Chapter 6: It's The Moment

I Really Didn't Know
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“SO, I’ll announce the winner…” Baekhyun said

            “WAIT!” Someone shout and catch all the people’s attention.

            “I bid 50,000 dollars for number 7!” the man continued. Me and Chanyeol look at each other.

            “Obviously, we have our winner for the year’s Stolen Photo Exhibit. Number 7! You’ll receive 5,000 dollars each and of course the prize.” Baekhyun announced. The crowd applause for us and it’s really overwhelming. In happiness, I unknowingly hug Chanyeol though he’s too tall for me. The crowd applauses even more. I know that Chanyeol is also surprised on what I did but I feel his arms slowly wrap my waist. Just then when I realize what I did, I broke off from the hug and smiled at him as a sign of ‘sorry.’ He give me a smile and he put his arm around my shoulder then the school media took a photo of us.

            “Congratulations number 7. Mr. Park Chanyeol, the photographer and his unknown model, Ms. Son Yumae. Let me announce the prize for this event.” Baekhyun said. The crowd become quite again, as if everyone is listening. Baekhyun get something inside a box beside him.

            “Here’s a ticket for two to Hong Kong Disneyland! This is an exclusive VIP ticket for our winners. Please use this ticket before the end of the month. You should also submit your photos in Disneyland to the Arts Club for a proof and verification. If you’ll not submit, you’ll not have the certificate title as well as your grade for the arts club.” Baekhyun excitedly announced. I drop my jaw in that announcement. Everyone cheers. Well, I guess I’ll be in so much trouble again. Baekhyun give the ticket to me. I want to visit Disneyland—I really do, now that I have the opportunity but not in a way that I expect it to be.

            After congratulating us, I decide to look for Kai because he’s gone after the announcing of winners. I searched everywhere inside the art gallery but I can’t find him—no signs of him. Where could he be?

            “Yumae, thank you. I’ll not be here without you and your help.” Chanyeol said. His face is like a child being rewarded by his favorite toy.

            “No, it’s you whose a great photographer. I’m just an instrument.”

            “Yeah. But without your fascinating face, I can’t win here tonight. We can’t win this far.” What? Fascinating face? I can feel my cheeks are burning.

            “Oh, and did you notice Kai? I didn’t see him after the announcing of winners.” I said, trying to change the topic. I feel it so awkward when the topic is all about me—myself.

            “No. I didn’t see him too.”

            “Maybe I should go to my dorm, Chanyeol. Thank you and take care.” I wave at him.

            “Okay, see you soon!” and he wave back.


I am walking near the physical ground when I see a familiar man, sitting in one of the swings. Kyung Soo? It’s late… what are you doing there?




I knew it—that Yumae and Chanyeol will win in the exhibit. I never saw such model like Yumae despite that it is a stolen shot. I can’t take her image out of my mind until I see the swing where we always used to be before—yes, before. Because she’s gone…


Now Playing: Gone by Jin (Translation Only)

            In the place where memories linger here beside me

            It’s still warm like my fingertips

            You are here, here

            Your scent, your face…

            Please look at me, look at me, look at me

            Like this I can feel you, feel you, feel you

            Struggling to catch your expressions

            Struggling to catch your smiles

            Struggling to understand you


            In the place where we are together

            In the moment where I can still resemble you

            When it feels so good being soaked in the rain

            You are gone, you are gone.

            How am I supposed to erase you and live alone?

            In those memories where we walked together

            Like that, the things we made beside each other

            Even those memories, even those regrets lingered here with me

            I’m standing here, and you are gone…


            “Kyung Soo?” someone brings me back to reality. She sits beside me.

            “Oh, Yumae. I thought you’re already at the dorm.”

            “I’m heading to the dorm but I see you here. Why are you here anyway? Alone?” she asked.

            “I can’t sleep.”

            “Oh, I see.”

            “Congratulations.” I said, changing the topic.

            “Thank you. I didn’t expect it…” it’s like I can’t hear anything. I can still remember her. The same setting, place, time. She’s like her—they’re so alike, until I unknowingly made a move. I hug Yumae. The last feeling I felt that night before she left. It’s all coming back to me. It’s like the time had stopped.

            ‘I’m sorry.” That’s all I said to Yumae then run away—that’s all I can do, runaway.




            “I can’t sleep.” Kyung Soo said. I approached him.

            “Oh, I see.”

            “Congratulations.” He said. Oh, he knew?

            “Thank you. I didn’t expect i

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