Full Circle

V6: Re-Born

After cleaning himself up in the bathroom sink, Leo exited the dorm’s bathroom to see three additional faces in the dorm room. They all looked at him with a mix of amusement and concern, and Leo couldn’t help but to feel a bit embarrassed. As he stood there awkwardly, Hyuk took it upon himself to approach him.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” He whispered to Taekwoon, “It happens to the best of us.” Hyuk wrapped an arm around Taekwoon’s shoulder and lead him to the empty twin bed on the left side of the room. “This is my bed,” he said, “If you still feel a bit nauseous you can lay here.”

Taekwoon shook his head, “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” N asked, “I’m pretty sure all of this is a lot to take in, and you don’t even know the half of it.”

“I’m fine,” Taekwoon repeated, “You’re right this is a bit much for me to process…until now I didn’t even believe anything like what you did was even possible. I thought it was all myths and science fiction.”

“I sort of understand how you feel,” Hyuk said as he took a seat next to Taekwoon, “Believe it or not I was in your position once.”

“It’s true,” Ravi chimed in, “I discovered my abilities before Hyuk even developed his, and when he found out about them he freaked.”

“What are your abilities?” Leo asked.

“Super Strength and Speed. I’m sort of like Jessica Jones and Quicksilver in one.” Ravi explained.

“I have the ability to read minds as well as move things with my own,” Hongbin spoke. “If I wanted to I could read every single one of your thoughts right now. I mean I won’t because you know…privacy.”

“You’ve already seen what I can do,” N said.

“And I can fly,” Hyuk revealed, “Although I’m not as strong as my brother I to have enhanced strength and my own trump card, the ability to heal the wounds of others.”

Leo was dumbfounded. He couldn’t find the words to express the spectrum of emotions and thoughts that flowed through him at the moment. Before this he thought discovering he was gay was the biggest revelation of his life, but this…this is just. “Wow,” he breathed.

“You guys are like superheroes…no you are superheroes.” Leo couldn’t help but laugh. He couldn’t believe the first guy he ever fell for was a freaking superhero. Then it hit him. Taekwoon’s entire demeanor changed settling on somber.   He was so stunted by the fact that N and the others had superpowers he’d forgotten why he even found out in the first place. Jaehwan was missing.

The others quickly noticed and shared glances between each other until N decided to speak up.

“It’s Jaehwan isn’t it?”

Taekwoon nodded.

“Well since you know our secret,” N continued, “there’s no need to lie to you anymore.” 


Jaehwan stared at the man across the room with pure hatred. He wasn’t the same man he had known and even considered a brother two years ago. He would never do the things this man had done to him over the past three days, but maybe that’s just the effects death has on a person. The first few days Ken tried to be sympathetic with his old friend input reason into him. He tried so desperately to bring him to his senses make him realize they weren’t the bad guys, to return him to his normal self, but it had all failed.

Jaehwan’s attempts had only caused him pain both physically and mentally. Suho was long gone, and this monster that tortured Jaehwan relentlessly each night had took his place.

“Are you imaging my death right now?” Suho grinned from across the room, “I’ll have to admit if I didn’t have you restrained, and not to mention virtually powerless. I’d be pretty frightened right now.”  He got up from the stool he sat on and walked across the room until he was just inches away from Jaehwan’s face. “You know you’ve really glammed up over the years. Even with that hideous scowl written over your face you are still as handsome as ever…that Taekwoon kid must be doing quite the number on you.”

“You leave Leo out of this!” Ken yelled.

“Leo?” Suho chuckled, “Is that your pet name for him or something? Do you have one for me?”

“How about face? I think it suits you quite well.” Ken spat.

“It’s not as cute as Leo but I’ll take it anyways,” Suho eased closer to Ken, so close that Ken could feel his breath against his cheeks. He leaned in and kissed Ken on the cheek. Ken couldn’t disguise his disgust as the scowl on his face intensified, however he felt this strange course of power flow through him upon contact.

“I thought we’d seal the deal with a kiss.” Suho said, “I’ve always wondered if I’d chosen the wrong guy…”

“You’re sick.” Ken remarked, “He loved you and I would hate for him to see every bit of scum you’ve become.”

Suho eyes flashed red and the red aurora that encased itself around Ken’s body tightened. It felt as if Ken’s limbs were crushing as needles pierced through every inch of his skin.

“And I would hate for him to find you dead…” Suho growled.

Ken screamed in pain and soon after the pain ceased to exist. Ken looked up to see Suho still standing inches away but his eyes weren’t red at all they were dark brown. Suho fell to the ground and held his temple with both hands.

“My head…” he said almost inaudible. “It hurts…”

“Hakyeon!” he yelled as he fell back on his back and started to shake rapidly. The color in his eyes began to fade and Ken could hear thunder heed through the sky and rain hitting heavily against the shed.  The red aurora that encased Ken in restraints disappeared and Ken dropped to the ground. He quickly got up and ran over to Suho who looked to be having a seizure and tried to restrain him. Jaehwan pressed down on Suho’s shoulder to keep him still and a surge of power rushed through him. Jaehwan eyes flashed red and soon everything went dark…

What have you done to me?”

“Who are you?”

“Stop It! Please!”

Please!” Jaehwan yelled as he shot up from his position on the ground. He looked around to see that he was still inside the molded wooden shed. He was drenched in sweat and what appeared to be water that leaked from the ceiling.

“Suho?” he looked around the room and Suho was gone. He ran out of the shed and there was no one in sight. The beach which he was standing had long been abandoned. A million thoughts rushed through his head too fast for him to process. He held his head with belief that this would somehow help him center his thoughts. A vision of Taekwoon flashed through his mind and suddenly the red aurora that once held him prisoner emitted from Jaehwan’s body and in a blink of an eye he was inside his very own bedroom.

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa