
V6: Re-Born

Hyuk watched Leo as he sat silently in the front seat of Hongbin’s car. They were on their way back to N’s place. N had offered to teleport them there but Leo had refused he was in no mood to repeat the event from earlier. He hadn’t said a word since then. Hyuk was a bit concerned about him, but he also understood the silence. Before earlier today Leo had been in the dark about so much and now he wasn’t.

He knew everything they did and not all of it was pretty. Not to mention how powerless he must feel right now. Ken is missing most likely in the hands of a psychotic killer, who was powerful enough to stop Hyuk and the others two years ago, and even kill one of them. What was someone like Leo to do in a situation like this? Hyuk wished he could comfort him but he couldn’t. Nothing he could say would. They had no idea where Ken was, and even if they did Hyuk wasn’t sure if they were even strong enough to save him. They might even end up dead themselves.

The car stopped moving and Hyuk realized they had made it N’s place and were now in his driveway. They entered the house one by one and everyone expect Leo, who went straight to the back, took a seat in the living room.

“How do you think he’s taking all this?” N asked

“Not well,” Hongbin spoke, “I know I said I wouldn’t but I may have read his mind.”

“Hongbin!” N scolded,

“I know…but I couldn’t help it, he just got so quiet and I just wanted to know if he was ok.”

“That’s no excuse,” N began before a loud scream cut him short. They all got up and ran towards the sound. “What is it?!” N asked Taekwoon, who was on the ground just outside of Ken’s room with a hand on his chest. Taekwoon pointed inside the room and N and the others all filed in. Hyuk eyes grew wide at the sight in front of him. Jaehwan stood there drenched in sweat and damped clothing. A glowing red aura surrounded his body but quickly faded away.

“Oh My God,” N uttered, “Jaehwan?”

Ken looked up at him at bit dazed, “Hakyeon? Is that you?” he asked.

N rushed over to Jaehwan embracing him in a tight hug, “It’s me, Jaehwan” he whispered in his ear. “I’m here.”

Jaehwan returned the hug closing his eyes before the tears began to fall. Ravi approached the two and hugged them both. Shortly after Hongbin and Hyuk followed suit. They all stayed like that in a group hug, hugging each other until the tears stopped rolling from Jaehwan’s face and the time they lost between each other seemed to return to them. 

Leo entered the room and watched the scene in front of him still slightly confused. “Jaehwan?” he spoke.

Ken looked up and made eye contact with him. He released his grip on the others and pulled away. “Can you guys give us a moment alone please?”

N nodded and they all left the room closing the door behind them, leaving Ken and Leo alone.

“Is it really you?” Leo asked from across the room.

“I think so,” Ken smiled.

“They told me about you…they told me everything.”

Ken broke his gaze with Leo and looked at the ground, “I’m sorry, I should have told you myself…”

Leo took a step closer to Jaehwan, “It’s okay…I probably wouldn’t have believed you anyways.”

Ken chuckled as he looked back up at Leo, “I wouldn’t have believed me either.”

“Are you okay?” Leo asked as he took another step closer.

“Honestly…” Ken began, “I don’t know, I’m just glad to be back…to see you again.”

“Same here…I missed you Jaehwan,” Leo said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Ken closed the gap between them resting his head on Taekwoon’s shoulder. “I missed you too.”

Taekwoon wrapped his arms around Jaehwan and pulled him closer until their bodies pressed against one another. Ken looked up in his eyes and pressed his lips against Taekwoon’s. As their lips locked in a passionate exchange of love, Leo pulled at the bottom of Jaehwan’s shirt trying to remove it. Ken pulled back still staring into Taekwoon eyes, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Taekwoon nodded and Jaehwan removed his shirt from his body before reconnecting his lips with Taekwoon. Piece by piece clothing fell to the floor as the two men made their way to the bed in the center of the room.

Leo placed a hand on Jaehwan’s face and brushed his cheeks with his thumb as he laid atop him. “Jaehwan,”

“Leo…” Ken smiled lovingly as he stared into Taekwoon’s eyes.

Leo pulled Ken closer to him, their bodies touching as heat radiated through them both. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Ken professed.

The room was then filled with strings of passion and sounds of love as the sheets became animated and both men were filled with deep sensual ecstasy.

Two hours later Jaehwan entered the living room, his hand interlocked with Taekwoon who stood directly beside him. As they took a seat on the empty love seat in between the others, N stared at them with a smile on his face.

“Well I hope you two had fun ‘catching up’” N teased.

Leo blushed a rosy shade of pink, while Ken looked down with a knowing grin on his face.

“You can give us the details later,” N chuckled, “Right now we have more important things to discuss…” N trailed off as he noticed the exposed bruises that colored Ken’s body.

Jaehwan noticed N’s inquisitive eyes and tried to cover his wounds with his hands.

“What happened to you Jaehwan?” he continued.

Jaehwan swallowed harshly as he recalled the events that took course over the past three days. “I was kidnapped. It all happened so fast…I was on my way to the bowling alley to meet you guys and then…it all went black.”

“Did you see who took you?” Ravi asked.

Ken nodded, “I didn’t see him when he took me, but I saw him once I came to…”

“Was it him?” N voiced. Ken could see the intensity in N’s eyes. They were filled with hate but underneath that hatred Jaehwan could see a flicker of sorrow.

“No,” Jaehwan confessed. Hakyeon furrowed his brows in confusion, he looked around the room at the others who seemed just as baffled as he was.

“Jaehwan…” N said as he stared into Ken’s eyes. “What do you mean it wasn’t him?”

“It wasn’t him…” Ken replied, “I wish it was…but it wasn’t him.”

“Then who was it?”

Ken stared at them, picturing how they would react if they knew the truth. Would they even believe him? Would it break them?

“Jaehwan,” N called, but Ken didn’t respond. He couldn’t.

As Jaehwan sat there in a trance, N turned to Hongbin giving him a slight nod. Hongbin heeded his leader’s silent instructions and dove into the depths of Ken’s mind.

“Oh my god,” Hongbin breathed.

“What is it?” Hyuk asked, and everyone in the room turned to face Hongbin.

Hongbin looked towards Ken, who stared back at him filled with remorse.

“It was Suho…”

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa