
V6: Re-Born

Two years later…

            “Power, a word we are all familiar of but hold a different meaning to each and every one of us. To some power is a simple form of electricity, and to others it is the ability that sets you a step above everyone else. For the eccentric or as modern language has come to define as science-fiction geeks, power is the ability to fly, have super enhanced abilities, and spidey senses…” The professor trails off to a brief pause as the class engulfs in laughter. “However in this class power, is the rate of doing work, which is what I expect from each of you over this semester unless you rather end up with a nice and frivolously written F on your final transcript? On that note welcome to Physics 201 everyone!”

            After the professor’s lengthy and a bit frightening introduction, the class continued in the typical sense, going over lab procedures and notable equations with the occasional sarcasm from Professor Kang. However for one particular student the only thing that was even remotely interesting was Professor Kang’s speech about power. Han Sanghyuk, nineteen year old freshman, could only take into account what Professor Kang said about power and wondered if someday he could share his definition of power with not only Professor Kang, but the whole peninsula of Korea. “Now!” Professor Kang yelled, snapping Sanghyuk from his thoughts. “For the part of class you’ve all been waiting for…dismissal! Be sure to read both chapters 12 and 16 in your Modern Physics books for discussion tomorrow.”

            As Sanghyuk exited the class Professor Kang called him aside and asked if he enjoyed today’s class.

“Yes, Professor Kang…I did.” Sanghyuk answered a bit flustered.

“Glad to hear that Mr. Han, I am particularly interested in hearing from a student of your stature. I read that you were the top of your class in high school?” Professor Kang asked.

“Ah, yes, I was. It was tough but an honor I hold deeply.” Sanghyuk professed.

 “I’m sure it was. Now run along I have no intention of holding you any longer. Professor Kang replied as he reached for his thermal of Chai Latte, which Sanghyuk particularly knew the scent because it was his father’s choice of drink in the morning as well.

 “Goodbye Professor, see you tomorrow.” Sanghyuk yelled as he headed down the hall towards the cafeteria.

            The dining hall was huge and also very lively with students and a few teachers rumbling about greeting old friends, gossiping about the latest celebrity news, reviewing each other’s schedules, and eating of course. After taking a moment to familiarize himself with his surroundings Sanghyuk grabbed an apple and kimbap then decided to take a seat alone near the bay window.  Just as Sanghyuk began to devour his kimbap, a familiar voice echoed in his ear.

“Hey Hyukkie, you aren’t going to just eat all that yourself are you?”

With cheeks full of kimbap, Sanghyuk who looked like an adorable chipmunk bearing for winter, turned to acknowledge the familiar voice that belonged to a tall handsome guy with well-groomed brunette hair, and a wide smile.

“Hongbin!!” Sanghyuk squealed in excitement, losing some of the kimbap stored in his cheeks.

“Hey! Chew before you speak!” Hongbin teased.

“Ah yes,” Sanghyuk said before swallowing his kimbap and jumping up to hug his hyung. “What are you doing here?!”

“I do go here you know, or is that brain of yours slowly losing its ability to remember things.” Hongbin replied while releasing himself from Sanghyuk’s grip.

“No, Hongbin I meant what are you doing here as in the cafeteria.” Sanghyuk said as he sat back down.

“I came here to eat, obviously. So how was your first day of class?” Hongbin asked as he sat beside Sanghyuk and took a piece of his kimbap. “You don’t mind sharing right?”

“No, besides you’ve already helped yourself to it,” Hyuk scoffed as he watched his lunch fade before his eyes. He couldn’t believe he missed breakfast and now just lost his lunch to this mooching hyung.

“Oh I almost forgot!”  Hongbin nearly shouted startling Hyuk in the process.  “N texted me earlier telling me to bring you over to his house later today, Wonshik too.”

“Why?” Hyuk asked.

“Ken’s coming back today. His flight lands at about two o’clock, I think.”

“Really?!” Hyuk couldn’t hide his excitement. He couldn’t believe Jaehwan was coming back today; he’d been gone for over a year and Hyuk couldn’t put into words how much he missed him.

“Yes. I couldn’t believe it either.” Hongbin said. “Ken was doing so well for himself in America, I never thought he’d ever come back home. Especially since he left because you know…”

Hyuk lowered his head as his expression grew gloomy. Now was not the time to be upset he didn’t want to think about “that” day, it was in the past. He braced himself as he forced a smile and began to speak.

“Hongbin, Ken didn’t leave because of that, he left to pursue his passion of music.”

“But I heard it from Ken himself, well his thoughts anyways, he may have said that but the mind never lies…Ken couldn’t get over his grie-“

“Stop it!” Hyuk shouted interrupting Hongbin.

Hongbin looked up in front of him to see Hyuk standing, eyes b with tears, fists clenched.

“Just stop it ok! Please!”  Hyuk continued to yell as he grabbed his bag and stormed out of the cafeteria. He didn’t know where he was going he just wanted to be as far away from Hongbin as he could. Why was he so insensitive? How could he just sit there with a straight face and talk about it like that? Sure what happened was in the past but the pain of that day still lingers never forgotten, no matter how hard Hyuk tries to subdue it.

            Without even realizing it Hyuk found himself glued under an oak tree in the campus gardens.  The quiet beauty of the garden calmed him.

“There you are.” A familiar deep voice intruded breaking Hyuk from his thoughts. Hyuk turned in the direction of the voice to see who it was.

“Ravi?” Hyuk said as the guy came closer to him.

“It’s Wonshik here on campus, Hyuk” Ravi said as he sat next to Hyuk under the oak tree.

Ravi, no Wonshik was Hyuk’s older brother and a senior in his last year of university.  He was only a few years older than Hyuk at the age of 22.  Despite being Hyuk’s brother Ravi had his own charms, a round face with deep brown down shaped eyes, thick eyebrows, and a roman like nose. He was very muscular yet slender, which Hyuk very much envied. He was dressed in a green and black sweater, slim black jeans, spiked black sneakers, and a backwards black cap that covered his copper red hair.

“What are you doing here?” Hyuk asked.

“Hongbin texted me saying that you ran off somewhere pretty upset,” Wonshik said as he made eye contact with Sanghyuk.  “So I came looking for you.”

“I’m sorry…” Hyuk began. “I didn’t mean to get upset, it’s just-“

“Hyuk-ah,” Ravi sighed as he moved closer to his brother, who was now in tears. “It’s ok, Hyuk. It’s ok to be upset, we all cry and we all get upset…so it’s ok Hyukkie. I’m your brother and I will always be there for you whenever you need me, so never apologize to me because you are never a burden to me for as long as I live.”

Hyuk wiped his tears and looked up at his brother.  “Even when you’re eighty and wrinkly?”

“Yeah, even when I’m old and wrinkly,” Ravi let out a slight chuckle before ruffling his brother’s hair. “Now come on, we have to get to N’s place.”

Hyuk smiled at his brother giving him a tight hug. “Ok, let’s go.”

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa