
V6: Re-Born

“Eh? The zoo?”  Hyuk thought to himself.  He had just gotten a text from N telling him that they were all going to the zoo this Saturday, which couldn’t possibly be serious, because last time Hyuk checked he was pretty sure they were all grown men.  He agreed to it anyhow sending a simple “ok” in response.

            Earlier today he had gotten his first major assignment for his Physics class, and he needed a few extra books so the trip to the library was a must. He had been here for about thirty minutes and he pretty much had everything he needed except one last book.

            “Quite a lot of books you got there?”  An unfamiliar voice called.

He looked up to see a girl with a bright smile standing beside him.  He stared a bit longer than usual hoping that she wasn’t someone he was supposed to know but didn’t.  She was quite beautiful with a round face, shoulder length black hair, vibrant wide eyes, and a cute button nose. She was dressed in a light brown knitted dress that stopped mid-thigh with matching pumps.  Hyuk was pretty sure now that he hadn’t met her before.  As his eyes met with hers he noticed her expression was completely different than before she was no longer smiling and her eyebrows creased showings her confusion.

  “Oh, sorry,” Hyuk blurted out slightly blushing, “These are for my physics class.”

 The girl chuckled a bit noticing Sanghyuk’s embarrassment. “Who’s your professor?”

 “Professor Kang,” Hyuk answered. “He’s a bit…um…weird.”

“Professor Kang is known to be a bit eccentric.” The girl said as she grabbed a book from a nearby shelf. 

“He’s not too bad though, weirdness aside he’s a pretty good professor.”

“Here.” The girl said as she gave Hyuk the book in her hands. “I think this might be exactly what you need if you’re in Professor Kang’s class.”

“Whoa…” Hyuk gasped a bit astonished. “This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks, um…”

“Jiyoung.” The girl interrupted.

“Ah, Thanks Jiyoung,” Hyuk said with a smile. “I’m Sanghyuk, but you can just call me Hyuk.”

Jiyoung gave him a warm smile in return before turning to leave.  She then came to a stop midway.

“Oh by the way,” she said without turning to face him. “You should be more careful of what you say about your professors. You wouldn’t want them finding out about it.”

Before Hyuk could even murmur a response she was gone.

“You should be careful around that girl.” A nasally voice said from behind.

Sanghyuk turned to see a boy with red framed glasses standing close behind him.

“Excuse me?" Hyuk asked.

“I saw you earlier talking to that girl. That’s Kang Jiyoung, Professor Kang’s daughter.”

Sanghyuk eyes grew wide as he gasped for air. “What?!” he yelled.

The guy jumped back and blinked rapidly, struggling to regain his posture.

“You almost gave me a heart attack. I literally could have died you know, I have a heart condition.”

“Oh sorry,” Sanghyuk apologized. “I didn’t mean to almost kill you…or whatever. I was just shocked.”

“It’s ok, but you really did scare the hell out of me.” the guy said as began to calm down. “What were you two talking about anyways?”

Sanghyuk bit down on his lips nervously as he shifted his weight to one leg. “Oh nothing really…besides me calling her dad a complete weirdo.”

There was a brief silence between the two before the guy burst out in laughter.

“Now your reaction earlier makes complete sense to me now.”

“Do you think she’ll tell him? What if he like attacks me after class or something? Hyuk asked nervously clinching on to his books.

The guy stopped laughing and put a hand on Hyuk’s shoulder.

“If I’m giving you my honest opinion, get out now. Transfer, leave Seoul, whatever you can to be as far away from the Kangs as possible.”

Hyuk sighed. Why did have to go blabbing off to strangers? Now his college life would be over in a blink of an eye. He hung his head low in defeat and muttered inaudibly. The guy noticed Hyuk’s gloomy expression and immediately fell into another fit of laughter.

Hyuk looked up at him in confusion. “What?”

“You’re funny you know,” the guy replied as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “I’m Kim Minho, but you can just call me Minho.”

Hyuk still stood there with a blank expression as Minho reached in his bag and grabbed a pen and a notebook. He then ripped out a page and scribbled on it a bit before handing it to Hyuk.

“If you’re still alive after your run in with professor Kang call me and we can go grab lunch together ok?” he said with a smile.

Hyuk gave him a slight nod while looking down at the paper in his hand.

“Don’t worry too much about it, or you might literally die of a heart attack.” Minho joked as he turned and walked away.

Hyuk slid the piece of paper between his books and began to head for his dorm. He wouldn’t put anything past Professor Kang, but Minho was right he shouldn’t worry too much. For now he was just going to study for this assignment, whatever was going to happen between him and the professor is a problem for tomorrow. 

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa