
V6: Re-Born

"Ouch" Ken winced as his back slammed hard against the mat. He groggily rolled to his side before standing back up to his feet. It's been two gruesome days since N brought them all out to the old warehouse. Before Suho died this is where they came to train. The wealthy members Suho and N bought this place out and completely renovated it to fit their uses of it. Suho used to call it their secret lair. No one but Ken was fond of that nickname.

Since Ken was only a shape shifter most of his training was hand to hand combat with N. He hated it. N was the best fighter of the group. Ravi was the strongest due to his super strength but N could take even him down. You would think a two year hiatus away from this would damper his skills but unfortunately for Ken that was not the case.

Ken cracked his knuckles and shifted his body to be sculpted with muscle, adjusting his height as well. He circled N who stood there un-phased. He continued to do so until he found the perfect chance to strike. He charged full force towards N and before he could strike N was gone. He looked around frantically to find him. Then suddenly he felt a boot to his back and fell on impact. God he hated training with N.

"No fair!" He yelled as he turned from his position on the floor to face a triumphant N. "You can't keep teleporting away!"

N reached out a hand in Ken's direction pulling him from the ground.

"There are no rules in battle my friend," he grinned, "Take a break and we'll continue in a bit. Maybe with a clear head you could finally land a hit."

Ken rolled his eyes and headed towards the break room. Once he was there he grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and sprawled himself on the nearby couch. He pulled out his phone and noticed he had a message from Leo. He hadn't heard from him in over a week, he was beginning to think that he never would again. He opened the message and glanced over its content. Leo wanted to meet up to tell him something. He replied telling him to meet him where they last met. When Leo replied with a simple "ok" he left the break room to go find Hakyeon.

He found N training with Hongbin. Hongbin was a telepath and he also had telekinesis, he had the power to read minds as well and move things with his own. There was a bucket of metal balls in different shapes and sizes in between N and Hongbin. Hongbin was using his telekinesis to throw these balls at N while N attempted to dodge them. N evaded them pretty well until he broke his focus when Ken entered the room thus getting knocked in the stomach with one of the balls. Ken and Hongbin rushed to his side to see if he was ok.

"I'm fine" he said. "I think Ken tried to get back at me for earlier."

"No! I didn't mean to-"

"I'm joking Jaehwan." N laughed. "You ready to give it another go?"

Ken opened his mouth to speak.

"No," Hongbin voiced instead, "He plans on ditching us?"

N creased his brows at Ken while Ken shot Hongbin a glare that could kill.

"Taekwoon needs to speak with me. It sounded important. I just wanted to give you the heads up before I left."

"Ok," N said, "You can take my car. The keys are in the break room."

"I already have them," Ken grinned as he dangled the keys in front of him, "Thanks Hakyeon!" He said as he ran out of the warehouse.

Ken pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop. He could see Leo seated at a table out front through the car window. He honked the horn and waved when Leo turned in his direction. Leo smiled at him and headed towards the passenger side of the car. Ken unlocked the doors and Leo hopped inside.

"Hi" he said as he looked over to Ken. He furrowed his brows noticing that Ken was dressed in a black tank and sweats.

"Did you just come from the gym or something?"

Ken glanced over himself and let out a slight laugh. "Pretty much…so what is it you wanted to tell me?"

Leo bit his lip and sighed, "Right I have something to tell you."

Ken watched as Leo tugged nervously at the edges of his sweater.

"I'm sorry for running out on you before. It was wrong of me."

Ken looked down at the steering wheel as his smile faded.

"I was just afraid," Leo continued "I was afraid of my own feelings."

Ken cocked an eyebrow, "Your feelings?"

Leo nodded as he looked into Ken's eyes, "Yes."

Ken could feel the blood rush to his cheeks. He hadn't anticipated this from Leo. Actually he had no idea why Leo wanted to meet him but this was far from anything he would have contemplated.

"I'm new to these feelings, the way I feel when I'm with you. Before I thought you just had a presence that no one could resist but that day I realized that what I felt for you was deeper than that." Leo confessed. "I want to spend every day with you. I want to know everything about you and tell you everything about me. I want to be more than a friend to you...I want..."

"Leo?" Ken called. "Are you asking me out right now?

Leo swallowed hard before nodding his head.

Ken smiled and leaned over in his seat until his face was just inches away from Taekwoon's. He placed a small peck on his lips before pulling back slowly.

"Does that answer your question?"

Leo covered his lips with his hand as he nodded his head.

"I want to spend every day with you too and I promise I'll be gentle. I won't push you past your comfort zone as long as you promise not to run off on me again." Ken said placing his hand palm side up on the arm rest between him and Taekwoon.

Leo rested his hand on top of Ken's interlocking their fingers. "I promise."

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shikey #1
Chapter 20: wow i hope too see new chapter soon
Chapter 20: Well damn. That got kinda ugly
Chapter 18: Wait, what the hell just happened?!

Ok I actually think I know but I'm still confused
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 17: And now Taekwoon knows the truth.

Long time no read. Welcome back, author-nim
Kirapah #6
Chapter 16: wait... wait...died...WHAT?!
exovixxfinite #8
Chapter 16: Ah someone please save Ken soon! He ken't die no!
shikey #9
Chapter 15: CLIF HANGER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa