Early Mornings

V6: Re-Born

It was early morning and Jaehwan lay sprawled out on his bed. He smiled brightly when the smell of pancakes filled his nostrils. That meant that N was making breakfast and nothing could compare to a meal made by N. Every morning in America he wished that somehow N would be there to greet him with a plate of bacon and pancakes, and now that he was home that wish was finally coming true. As the intoxicating smell grew stronger Jaehwan hopped out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.

Jaehwan entered the kitchen and saw N wearing a Hello Kitty apron, with batter on his cheeks as he plated the food. Once N was finished he looked up noticing Jaehwan staring from the archway. “Oh Ken you came just in time.” He said gesturing Jaehwan to come in with the wave of his hand. “I made pancakes and pork belly. Now before you say anything, I know that sounds like a weird combination but it was the closest thing to bacon I had in the fridge.”

 “It’s ok Hakyeon,” Jaehwan smiled, “I’m sure it’s just as delicious.”

 N smiled in return as he handed a plate of food to Jaehwan before grabbing his own and taking a seat at the dining table.

“So, what do you plan on doing for work now that you’re back in Korea?” N asked.

“I don’t know,” Ken shrugged. “I did Broadway in New York so maybe I’ll continue to do musicals here in Korea.”

“That reminds me of when we first met.” N said with a slight laugh. “Do you remember?”

“How could I not? You put me through hell then!” Ken laughed.

The two men met four years ago during a school musical. Jaehwan was a music major and played the role of the Scarecrow while N was the co-choreographer of the musical. Ken was one of the best singers in the musical, but he was also the worst dancer which led to many after school rehearsals with Hakyeon. N never took it easy on him, which he hated but strangely it’s what brought the two closer and they’d been friends ever since.

“Hey it’s not my fault you couldn’t even walk on beat!” N teased.

“I’ll have you know that I was the best dancer in my family.” Ken said in defense.

“I believe you.” N laughed. “Remember when we had that house warming party when we first moved in this place?”

“Don’t remind me,” Ken interrupted “My brother was so embarrassing.”

“I have yet to see anyone dance to Gee the way he did.” N said causing them both to burst into laughter.

“Anyways,” N began, “I have a friend who is working as a choreographer for this new musical called ‘Chocolate’.”

“What’s ‘Chocolate’ I never heard of that?” Ken asked.

“It’s an original musical about a Korean mother and the hardships she and her half Korean son faces.” N replied. “Which now that I think about it would be perfect for you since you kind of look American.”

“So who’s this friend of yours?” Ken said as he finished his remaining pancake.

“Song Qian, but we just call her Victoria because everything she’s worked on leads to success or ‘victory’, and also because it’s easier to pronounce.” N explained. “I’ll give her a call and tell her you’re interested.”

“Thanks Hakyeon, what would I do without you.” Ken said with a wide smile.

“Die.” N joked causing them to both laugh.

As Hakyeon went to call Victoria, Ken began to clean the kitchen when there was a knock on the front door. With soapy hands Ken rushed to the door, “Who is it?” he asked.

“Open it and find out” the person called from the other side of the door.

Jaehwan recognized that voice instantly, only Hongbin would say something like that, he had no respect Jaehwan thought so with a grin so sinister he decided to play a little game. He opened the door hiding behind it as Hongbin came in.

“Hongbin,” Ken called after shutting the door behind him, “What are you doing here so early?”

Hongbin turned to face Ken as his eyes grew wide and he shrieked. “Mom?!”

“Lower your voice!” Ken…no Hongbin’s mom replied.

“What are you doing here?!” Hongbin whispered furiously.

“Can’t you see I’m cleaning?” she said as she returned to the kitchen.

Hongbin frantically rushed after her. “Why? Who let you in?” he asked still whispering.

“Oh your handsome friend Jaehwan, he’s just so lovely!” she smiled while doing a slight shimmy.

“Where is Ken? I’m going to kill him!” Hongbin yelled as he turned in search of Jaehwan.

Hongbin’s mother laughed hysterically causing Hongbin to look upon her in confusion. Everything began to all make sense to him as he watched his mother change shape into a way too familiar blonde.

“I got you so good!” Ken said still laughing. “You should’ve seen your face, ‘Mom?!’ you’re so gullible!”

“Very funny,” Hongbin said sarcastically, “How was I supposed to know you used your powers?”

“You did what?” A very serious N asked as he walked in on the two of them.

“No-nothing.” Hongbin stammered.

Ken looked at the both of them unaware of what was happening.

“I shifted as Hongbin’s mother to get back at him.” Ken replied with a smile.

Hakyeon continued to glare at the two of them with the same serious face as before. He massaged his temple as he let out a frustrated sigh.

“Look Jaehwan,” he began. “You may not be aware of this since you left, but we don’t use our powers anymore.”

“What?” Jaehwan asked.

“We don’t use our powers anymore; it’s as simple as that.” N said as he stared coldly in Ken’s eyes.

“Why? I don’t under-“

“Because using our powers is what got Suho killed!” N yelled.

Ken stood there unable to speak. Hongbin quickly rushed over to N putting an arm around his shoulders and dragging him to his room. What had just happened? Ken thought to himself. He never knew that N still held onto what had happened two years ago and he couldn’t believe he blamed them. Jaehwan understood his grief because he himself left Korea because of it, but he couldn’t understand why N forbids the others from using their powers. It wasn’t right and N needed to know that.


A/N: Hi guys~ This is my first author's note (I had no idea how to do it before lol) This story is very difficult for me to write... Vixx is my ultimate bias group and I really want to do well with this story but I'm still in the process of learning to write fiction as I write this story. For my Leo and Keo fans out there forgive my lack of both those things but don't worry it'll be here soon :) Thank you all for sticking through and reading this far. I really appreciate it~ :3

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa