New Friend

Our Manager


The three of you walked to school, on the way, a few girls stopped you and asked for the boy’s autographs. They happily signed their names and continued walking to school.


“Does this happen every day?” You asked

“Only on school days” Ricky shrugged

“Don’t you guys get annoyed?”

“Nope, we love our fans” Changjo smiled

“And we also loooooove our cute little manager” Ricky clasped his hands together and ruffled your hair


You lightly slapped his hand away and he chuckled, you fixed your hair and followed them. You got to school and there were a few girls who squealed within their groups of friends. Some curled their hands and held them close to their mouths. You looked around and the school was really classy looking, besides the fans, other girls walked with posture and grace when guys talked amongst themselves with their hands in their pockets and their bags hanging onto one side of their shoulder. Other students rode bikes to school, some were in their groups sitting on the grass having their conversations, laying back listening to their iPods or reading books independently.


“Did we really have to go to this posh looking school?” When you said posh you waved your hands and rolled your eyes

“The students behave well here and so we don’t get screaming, crazy fans who swarm us when we’re busy” Said Chanjo

“And I though you said we were 10 minutes late”

“I lied so you would hurry up” He shrugged and smiled

“------ you are a pain in the bum but there is sooo much I really wanna show you around his school”


Ricky took your wrist and ran off with you. Changjo chuckled and a girl stopped in front of him, he looked at her with wide eyes. She was holding a small pink box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. Changjo smiled. “Annyeong oppa Changjo, my name is Choi Yeonhee. Please accept my gift” Changjo took her gift and she looked up at him “This your first year?” He asked. The girl beamed and nodded “Welcome, it’s my friend’s first year too” His smile melted her heart “I hope the two of you become good friends” He smiled and walked off, she watched him jumped cheerfully.


Changjo caught up to you and Ricky who sa under the trees on a bench. You were sitting down playing with the leaves, listening to Ricky jibber jabber on about the school. You were lucky enough to catch every word he said. Ricky stood up and took your wrist. “Finally Changjo what were you doing? You took forever! Come on -----! There’s a whole lot you need to see” “I’ll take this, where ever Ricky is taking you, you’re back is going to hurt from this heavy bag” He smiled and took your bag for you “Are you tryna say I’m weak?” You looked back but Ricky couldn’t wait to show you things so he quickly pulled you away. Changjo saluted and followed you.


Ricky took you to your lockers “Look ----- our lockers are right next to each other!” You looked at him and held your finger to hit lips “Ricky! Shhhhhhhhhh……” Ricky looked you up and down “Tch” He opened his locker and got his books out. You opened yours but it had no lock. Changjo walked up to you and put your lock in your hand. So you put your things into your locker and brought out your English and Math textbooks. You locked your lock and Changjo handed you the code. The boys dropped you off at your first class “We’ll meet you at our lockers okay?” You nodded and Changjo let go of your shoulder. You sat down and the guys walked off. Ricky waved with enthusiasm and Changjo saluted.


It was only you and few other students in class. But everyone else had someone to hang out or talk with. You had no one. You sank in your seat and picked up your text book so it was standing and no on could notice you. –I hate being by myself, it’s one of the worst feelings. Changjo Ricky, please come back~~- Someone placed their books on the same desk as yours. The desks were big enough only to fit 2 students so everyone sat in class as pairs. The girl looked at you and you sat up straight, she smiled and you smiled back.


“My name is Choi Yeonhee, nice to meet you”

“I’m ------, umm, please take care of me?”


She giggled and you tilted your head.

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Chapter 32: Please update~
exotichaanee #2
Chapter 32: Please update~ Please!!! I love it!
T-araCrazyFans #3
Chapter 32: plz update..... jaeballl I can't wait to read it... ><
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 32: Please Update Soon!!! your story is jjang :)))
luv_jiyeon66 #5
Chapter 32: update soon :)
luv_jiyeon66 #6
Chapter 31: continue to update :)
Haruhi-Chan #7
Chapter 29: lolol, L misunderstood. xD poor L.
luv_jiyeon66 #9
Chapter 29: continue to update :)
luv_jiyeon66 #10
Chapter 26: continue to update ^_^