Chapter 17: She's Missing

I Really Didn't Know
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“Uhm, Yumae, do you mind if I’ll borrow Kris for a while?” her brows furrow.

            “Sure, I do not own him… anyway.” Then she looks to the window. I smiled.

            “Thank you.” I replied.

            “What is it all about?” Kris asked.

            “Let’s go to my office.” I replied.

We walk all the way to reach my office. He’s quiet. In my peripheral vision, I see he’s looking on the ground. His facial expression is serious, obviously he was thinking about something. I take a deep sigh as I close the door of my office.

            “This is all about Yumae.” I said.

            “Why? Is there something wrong?” he asked. I look straightly into his eyes and nod.

            “Yeah. She’s been accused as a thief.” I continued. He looks shocked.

            “A what?” and his brows furrow.

            “Calm down, Kris. They aren’t showing any proofs as of now. They said, they will only reveal the evidences once Yumae is present.”

            “How did they say that Yumae is a thief? What thing did she steal? Yumae would never do that. She can’t.” he said. I can feel the anger in his voice.

            “A diamond necklace. They broke into Yumae’s room earlier to search for it and they found it there… in her room.” I explained.

            “I have a great feeling that they did that on purpose! I can sense that there’s someone who is playing pranks on her! You know what President Kim, someone put sleeping pills in Yumae’s drink before she performed on stage yesterday, and that’s the reason why she collapsed.” Kris told me. My brows furrow.

            “Well then, we should find out who’s all behind all of this. Yumae already suffered—a lot.” I said. He nods as an agreement.





My fists tightened as I recall every information I’d found out. Starting from the cafeteria, where Sulli spilled off foods and drinks to Yumae on purpose. I was there. The swimming pool, where in someone used Kyungsoo to push Yumae and drown. The photos of Yumae and Kai on the post-it board, the sleeping pills and now she’s being accused as a thief for stealing a diamond necklace?! How could’ve someone did this to her? What are their purposes for hurting her this way? Yumae is just a new student here and yet she received so much pain. Was it all because of me? But how did I hurt her? I want to protect her so I should find out the mastermind of this game. Life is a game, play it.

            “Yumae?” I asked as I shut the door behind me. I’m done talking with President Kim and I’m now here at the clinic. My brows furrow as my eyes search for her.

            “Yumae?” I walk closely to the bed. My heart is beating fast. There’s nothing in the bed. It’s just the pillows and the blanket.

            “Yumae? Where are you?” I run to the bathroom and turn on the lights, but no one’s there—she’s not there.

            “YUMAE?!” and my own echo answered me. Where is she?!



            It’s already 11 in the evening. I’ve been running in the cold Hongdae Street. I want to run away from them. Even for just a night. I’m getting tired and sick of them. Why are they hurting me like this? What did I do wrong? I’m not doing anything.

            I stop in front of a café. I enter and sit, panting. I placed my right palm on my forehead. I can feel that my cheeks are getting warmer. It’s very cold outside and I’m not wearing any jacket. I can feel that my eyes are filling up. I put my left hand in my mouth, covering it. I don’t want to make a noise while crying and expressing myself. I tried my best to remain quiet so that nobody would notice that I’m crying. No matter how strong you are, you will still cry in times you can’t handle it anymore. Yuri-yah, I really miss you. If only you were here maybe I get better… emotionally.




*Flashback: Moments ago…

Kris went out with President Kim to his office. I guess they will talk about something important. I stand up and sit beside the window. I can see the moon and stars vividly. I smile as I look at the wonderful scenery when—

            “YUMAE!” I turn around to see who called me. My eyes widened as I found out that it was Sulli and Raeja with an unfamiliar girl. They walk towards me.

            “You are a thief!” Sulli exclaimed.

            “Thief? W-What are you talking about?” I replied.

            “Huh! Pretending you don’t know anything huh?” Raeja scoffs

            “We already went in your room and we found out this.” Sulli said as she shows me a diamond necklace, almost an inch away from my face. I step back a little to have more space.

            “You steal my diamond necklace!” a girl behind them exclaimed.

            “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! Stop accusing me as a thief! You don’t have any proofs!” I replied.

            “You’re wrong! We have the power to have a proof!” Sulli said. She holds my right wrist, tightly.

            “This is not yet over. We’re just getting started and I’ll make sure that your life would be miserable!” Sulli continued.

            “Let’s Go.” Then she let go of my wrist. They go out and shut the door. I can’t explain the feeling but tears starts to fall from my eyes. I stare on my right wrist that turned red because of Sulli. My feet automatically move as it takes me to run away for a while.

*End of flashback


            “Miss, excuse me but we are about to close now.” A girl said. It’s already 11:45 in the evening.

            “C-Can’t I just stay here for the night?” I asked, wiping my tears away.

            “I don’t know Miss because I’m just a staff here.” She answered.

            “Please? I don’t have anywhere to go at this moment.  I promise to go home early in the morning tomorrow.” I beg.

            “I-I really don’t know Miss—“

            “What’s happening here?” a voice said.

            “S-Sir, she wants to stay here for the night. I told her that she can’t.” the girl said.

            “Okay, I’ll handle this.” The man said.

            “Okay Sir.” Then the girl walks out from the scene.

            “Uhm, Sir, are you the manger of this café? Can I stay here for this night? I just need to spend this night alone and away from anybody else.” I said but the man looks surprised when he saw me. He’s like frozen in there, staring at

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