
V6: Re-Born

A few days later the guys arrived at the zoo, and Ken felt a bit accomplished because he couldn’t have picked a better day to come. The sun was at its peak as its rays reflected beautifully over the central zoo. The chill but settle breeze complimented the bright sun, birthing a radiant yet refreshing day perfect for an afternoon spent out.

Although Ken specifically instructed everyone to stay together the guys immediately split into groups of two. The 93 line Wonshik and Hongbin, who went to find the nearest concession stand, and N and Hyuk who went to look at cute baby gorillas, thus leaving Ken all alone.

“Hey, you guys can’t just leave me!” Ken called to the others who ignored him and continued on their own quests. “Ugh…why didn’t I have the power of persuasion?” Ken sighed to himself. 

Determined not to let the guys ruin his time at the zoo, Ken decided to make the most of his time alone and went to ride the zoo shuttle to see the lions. The shuttle was full of adorable rumbustious kids and their parents, as well as a few enthusiastic elders. There weren’t any empty seats available so Ken had no choice but to sit with someone, although he wasn’t the type to prefer to sit alone anyways. Towards the back of the shuttle a guy who appeared to be about Ken’s age sat alone with his head gently laid on the window. He had jet black hair, which was styled with messy bangs that covered his eyes slightly. He also wore a black and white tank top with a small V imprinted on its center. Ken thought he looked a bit scary to be honest, but he also believed he was a bit lonely and decided to remove that burden and sit next to him. The dark haired guy, failed to acknowledge Ken, besides a slight scoot in the opposite direction of him.

“Hi, I’m Jaehwan!” Ken said enthusiastically.

The guy only looked at Ken acknowledging his presence before looking away.

“What’s your name?” Ken asked.

The guy then turned around for the second time, however this time with a glare that could kill. “I’m…Taekwoon.” The scary dark haired guy replied in a soft voice. 

“Nice to meet you, Taekwoon!” Ken said brightly. “You don’t seem like the type to enjoy the zoo?”

“I do.” Taekwoon replied even lower than before.

“I do” Ken said mimicking Taekwoon’s voice. “You speak so softly. You’re not as scary as you seem.”

Taekwoon didn’t reply but only looked at Ken with pure confusion. Taekwoon thought that Ken was weird and a bit intrusive; however he in the weirdest sense kind of enjoyed his presence. 

“What’s your favorite animal?” Ken asked. “Ooh, I bet it’s the lion. You have this lion like presence, so it only makes sense that it’s the lion. I’m right aren’t I?”

“No…” Taekwoon said.

Ken furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He was pretty confident it was the lion.

“I don’t have a favorite…” Taekwoon admited breaking Ken’s train of thought.

“Ah I see,” Ken said, while staring at Taekwoon attempting to make eye contact. “Well if you think about it I wasn’t really wrong, I was actually right just not completely.” Ken laughed at what he had just said, while Taekwoon continued to stare out the shuttle’s window.

The shuttle took off around the zoo’s safari as Taekwoon and Ken, well mostly Ken, continued to talk about the many zoo animals as well as their personal lives. Ken did a couple of his impersonations; his grandma impersonation in particular earned him a fraction of a smile from Taekwoon. Although they’d just met Ken enjoyed talking to Taekwoon he’d even given him the nickname Leo, because he still believed the lion was Taekwoon’s favorite animal. Taekwoon was usually the loner type, he still was. Even though he never said it he enjoyed talking to Ken too. When the shuttle ride ended the two men said their goodbyes but not before Ken invited Taekwoon to the club he and the other guys were going to later that evening.

            The guys all met up at the zoo’s entrance near closing time. Hyuk and N were harboring huge bags of cotton candy, while Hongbin and Wonshik showed off their matching new zebra glasses. “I can see you all had fun.” Ken said jokingly.

“Yes we did. The gorillas were so cool Ken, you should’ve seen them.”  Hyuk said with slight awe.

“Their babies were so cute!” N squealed.

“Cuter than Hyuk?” Wonshik asked jokingly.

N just stood there for a moment, unsure on how to answer that question.

“I guess the gorillas are cuter than you Hyukkie.” Hongbin said causing the whole group to laugh.

After a few seconds of laughter N finally answered “No, that won’t do Hyukkie is definitely the cutest thing in Seoul.” which only caused the group to laugh harder, well everyone except Hyuk.

“So what’d you do today Ken?” Wonshik asked.

“I rode the shuttle.” Ken replied as he stole a piece of Hyuk’s cotton candy.

“Sorry, for leaving you alone Ken.” Hongbin apologized.

“I wasn’t alone,” Ken assured the younger. “I was with Leo.”

“Who’s Leo?” N asked.

“His name is Taekwoon. I met him on the shuttle, we talked the entire time.” Ken explained “I also invited him to the club later, in case you four plan on abandoning me again.”

“We never abandoned you Jaehwan, you were more than welcome to have come along.” N said while offering Ken his cotton candy to soften his mood.

“Thanks, but I’m ok now.” Ken replied.

“Um I really hate to interrupt you guys,” Hyuk said sarcastically, “but can we go now? It’s time to get ready for tonight.”

“Hyuk’s right, Wonshik said. “Let’s go you guys.”

“Can I drive?” Hyuk asked.

“NO!” the rest of the guys yelled in unison before they all headed home to prepare for tonight


A/N: Hi guys~ finally we have the addition of Leo. Belive it or not this was actually the first thing I wrote for this story and everything before this was written after so if it seems a bit different or left field thats why. I hope you enjoyed it and let's hope to see more Keo in the future.

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa