Chapter 1: The Perfect Life

I Really Didn't Know
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            Son Yu Mae, an ordinary college school girl who wants to study in Seoul’s most famous university for the riches, The College of Performing Arts. It is for the people who are gifted with talents. Yumae is a lucky one for being talented. She and her best friend, Yuri decided to cover and pass their audition tapes. Two weeks later, she had been called by the CPA telling her that she had passed the audition. Sadly, Yumae is not a rich kid like everyone else. So she is staying as a scholar, living at the back of those beautiful dorms.


            As she tried her best to fit in into the school, she experienced so many pranks and bullying until she met the CPA President that saved her in one of those pranks. While she was studying in that school, she will meet many people that will play a role in her life until she uncovers a secret.


            How is she going to finish and find the truth behind everything she knew was the truth?






I was sitting inside the plane. He was beside me, staring and smiling. He hold my right hand and I gave him back a smile. I lean my head on his shoulder then he kissed my head. I fell asleep. The next thing I knew there was a big commotion inside the plane. People were screaming and crying. He’s gone. I was about to look for him then I woke up. It’s the same dream again. Confused. Each time I dreamed of this and woke up, I can’t remember the guy’s face. It remained blurred in my mind.

            “Yumae! Wake up! Time for breakfast!” I heard my mother’s voice outside of my room. I make bed and fix myself. I sat on the dining area staring at the foods in front of me.

            “Yumae, why you look like that?” my mother asked me but before I could answer

            “I bet it’s the same dream again right?” my brother asked.

            “Y-Yeah…” I answered.

            “Don’t think of that too much. Just eat while the food is still hot.” Mother said. I nodded and start eating.


            I am Son Yu Mae, living in Haneul Village. I have a simple but happy life because I have my mother, brother, and my beloved father. I finished high school last month and I need to focus for my college level. Me and my best friend, Yuri really loves to study at the College of Performing Arts in Seoul. It is the most famous college school in the city because some of the famous Korean celebrities had studied there. We already passed our audition video together last night which contains our objective, our singing and dancing clips. I really wish we could pass the audition. I did not mention to m parents that I already

It’s been two weeks since Yuri and I had passed our audition tapes and there’s still no call from the CPA. I guess…


*phone vibrating…

Calling from an unregistered number.

Is this what am I waiting for?


            “H-Hello?” I asked.

            “Good afternoon. Is this Son Yu Mae?”

            “Yes it is. What can I do for you?”

            “This is College School of Performing Arts president, Mr. Kim. I was about to tell you that you’d passed the audition. On the first day of moving in to the school, look for Mr. Do. He is the dorm leader of scholars to give you your dorm assignment.” I was shocked! I passed the audition!

            “Miss Yumae? Are you still there?”

            “Uh, yes! I’m sorry Mr. Kim. I’m currently in shock. Yes, I’ll look for him. Thank you for informing me.”

            “Alright, good luck then.” And he ended the call. OMG! I should tell Yuri about it besides I’m sure that she’ll pass the audition too. I send her a text.

To: Yuri

            HEY! Wait me in 5 minutes, I’ll be at your place. I have to tell you something.


From: Yuri

            Okay, I’ll wait you. I also have something to say.

I guess she is going to tell me that she passed the audition. I hurriedly change my clothes and walk right to Yuri’s house.

            “Hey…” she greeted me.

            “Hey…” I greet her too.

We went inside and we sat on the couch. Yuri gave me a cup of tea as well as hers.


“So, what’s about that you’re going to tell me?” I first asked her who seemed so quiet.

            “No. You should tell me first. You’re the one who first texted me.”

            “Okay.” I took a last sip on my tea and began to speak.

            “The CPA called me and I passed the audition!” I said with all excitement. She smiled at me and she sip on her tea.

            “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you.” She replied.

            “What about you? Did they call you already?” she smiled a bit.

            “I didn’t pass the audition.”

            “What? Why?!” I asked her. That’s impossible. We covered the same clip together so why would she not pass the audition, right?

            “Are you kidding me?” I asked her again.

“No. I’m not kidding. They already called me. The CPA called a while ago. I’d spoke with the CPA’s president.” She said.

            “He said that I didn’t pass the audition because in the clips, you look better than I am. They had compared us.”

“Why they didn’t just pick the both of us? We both know how to sing and how to dance! Why did they do that?!” I asked her. I’m annoyed. Why do they have to compare us?

            “I already accepted the fact that you are better than I am, Yumae. You must grab this opportunity. You are so lucky that you are given the chance to enter CPA.”

            “No! We auditioned together that’s why we should enter that school together!” I said. Tears are filling the side of my eyes.

            “No Yumae…” she said and give me a weak smile.

            “That is reality. All we need to do is learn how to accept it.” That moment, I can’t do anything but to cry. I cry in front of her. I just… I think I can’t do it without her.



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