
V6: Re-Born

It felt like he had been running after him for hours. As much as Sanghyuk called out to him he just kept going never even acknowledging Hyuk’s presence. Eventually he stopped running and sat down at a bus stop. He sat there calmly staring straight ahead refusing to look to his sides. Hyuk sat next to him staring straight ahead as well. He knew it was pointless to try to speak, he had learned that much on the run here. However he knew leaving Jaehwan alone wasn’t what he should do either, so he just sat there. Whatever Jaehwan was going to do, whatever was going to happen next, Hyuk would be there by his side.

The bus pulled up a few minutes later, as the passengers piled in and out, Ken still sat there staring straight forward. He continued like that for hours. The sun had set and they were still there unmoving. Somewhere in between Ravi called Hyuk asking if everything was ok which Hyuk replied that everything was fine. Hyuk looked down at his phone and it read 12 o’clock. It was midnight and Ken hadn’t moved or said a word since he left N’s place.

Hyuk's stomach began to growl loudly and he quickly covered it to lessen the sound. He looked towards Jaehwan who looked at him with a smile.

“I think it’s angry.” He said with a laugh. Hyuk then began to laugh with him.

“Are you ok?” Hyuk asked once the laughter died down.

Jaehwan nodded his head.

“Good.” Hyuk said with a smile. “Now can we go eat?”

Jaehwan laughed. “Yeah let’s head back and I’ll order pizza.”

He raffled Hyuk’s hair with his hand before the two headed back to N’s place.

As they entered the house N rushed to them and grabbed them both into a tight hug.

“You had me worried sick!” he mumbled into Ken’s shoulder. He raised his head and looked back and forth between the two of them. “Where have you been?! I was worried that you two had been dead or worse.”

“What could be worse than being dead?” Hyuk asked with a laugh.

N hit him on the shoulder, “I’m serious!”

Hyuk winced in pain as he rubbed his shoulder. “Ravi didn’t tell you that he called and I told him we were ok?”

“No.” N said as the folded his arms, “I’m going to kill Wonshik.”

“If you need any help I’m always here.” Hyuk joked.

N smiled at him before turning to Ken. “Look, I realized that what happened earlier wasn’t right. I was so stuck in my emotions that I failed to acknowledge how you all felt. I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Wonshik and Hongbin earlier, you guys can use your powers whenever you want because it’s your lives.”

“Are you serious?” Hyuk asked with wide eyes.

“Yes.” N replied. “However I won’t be using mine. As the leader I should have taken the group’s feeling in account instead of forcing you guys to accept only mine’s. I apologize. When you two left earlier and were gone for hours, I realized how important you guys are to me. You are like my brothers and I never want to lose you guys. I’m not going to let some stupid ban make that a reality.”

Hyuk looked over to Ken who had tears rolling down his cheeks. He was also smiling and Hyuk knew those were tears of joy. Ken then pulled N into another tight hug, apologizing for earlier and thanking him for his decision.

“I love you Hakyeon.” He said still holding onto N tightly.

“I love you too Jaehwan.” N replied tightening his grip as well.

 As they released each other Hyuk’s stomach growled loudly for the second time that night.

“I guess he’s still angry.” Hyuk said causing the three of them to burst into laughter

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa