Failed Surprise

Our Manager


You stopped in front of a boutique shop and went inside, L.Joe followed you from behind. You ran over to the shelf filled with plush dolls, L.Joe turned his back to you and took out his phone. He dialed numbers and waited for an answer. Someone picked up and all he heard were screams, laughter and yelling.


“Hello?” L Picked up

“It’s L.Joe, when are you guys going to be done? She wants to go home soon”

“I don’t know, Sunggyu and Woohyun hyungs just got home from shopping and Niel and Ricky are taking their time cleaning up the kitchen”

“What are you doing?!” LJoe hissed

“Talking to you, what do you think I’m doing?”

“I don’t know! Maybe helping out with the cleaning?!”

“Calm down man, yah be nice to your hyung”

“How can I when it sounds like you’ve done nothing”

“Sounds?” L laughed “Wait until you see

L.Joe sighed

“Hey I was playing around with my phone, and I can make it say things, I wrote our names down separately and guess how it said yours” L chuckled

“What” L.Joe gave up on them

“L dot Joe! Bahahahaaawoah!”

L.Joe heard a loud thump and assumed L had fallen over.


He hung up and turned around to watch you, you spun back to him and smiled with a head band in your hair. “How does this look?” L.Joe smiled and put his thumbs up “Perfect” You giggled and put it back, L.Joe stopped smiling and his eyebrows creased together. You sighed and walked towards him.


“You’re not getting it?”

“What? The head band?”

L.Joe nodded

“Not a fan of headbands, I was just playing around then anyway. So when are we going home?”

“You want to go home already?”

“I’m tired and my feet hurt”

L.Joe made a sound with his tongue and tilted his head “Then should I carry you on my back for the rest of the day”

“You’re funny, you won’t even be able to lift a finger” You waved your index finger around

L.Joe smiled “Let’s go home, we’re not that far from home so we’ll walk, if you get tired then I really will carry you”

“You’ll regret it”


You walked out and turned around as L.Joe followed behind you. “What took you so long” L.Joe looked at you “Huh? Err, I knocked over a few things and helped pick them up. Let’s goo~” He put his arm around your shoulders and forced you to walk faster.


After you both walked a few meters ahead, the walk was silent but it wasn’t awkward either. L.Joe suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you over.


“Let’s grab a snack to eat, you hungry?”

You looked up at him “Uhh, not really, I just wanna go hoooomme. Why can’t we just go home huh?!” You pulled and tugged on his arm, whining like a child.

L.Joe looked at you and apologized to the people walking by. “Because, it’s your birthday, we should at least do something” He smiled

“I told you I don’t want to do anything today! Shopping was enough!”

“Okay, this will be our last stop and we’ll take a taxi home alright?”

“You promise?”


“Pinky promise?” you smiled with your pinky out

L.Joe sighed and linked his pinky with yours “Pinky promise, now lets go inside”


You were going through the shelves of snacks while L.Joe was on the other side looking at drinks. He took out his phone and dialled numbers. “Hello? Hyung! Are you done yet? She’s been begging me to go home already and my ears hurt and my feet and so do hers!”

“Yea we’re almost done, Ricky and Niel finished the cake. The house is clean and we’re finishing up the dinner meals” Sunggyu replied

“Alright, then I’m coming home now” L.Joe hug up and ran you outside of the store “---- we’re going home now! No more complaining and my ears can rest!”

“What did you just say?”



L.Joe smiled and hail for a cab. The car stopped outside the gates and you stepped out leaving L.Joe to pay. You walked inside and the lights were turned off “Is no one home?” You took off your shoes and switched to your slippers, L.Joe walked ahead of you and the lights switched on with a big “SURPRISE!!” All the members popped out from behind couches, under tables, behind chairs and you saw Dongwoo managed to fit himself behind the TV, and Sungyeol had squished himself inside of the kitchen cabinets. The one thing you noticed the most was what they were wearing. It was quiet as the boys froze in their positions waiting for a reaction from you. L.Joe looked at them and burst out laughing. You looked at each of them for the last time.


“I. Am. Going. To kill you.”


The boys’ expressions turned upside down “Run…” Said Hoya and they all disappeared. Except for Sungyeol who struggled to free himself “Hey! Don’t go without me! L.Joe! Help hyung out!”

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Chapter 32: Please update~
exotichaanee #2
Chapter 32: Please update~ Please!!! I love it!
T-araCrazyFans #3
Chapter 32: plz update..... jaeballl I can't wait to read it... ><
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 32: Please Update Soon!!! your story is jjang :)))
luv_jiyeon66 #5
Chapter 32: update soon :)
luv_jiyeon66 #6
Chapter 31: continue to update :)
Haruhi-Chan #7
Chapter 29: lolol, L misunderstood. xD poor L.
luv_jiyeon66 #9
Chapter 29: continue to update :)
luv_jiyeon66 #10
Chapter 26: continue to update ^_^