Caring L

Our Manager

Because Teen Top was sick, you had to go to the company building the next day, but you couldn’t go alone so Sunggyu told L to go since he knew that L was always over protective over close female Dongsaeng’s though he still found you annoying and doesn’t like you as much. Sungjong offered to go with you and Woohyun had to take care of a few things. So it was just the 4 of you going to the meeting. You walked to the bus stop together and waited.


“So why are we going to TWE [Top Woolim Entertainment? LOL] Building again?” Asked Sungjong

“So our little trouble maker can tell everyone about Teen Top and there is an understanding to why they can’t do anything about fan meetings and other stuff involving the outside world” Said L, you pouted after hearing him

“It won’t be that bad, you are the daughter of the boss” Said Woohyun

“But when he knows about this, she’s going to get it” Said L

“Man why do you have to be so negative?” Woohyun looked at him

L looked away and Sungjong looked at you “Don’t worry -----. You’ll be fine, let’s get a snack before we go to TWE yeah?” He your hair

“Mmm” you nodded while looking down at your feet.


The bus came and it stopped at the front of the Seoul’s main shopping centre. You walked inside to get something to eat. They sat you down on a table and left you with Blackcurrant and Apple Juice. You played with the straw while thinking about the outcomes you could get when you say that Teen Top was very sick because of you. You remembered their faces and they looked like zombies, their sickness didn’t even look like the common cold. “WAH! Why am I so irresponsible” You dug your head into your arms and sulked. L sat down across from you, he pushed your shoulder but you didn’t respond.



“What” You said while your head was still in your arms

“Do you have anything in mind that you wanna eat?”

“I’m not hungry” You said

“Okay then, but just let me know when you are”


He stood up and walked to Woohyun and Sungjong “Cry baby” He chuckled


Woohyun sat down next to you and shook your shoulder

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaat” You said again with you head buried in your arms “I told you I’m not hungry!”

“Not even snacks?”

“No!” You sulked

“Then what do you want?”

“I want to go home!”

“We have to go to TWE anyway because I have some things to do” He patted your shoulder and walked back. “Just like a child” He sighed


Sungjong sat next to you and put his hand on your back “----- what’s wrong?”

“I am so dead when we get to TWE” You whined

“I wouldn’t say that you’re dead, but you’ll just get a warning”

“I still don’t wanna go”

“You know, you might not get to go to school the next few days if you go~” Sungjong bribed

You sat up with red eyes and sniffed “Really?” You asked

He giggled –Cute- “Really” He confirmed


You sniffed and wiped your tears away then smiled. Woohyun and L gave (T.T) faces because they couldn’t believe that the maknae could get you to stop being a baby. They walked up to the both of you and smiled. “So shall we get something to eat then we go to TWE?” You nodded and grinned. After eating you all walked down the street to the company building. You went inside together and to the top of the building where the main office was. All you did was write a note saying that you were sorry about Teen Top’s condition. Woohyun picked up a few things from the dance studio and you left the building.


“Now that wasn’t that hard was it?” Said Sungjong

You shook your head

“How about we go buy ice cream?” Said Woohyun

You beamed and nodded.


You all went to the corner shop and looked around for snacks, drinks and ice cream. You heard squealing and you all turned your heads in that direction. A group of girls surrounded the guys, pushing you out of the way. L took hold of your hand and kept you behind the 3 boys while the fans were asking them for autographs and pictures. All you heard was “Oppa! Oppa! Oppa!” The boys smiled and interacted with their fans.


“Thank you oppa! Annyeong~” The girls walked off

“You’ve worked hard” L, Woohyun and Sungjong politely bowed to the girls


L pulled you infront of him and held your shoulders. He checked all over your body and face just to make sure you weren’t hurt from all the pushing and shoving. All you did was stare at his eyes “Were you hurt anywhere?” He asked and you shook your head. Sungjong and Woohyun knew that something like this would happen, so they stood there with their arms crossed and smiled. “Okay, you’re fine, let’s go home now” He let go of you and walked off ahead of everyone by himself. Sungjong followed him and Woohyun walked up to you “We told you that he’d be over-protective. Now let’s go home before we get sick”


You all went to the pharmacy to buy medicine for Teen Top and went back home.

I'm completely sorry for the long update

Please lookf orward to my next chapter. You'll have a date with someone ;)

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Chapter 32: Please update~
exotichaanee #2
Chapter 32: Please update~ Please!!! I love it!
T-araCrazyFans #3
Chapter 32: plz update..... jaeballl I can't wait to read it... ><
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 32: Please Update Soon!!! your story is jjang :)))
luv_jiyeon66 #5
Chapter 32: update soon :)
luv_jiyeon66 #6
Chapter 31: continue to update :)
Haruhi-Chan #7
Chapter 29: lolol, L misunderstood. xD poor L.
luv_jiyeon66 #9
Chapter 29: continue to update :)
luv_jiyeon66 #10
Chapter 26: continue to update ^_^