Chapter 5

Our Dark Mystery




She screamed out for his name and he rushed into the room, she woke up from that same dream  that she use to dream about them, She tries to get up and looked around at the surroundings and it was all new to her, not a little familiar feeling.

Just then she heard footsteps and she looked up - saw him dashing towards the door and grabbed her wrist and asked worriedly " what the hell happen " and his eyes scanned her body from head to toe to see if she's hurt.

She looked at him – blankly and said " I’m…fine.. but where am I? " Jiyong releases his grip after hearing that she is fine and responded to her question " my house, of course. " looked at her and scanned her through again.

She uses all her strength and pushes down the bed and try to stood up and she manage too, but her weak legs gave in and fall onto the ground, hitting on the picture frame. He quickly bended down and held her up and said " what are you trying to do now huh? "

While she picked up the photo frame that was on the ground and now she was taking a clearer look of the photoframe, it was the both of them. He snatched it from her and quickly explained " don’t think it wrongly, the reason I kept that picture was to remind me how dumb I was to date you and hurt my heart. " and she laughed out sarcastically and said ‘ remind yourself? Maybe you should, you don’t love me from the start huh. ‘ and he kicked the chair and walked off.

She tried standing up again and this time she managed to and walked out of his room, holding onto any walls/raillings that she can grab and walked down his stairs and saw him sitting at his sofa at the first level and crossing his legs and looked at her while she bended her head down and walked down.

As soon as she reached the first floor, she looked up at him and said " I shall go off. " with her cold tone and Jiyong shouted out and said " stay down here, not for anything but rest because you wasted 1 and a half of my day. "

She tried to take out her phone from her pocket and looked at the date, and it indeed passed 1 and a half day. She kept her phone back into her pocket and looked at him and said " in that case sorry about that. "

Still forcing her weak self to walk towards his door and Jiyong rushed to her side and carried her - like a bridal style to his sofa and put her down; " I ing said to stay, if you dare to come back to YG, you could have known that we would met, why bother to keep avoiding me when you decided to come back! " he said angrily.

She breathed in before responding " Yes, I am avoiding! I came back to YG because 10 years ago you locked me up from all the jobs, I stay with Shin Na but her bills was all being dragged and delay and I couldn’t pay anything because you locked me up and now I need a stable income, only YG  can help me that! Do you think I wanted to see you? " and glared at him. I lied, I wanted to see him too.

He punched the sofa and said " you hate me, don’t you? " and screamed out " you should left, never come back, leave me alone! " The tension was building between them as she stood up, trying to keep her balance and screamed back in his face " go be with kiko, I am not stopping, I am not bothering why are you so affected!"

This sentence made him made and he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him and kissed hers lips and now their kiss were hurting each other physically, as he bitted onto her bleeding lips as she kept hitting on his chest.

Finally, he let go off her and both their lips bleeding due to their kiss, they kept quiet for a moment; " be prepared, I won’t let you go off so easily " and grabbed onto her hands and the door knob was turning and Kiko shouted outside, behind his door and said " hubby, are you here? " and the door was slightly opening and he quickly carried her up to his room; " do not come out, I don’t want kiko to misunderstand about us. "

Again, another stab towards heart, even though she was unwilling to accept that she still nodded her head and he went out while she was in his room, after awhile of sitting, she stood up and walked around and kept asking herself " just why the hell am I so bothered about his relationship with Kiko? I don’t love him… maybe I still do. " and sighed silently to herself; " I don’t love him, not even the least! " 

She accidentally kicked onto a box below his bed, she bended down and took the box out and it was full of dust, she cleaned the dust off and opened up the box, to her surrpise, it was all their couple items, photos, letters.

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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 22: . I remember this story. All the pain and tears hitting all at once... cant wait to read whats gonna happen
KimJinhwan0702 #3
Chapter 19: Jebal author-nim please update I've been waiting
baizurajura #4
Chapter 19: Pleasee update , the saddness make me addicted to the story .
KimJinhwan0702 #5
Chapter 18: Update soon please
ilovekwonjiyongakagd #6
Chapter 16: update soon jebal
yuliana77 #7
Chapter 15: Update soon Author-nim. I can't wait for the next chapter
pieziealyn #8
Chapter 15: cannot wait for the next chapter!! this is really amazing!
ItzJaeKay #9
Chapter 13: Reading this pn train.. tryna choke back tears coz farrr i wanna cry for her
pieziealyn #10
Chapter 13: This story is full of feelings. Good job author-nim