Feeling Rich

Our Manager


Everyone was in the van and you were the last to get in. You arrived the restaurant and booked a table for 15 people. You all took your seats and ordered drinks while waiting for your dad.


After 10 minutes he finally arrived. You ordered food and the waiter came back with your plates.


“I came here to let you all know that ------ will be taking over my place while I go on the world tour with the other idols”

“Muh?!” The boys choked on their food and you grinned

“I’m in a hurry so you all get home safe okay” Your dad got up and left.

“You barely ate any food!” Complained Sungjong

“More for me~” Said Ricky

“Does this mean we pay for it all?” asked Chunji

“Noooo” You smiled and pulled out a master card “Dad gave it to me and everything I would need while taking his place”

“This just keeps getting worse” Complained Dongwoo

“Why?” You asked

“First you’re our manger and now our boss” he pouted

“I know isn’t it great!” You smiled and clapped your hands together “Now let’s go shopping~”

“But we haven’t even finished our food” Complained Dongwoo

“Come on, let’s get going~” You got up and left, Teen Top and half of Infinite did the same

“I’m not going” Said L

“Fine with me, cause you can stay with the gigantic bill”


You carelessly shrugged and threw the receipt on he table, L looked at I and his eyes were about to pop out of his head. He slammed his palms on the table and stood up, you smiled and turned around. “Let’s go shopping shall we?”


You all took the van to the biggest mall in town, there you bought everything you liked, you couldn’t carry everything yourself so you had a little help from the boys. “Manager my arms are hurting….” Ricky said in a shaky voice “We should rest and eat something yea?” The boys nodded and as soon as they sat down, they dropped your bags and lay back in their chairs.


“Daebak! Look at all the stuff I have~” You smiled and clapped your hands together

“What do we get?” asked Changjo

“Well you get lunch of course”

“You. Are. Kidding. Me.” Dongwoo said in shock

“No, I’m serious, here’s your food, dig in~”


You smiled at them who all held faces showing disbelief. They ate their food and you all took a rest after they ate.


“So what are we going to do next?”

“More shopping~”

“But miss it’s getting late, we’re tired and we have busy schedules” Explained Chunji

“Hmm, if you say it like that, then I guess so” The boys sighed in relief “Now help me get these bags in the van”


They let out deep breaths and carried your heavy load. Everything was finally in the van and everyone took their seats, you were about to get in but you remembered something. “I’ll be back~ I forgot something” The boys dropped themselves and whined.


“Why did she have to be the daughter of our boss….” Said Sungjong

“Why does he even have a daughter” Said Sungyeol

“Well this is life…” Niel frowned

“Do you think she’s going to shop for more things?” asked CAP

“I bet ya anything she’s going to call us in and help her carry those stupid shopping bags” said L.Joe

“Kill me” Woohyun dropped his head back


After a few minutes you came back with 2 bags. “Okay let’s go”

“You left to go buy more?”

“At least I didn’t tell you guys to help me right?” The boys didn’t bother talking “Let’s go home~”

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Chapter 32: Please update~
exotichaanee #2
Chapter 32: Please update~ Please!!! I love it!
T-araCrazyFans #3
Chapter 32: plz update..... jaeballl I can't wait to read it... ><
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 32: Please Update Soon!!! your story is jjang :)))
luv_jiyeon66 #5
Chapter 32: update soon :)
luv_jiyeon66 #6
Chapter 31: continue to update :)
Haruhi-Chan #7
Chapter 29: lolol, L misunderstood. xD poor L.
luv_jiyeon66 #9
Chapter 29: continue to update :)
luv_jiyeon66 #10
Chapter 26: continue to update ^_^