
V6: Re-Born

"Can you believe we're actually back here… and training?" Hyuk said glancing over their cased uniforms.  Being in the old warehouse was almost foreign to him. Two years ago, coming here was an everyday thing for Hyuk and back then he dreaded it like every teenage boy would. Now after being away for so long he felt a rush of excitement and a bit reminiscent.

"I know," Hongbin voiced from behind, "It's surreal."

Hyuk turned around to face Hongbin with a giddy smile that stretched from ear to ear. “You think my uniform still fits?"

"I doubt it." Hongbin laughed. Hyuk shot him a dirty look and turned back to face the glass casing. He knew it’d been years since he last put on his suit, and since then puberty hit him pretty hard, but none of that was going to stop him.

"There's only one way to find out." Hyuk smirked as he opened the glass casing pulling out the old uniform. Hongbin watched as Hyuk squeezed himself into the armored body suit.

"I think it's a little small." Hyuk stated, feeling his limbs became stiff once he was inside.

"You think?!" Hongbin laughed. Hyuk looked ridiculous. The sleeves stopped just below his elbows, the pants became capris, and he couldn't even zip it up all the way. The uniform was so tight that Hongbin was almost certain that there was no oxygen supply below his waist.

"Remind me to tell N about this later. Now help me out of this thing… I can't breathe." After 30 minutes of tug of war with Hyuk suit, the two headed to the break room to talk.

"N is going to kill us for slacking." Hongbin joked as he grabbed a bottled water from the fridge.

"Don't worry, if he tries to I'll fly us out of here." Hyuk laughed.

"So," Hongbin began, "How's Jiyoung?"

Hyuk sighed, "She's fine. I still worry about her though she took it pretty hard."

"It’s only natural she lost her father. At least she has you by her side right?"

Hyuk crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch. "Yeah, but is that really a good thing?"

Hongbin looked at Hyuk with wide eyes, "What do you mean?"

"He's back,” Hyuk stated, “what if he comes after her to get to me?"

"That won't happen,” Hongbin said twisting off the cap of his water bottle, “He doesn't know who we are and he won't know as long as we’re careful." 

"You're right...I shouldn't worry too much."

"It's only because you care for her. Our little Hyukkie is in love~" Hongbin teased as he pinched Hyuk's cheeks.

Hyuk slapped his hands away and shielded his face. "Stop it you're acting like Hakyeon."

Hongbin shivered in disgust, "You're right. I'll never do that again."

The break room door opened causing the two men to hop out of their seats. Ravi entered the room and gave the two of them an odd look.

"What are you two doing?"

"Nothing," Hongbin stated easing back into his comfortable spot on the couch. Hyuk followed suit as well.

"You thought I was N didn't you?" Ravi asked taking a seat at the table on the right side of the room.

"Was it that obvious?"

"A little," Ravi laughed, "Just so you guys know N doesn't use that door he just teleports in and out."

"He's a bit extreme now that he's using his powers again huh?” Hyuk uttered.

"He's basically a kid in the candy store, but I'm glad to see him out of that hole he put himself in." Ravi said.

"We should celebrate," Hongbin said looking between the two men.

"And do what exactly?" Hyuk asked as he sat up straight with slight interest in where this was heading.

Hongbin held his hands up and mapped the air with an invisible sign, "Bowling,” he announced, “just like old times.”

"To be honest I’d do anything to get out of this warehouse." Hyuk joked.

"Agreed," Ravi laughed.

“Then let’s go round up Hakyeon and Ken and head out.” Hongbin stood up and waltzed out the room.

“I didn’t think he meant right now,” Ravi said. Hyuk shrugged and followed Hongbin out the break room.

“Wait up!” Ravi called stumbling out of the room as well.

The guys found N in the simulation room, just across the hall. By the looks of it he had just finished a simulation. His breathing was staggered and he was drenched in sweat. Once N noticed the guys in the room Hongbin informed him on their plans and he agreed to go only asking for an hour or two to get cleaned up and change out of his drenched sweats. Ravi left with N, while Hongbin and Hyuk went off to find Ken.

Unsurprisingly they found him in the combat center practicing his jabs on one of the punching bags.

“Jaehwanie~” Hongbin called.

Ken turned around and laughed at Hongbin attempting to be cute. It didn’t suit him at all.

“Ew,” Hyuk spat as his clenched his fists.

“I’m sorry,” Hongbin laughed.

“What is it?” Ken asked.

“We’re going bowling,” Hongbin stated, “Are you coming?”

“I can’t,” Ken pouted, “I have a date tonight with Taekwoon.”

“Boo,” Hyuk chanted in the background.

“You can bring him with you,” Hongbin suggested, “It’ll be fun.”

Ken bit his lip as he pondered on the idea. Bowling with the guys was a guaranteed good time but would Leo be ok with their one on one time becoming four plus two? He looked between Hyuk and Hongbin and could see the glitter of hope in their eyes.

“Ok, I’ll go.”

“Great,” Hongbin chirped. “Hyukkie and I are going to go get ready so we’ll see you and Taekwoon there.”

Ken nodded and watched as Hongbin and Hyuk left the combat center and out of the warehouse. He headed towards the break room to find his phone. He messaged Taekwoon informing him of the change of plans. Taekwoon quickly replied saying that he would meet him there. Ken was relieved to see that Taekwoon wasn’t bothered by his sudden request. He grabbed his phone and keys and left the warehouse.

It was extremely cold outside. The winds were strong and sent shivers down Ken’s spine as he walked to his car. He cranked the heat in his car on high and sat there as his body defrosted. He put the car in reverse but before he hit the gas he saw movement in his rearview mirror. It looked to be just a shadow but what frightened Jaehwan was that it came from inside the car not out. He turned his head, glancing over the backseat of his car. There was nothing there.

Jaehwan began to think he was just imagining things. He returned to his previous position and backed the car out of the lot. Just as he put the gear in drive a gloved hand covered his mouth and jerked his head back hard on the seat. Ken released serval muffled screams, desperately trying to fight his way out. His body started to go still and his vision became murky. The last thing he saw before it all went black was a hooded figured in the back seat. The hood casted a shadow over his face and the only thing visible was his crimson red eyes.

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa