
V6: Re-Born

“You’ve disappointed me.” A man spoke as he stared at the full moon above him. He turned slowly and walked over to an unclothed man covered in fresh dirt.

“I’m sorry,” the man spoke. He then checked his surrounding to find himself in a cemetery he knew too well. The winds were strong this night he held himself close to protect his pale bare skin.

“Failure is such an ugly thing,” the man kneeled in front of the other staring him directly in the eye, “I gave you the greatest gift one could ever receive…a second chance.” He then pointed to the tombstone behind the man in the buff, “Don’t make me take it away.”

Fear coursed through the bare man’s entire body. A feeling he had yet to feel in his second life until now. He turned to face the tombstone as well, reading the fine carved print with a bit of remorse. Kim “Suho” Jun-myeon.  He turned back to the man in front of him, a shadow casting over half of his face. The side that glowed in the moonlight displayed his glaring doe eyes, and plump lips gentility crafted on his round face. Besides the stone cold look in his eye he appeared to be a good man, but Suho knew he was far from it. He had seen the evil things he’s done over the course of his second life, and the shadowed part of his face mirrored it perfectly.

“I won’t,” Suho declared, staring into the man’s dark red eyes. “Whatever happened to me…it…it won’t happen again.”

“Weakness.” The man said sternly, “That’s what happened to you. I hope for your sake it won’t happen again.” The man reached out a hand towards Suho. “Come, we’ve wasted enough time here.”

Suho stared lifelessly at his reflection as he slowly placed the laced black button up over his shoulders. The man from before, or as Suho calls him “his maker”, teleported them back to his place a few minutes ago. Suho has been here many times but he was never allowed to leave the basement. He always assumed his maker was hiding something from him, but in actuality it was Suho who he was hiding from everyone else. Suho understood why he couldn’t be seen by anyone he’s been “dead” for two years, but what he didn’t understand was why his maker pretended to be like everyone else. He didn’t understand the reasoning behind his false identity. He had asked why once before and the scar on left arm reminded him to never ask again.

If only he had the ability to hide the blood red color of his pupils like his maker, he would sneak off to the side of the world where no one knew him and try to live life once more.

“What’s wrong with me?” Suho breathed to himself as he turned away from the mirror. He shouldn’t be thinking like that. He only had one purpose in this new life and that was to kill those traitors. They let him die. They sat there and watched as his head was torn apart from his body. They sat there weak and groveling as his murderer escaped. Because of them he was now like this…a monster!

Suho eyes flashed a bright red as he began to fill with rage. He pictured each and every one of their deaths, their blood drenching his palms. He grinned reveling in revenge.

“Suho,” a voice called from behind. He turned to see his maker standing near the stairway.


“Now that you’re dressed, it time for us to begin your restoration.”

Suho stared at his maker slightly confused, “What do you mean? I’m fine.”

His maker laughed at him hysterically, “You are very funny….” He then disappeared from sight and before Suho could even turn in search for him he reappeared. He held Suho high in the air by his throat as he squeezed relentlessly, robbing Suho of all oxygen.

“You are weak.” His maker said nonchalantly, the smile on his face long gone. “How are you to kill your friends when you can’t even free yourself from my grasp?” He released Suho from his grasp throwing him to a nearby wall. Suho held his throat as he frantically gasped for air.

“You let your weakness get to you in that shed…letting all my hard work fall to shambles. We don’t have much time until the blood moon. You must be restored to your former strength before then. No, you must be stronger than you were before or you’re going to get us both killed.” 

“They aren’t that powerful…” Suho said under his breath.

“That’s where you’re wrong,” His maker spoke, “They fought my brother and lived. Unfortunately their lives costed my brother his…”

Suho sat there silently as he watched his maker’s demeanor change drastically. He’d never seen this side of him before. He seemed so vulnerable, defeated almost.

“I felt it,” he continued, “I felt my brother leave this world. It’s an unexplainable feeling, a pain that lingers with you each and every hour of each day. He was strong…stronger than me even…but it wasn’t enough, he failed and Dorado doesn’t like failure.”

Realization began to cast over Suho. He stood, his fist clenched on both sides, “Who is your brother?”

His maker looked up at him. He noticed the fire in Suho eyes and smirked, “I guess I over shared a bit?”

“Who is your brother?!” Suho yelled,

His maker rolled his eyes and stood up, “Just when we were beginning to bond…oh well.” He approached Suho staring him directly in the eye, “I think we both know who my brother is, but if you need a name I’ll gladly give it to you.”

“Say it,” Suho spat.


The named echoed through Suho ears, rage overwhelming him as the color from his skin began to fade. His eyes burned with fury as he conjured all his strength. Lightning pierced through the ceiling and strong winds coursed through the basement. Furniture flew across the room and weaved around to the pull of the wind. The house shook as it began to level. The grin on his maker’s face began to fade as Suho eyes became pitch black. The house lifted from the ground surrounded in hurricane like winds.

“You deceived me!” Suho screamed. “You’re going to pay you son of a !”

Suho glowed a crimson red. He charged at his maker full force unaffected by the unstable state of the house punching him with all his might. His maker fell to the ground blood spilling from his mouth. Before he could rise again Suho kicked him in the face sending him sliding across the room. His maker groaned in pain as he choked on the blood that leaked from his face. He could feel himself being lifted from the ground, Suho had him by the throat.

“Any last words?” Suho asked, penetrating his nails through his maker’s throat.

His maker spit the blood that filled the inside of his mouth on to Suho’s face. “You…You’ve impressed me.”

Suho furrowed his brows at his maker words, but proceeded to squeeze the life from his limb body. He watched as his maker’s eyes began to roll to the back of his head.


The faint whisper rang through Suho’s head. Color returned to his eyes and he lost the grip on his maker, letting him fall to the ground. Suho held his head in pain as he began to lose balance he tilted and fell to the ground tumbling towards a gap in the floor board. He fell through the floor board falling through twelve feet of air. He hit the ground and everything went black.

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa