
V6: Re-Born

Leo sat idly on his living room couch with his close friend Kyungsoo. The room was filled with the sounds of an intense FIFA match coming from his HDTV and occasional shouts of either cheer or frustration coming from the man next to him. Leo knew nothing of what was happening on the screen in front of him because he couldn't pull himself away from his phone. It's been a week since he last spoke to Ken and even then it didn't go so well, with him running off and all. He didn't mean for their meeting to end the way it did but he was just overwhelmed.

When Jaehwan told him he dated a guy before he could feel his heart pound rapidly and a light tingle in his stomach. Leo was no idiot, he knew what that meant. He knew then that his desire to be next to Jaehwan was for more than just friendship and that scared him. It wasn't right his love for Jaehwan, he felt dirty and bad. Love wasn't supposed to be shared between two men, or at least that's what he always been told. Although Leo was afraid of his true feelings for Jaehwan he didn't want to lose him completely, he still valued their blossoming friendship. He wanted to text him and tell him he was sorry for the way things went but he didn't know how and who knows maybe Jaehwan isn't even upset with him and he's about to message him any time now. He glanced over his cell phone again and sighed.

"This is the fiftieth time you've sighed while staring at that thing today."

The room became quiet and Leo looked away from his phone to see Kyungsoo staring at him a bit uneasy.

"I'm sorry..." Leo said.

Kyungsoo turned off the game and moved closer to Leo. "It's ok. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

"Come on Taekwoon don't play dumb. You're already being a downer, when this is supposed to be our guys’ night. You could at least give me an explanation why?"

"Ok..." Taekwoon breathed.

"Finally," Kyungsoo said with a dorky smile.

"I have a friend and I think I'm starting to have feelings for this romantically."

Kyungsoo raised a brow, "Is this the friend you've been standing me up for?"

Leo flashed Kyungsoo an annoyed look.

"You're right that's not the point right now," Kyungsoo quickly stated, "Does this friend share your feelings?"

"I don't know," Leo shrugged, "but I think that it's possible."

"Then what's the problem? Just ask her out already!" Kyungsoo exclaimed as he gave Leo a strong pat on the shoulder.

Leo lowered his gaze and bit his lip. Kyungsoo noticed and furrowed his brows. "What?  She not ugly is she? Are you afraid I might judge you?"

Leo shook his head.  He didn't know what to say he couldn't lie to Kyungsoo but how could he tell him that she is a he.

"I wouldn't judge you. You know I would never do that. Do you have a picture?" He continued.

Leo nodded. Maybe this was the way to tell him without telling him and if his reaction was bad he would just say it was the wrong photo. He picked up his phone unlocked it and headed to his gallery. He scrolled through it until he found a picture of him and Jaehwan together at the club. He then handed the phone to Kyungsoo.

"Now let's see if you had anything to worry about," Kyungsoo said before looking at the screen. He stared at the photo in front of him and Leo watched him as his smile faded and he knitted his brows. Kyungsoo opened his mouth to speak but closed it as his eyes grew wide.

"Oh..." He said. "This is the friend isn't it?"

Leo nodded. He didn't see any signs of anger in Kyungsoo's expression so he decided to tell the truth.

"Now I understand the problem at least..." He chuckled. When he noticed Leo's still gloomy expression he sighed and put an arm around his shoulders.

"Listen Taekwoon...I can't speak from experience and tell you that I understand how you feel right now. I can tell you that love is love. Whatever you feel for that guy is no different from what I may feel one day about some girl."

Taekwoon made eye contact with Kyungsoo.


"No buts" Kyungsoo interrupted, "I know you Taekwoon. I know when you're passionate about something you see it to the end. I can tell by the way you've been glued to that phone that this guy is something you're passionate about, don't let your fear allow you to lose that passion."

"What if I accept my feelings and tell him? What happens if he doesn't feel the same and I lose him anyways?"

"That's a chance you'll have to take. I mean look at you he would be crazy to turn you down." Kyungsoo said with a smile. "Besides I'm always here to lift you back up if things go wrong."

Leo pulled Kyungsoo into a tight hug. "Thank you" he said.  He released his grip on Kyungsoo, grabbed his phone and searched for Jaehwan’s number.


To: Jaehwan

We need to talk. There's something I have to tell you.


A/N:Hi guys~ Today is my one year anniversery on AFF *throws confetti* Keo was the reason I lost countless hours of my life on this site and the reason I'm still here today. I want to thank all the Keo writers out there who inspired me to write this and I want to thank my lovely readers who are supporting me now. Anyways I hope you like this chapter I wrote it a few weeks ago along with the next chapter, saving them just for today :) Bye~

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa