
V6: Re-Born

“There you are!” Ravi yelled as he rushed to embrace his brother in a tight hug. “I’ve been looking for you since I heard the news.”

“I’m okay.” Hyuk lied as he rested in his brother arms. He had just arrived at N’s place and he could tell by his brother’s extreme reaction that he was worried about him. Hyuk on the other hand was more worried about him and the others. He worried about how they would take what he was going to tell them.

“We’re sorry to hear about what happened to your Professor.” N said from his position on the couch. Ken sat next to him and nodded his head in agreeance. Once Ravi let go of him the two of them joined them in the living room.

“Are you doing ok?” Ravi asked.

“I told you I’m okay,” Hyuk replied as he searched the room for Hongbin. “Where’s Hongbin?”

“Who knows?” Ken shrugged. “I’ll call him.”

As Ken went off to call Hongbin, N stared at Hyuk studying his body language. He could tell something was up. The way Hyuk sat there slowly rubbing his hands together, only making eye contact with the floor and no one else. This wasn’t the actions of someone in grief but someone who had something to hide.

“What is it?” he finally asked.

Hyuk looked up at him and then back to the floor, “What do you mean?”

N looked over to Ravi. “He’s hiding something. I know it.”

Ravi looked to Hyuk who made eye contact with him briefly before looking away.

“Hyukkie?” Ravi began, “Do you have something to tell us?”

Hyuk nodded, “I do, but I will tell you once Hongbin gets here.”

N clapped his hands together, “I knew it!”

Ravi ignored N and continued to stare at Hyuk. “What is it? Why do we need to wait for Hongbin?

“I have to use the bathroom.” Hyuk said. He quickly stood and rushed towards the bathroom. He reached the bathroom door only to find Ravi standing in front of it. He sighed, “Stupid super speed.” He thought to himself.

“You should know better to run away from me,” Ravi said as he crossed his arms. “Now answer my question why do we need to wait for Hongbin?”

“It’s something that you all need to hear…together.”

Ravi moved closer to Sanghyuk only inches away from his face. He tilted his head and looked into his eyes. After a while he stood back and sighed. “It’s bad isn’t it?”

Sanghyuk nodded and Ravi sighed again before moving off from in front of the bathroom door.

“Then I’ll wait.” He said, “The bathroom is all yours.”

            After pretending to use the bathroom Hyuk returned to the living room moments later. Ken informed him that Hongbin was on his way and would be there any minute now. As they waited for Hongbin to arrive N grabbed a case of beer from the fridge and they all grabbed a bottle and drank in silence. The only noise that could be heard was the sound of Ken’s fingers tapping his phone as he messaged Taekwoon. There was finally a knock on the door. Ken tossed his phone aside and went to open it. Hyuk could feel his stomach knot as Hongbin entered the living room.

“What’s going on guys?” Hongbin asked as he took a seat next to N on the couch.

            “Hyuk has something to tell us.” Ravi said flatly.

            As all eyed centered on him Hyuk cleared his throat before beginning to speak. “It’s about the professor.”

Hongbin frowned and lower his eyes. “I heard about that on my way here. It’s so sad.”

“He was murdered,” Hyuk continued, “decapitated.”

“That’s sick.” Ken spat in disgust.

Hyuk took his phone out of his back pocket and opened up a picture from his gallery. “Look at this.” He said tossing the phone at the center of the coffee table for all of them to see.

“Turn it off.” Ravi hissed

“Oh my god.” Ken gasped. “You don’t think it means…”

“He’s back.” Hyuk frowned. “This is clearly a message.”

N stood up, his face full of sorrow. “I can’t do this right now.” He ran off to his room slamming the door behind him.

“I’m going to go check on him.” Ravi uttered, running off after N.

“What do we do?” Hongbin asked looking between Hyuk and Ken.

“I don’t know,” Ken sighed “We can’t do anything without N. For now we stay low be on guard and watch our backs. If this is really him he’ll strike again we just have to be ready for it.”

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa