel her shake her head on his shoulder. He began to feel drops of water on his shoulder as well and he realized she was crying. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to comfort her. He just held her tightly, never letting go until the tears stopped rolling and she released herself from his grip.

"I have to go." She said as she wiped a tear from her eye. "The police need me to finish my statement."

Sanghyuk nodded in response. She hugged him once more and left with the officer who was with her before. After she was gone Sanghyuk looked into the room where the professor was found dead. There was blood everywhere. Sanghyuk looked at the professor’s body and gasped, quickly covering his mouth as his eyes grew wide. This was not happening. This couldn't be. Sanghyuk began to tear up as he realized the familiar scene in front of him. This was exactly how it had been two years ago, when Suho was killed.

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa