Chapter 14: Butterflies

I Really Didn't Know
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            “Guys, what do he have there?” Baekhyun said. The two figures look on our direction.

            “YUMAE?!” all three of us exclaimed.

            “KRIS?!” Kai and Baekhyun said. Kris is trapping Yumae with his arms.

            “What are you doing there?!” all three of us said. Kris remove his arms that’s trapping Yumae.

            “We aren’t doing anything.” Kris answered. We still can’t believe it. Yumae looks so frightened. Maybe Kris said something that bothers her.

            “Let’s go.” Kris said and he grabbed Yumae’s right hand and attempted to drag her but…

            “Yumae!” Kai grabbed Yumae’s left hand to stop them.

            “Let her go.” Jris said with a deep voice. Yumae is looking at Kai.

            “No. You let her go.” Kai exclaimed. Yumae is now trapped with these two beasts.

            “Kris, what do you think you’re doing?” Baekhyun said but Kris didn’t response, he is looking straightly at Kai.

            “I…” Yumae said, she caught all of our attention. We are looking at her, waiting for her next words.

            “I’m sorry… Kai.” She said then she looked to the ground.

            “Just, just one night. I’m sorry.” She said then slowly pulled out her own hands away from Kai. She walks, turning her back against us then Kris immediately followed her.  Kai, my best friend is left there frozen as he looks at them walking away together, fading together in the dark. Right now, I can see Kai’s teary eyes. I last saw him like this when his dog died when we’re in high school.

            “Kris!” Baekhyun exclaimed, attempting to follow them but I stopped him.

            “Let them.” I told him. I can feel that Kris and Yumae have a private conversation about this. If I’m not mistaken, Kai, my best friend is in love with Yumae and if I that’s true, I should stop myself for falling in love with her. If Kai loves her, then I should stop loving her. Aside from my sister, Kai is the only family that I have. Although we do not have the same blood in our veins, I treated him as my younger brother as well as my best friend. So, if he loves Yumae, I should not love her. But, how could I do it if I already fell?

            “Kai…” I said, he’s not responding.

            “Kai.” I attempted to approach him but he run to the western part of the beach. I guess he needs time to be alone tonight.



            “Let’s go.” Kris said and he grabbed my right hand.

            “Yumae!” Kris attempted to drag me but Kai stopped him by grabbing my left hand.

            “Let her go.” Kris said with his husky, deep voice. I am looking at Kai.

            “No. You let her go.” Kai exclaimed. What should I do? I am now trapped with these two.

            “Kris, what do you think you’re doing?” Baekhyun said but he didn’t response, he is deeply looking at Kai. What should I do? Kris already told me to stay with him—just for this night.

            “I…” I said, catching all of their attention, now these four boys on the scene is paying their attention only to me.

            “I’m sorry… Kai.” I said in a very low tone and since it’s so quiet, they had heard me for sure.

            “Just, just one night… I’m sorry.” I continued. I hate to do this to Kai but I have no choice. I can feel that Kris needs me more this time. I’m very sorry Kai. Please understand and don’t think anything wrong. Though it’s hard for me to do this but I slowly pulled my hands away from Kai, I walked and turn my back against all of them. I’m sorry, I need to do this, just give me this night for him—for Kris…



            “Hello?” I said, pretending I didn’t know who’s on the other line.

            “I’m going home today!” a voice from the other line said.

            “I know, the school needs you now. You need to do something.” I replied.

            “Really? Okay. I’ll do it better.”

            “That’s good. Call me later, I’ve got to do something.” I said. I forgot my wrist watch in the shower room. It’s our last day here in Jeju Island trip. I’m done from swimming in the beach. Why on earth I forgot my expensive wrist watch? I better go back before someone gets it.



            “I thought you’re not coming with me, I’m expecting that you’ll choose Kai instead of me.” I said she’s not answering.

            “Will you please tell me why did you come with me?” I asked her again.

           “It’s because I already made a promise and I don’t want to break it. Why don’t you want my decision?” she answered. Hell, of course I’m happy that you chose me!

            “Is that it?” I asked. She nod.

            “What if I didn’t ask you for this and you didn’t promise me, will you still choose me when Kai did that to you?” she nods.

            “Why?” it takes seconds before she responds.

            “Because…” Because what?

            “Nothing.” She said. HUH?!

            “Nothing?! What nothing?” she’s not answering. I come closer to her.

            “If you’ll not going to tell me, I’ll kiss you!” I said and she looks surprised.

            “Uh… because, I think… you need a… friend?” she replied.

            “Huh? Is that an answer or a question?” I asked.

            “You can be the judge.” She said.

            “Why don’t you just tell me?” she’s not answering.

            “I… I already told you…”

            “Look at you, you can’t even look straightly into my eyes.” I hold her hand. Why?

            “I don’t need a friend.” I said.

            “Then why did you ask me for this?” she asked. This girl, can’t she see it? It’s already been written all over my face!

            “Can’t you see? I don’t want to be friends with you. I don’t want you to be just my friend. Because I like you and I want you to like me too. Do you like me?” I mentally punched myself. Kris, what have you done? This is not the right time for this. Why did you spit everything out? With that words, she finally looks in my eyes straight

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