Chapter 14: Answers

Beautiful Stranger

I was ticked off because she wouldn’t even listen to me. I’m giving her a chance to explain herself and she chooses to leave. Where else does she have to be that’s more important than talking to me? I was about to walk the other way, but curiosity and anger got the best of me and I decided to follow her. It felt wrong doing so, but I couldn’t stop myself from doing it. I wanted to know what she was up to or if maybe she just didn’t want to talk about it. I stayed far enough so that I wouldn’t be spotted. I realized she was walking back to the library. I thought she was going to walk in, but she just stopped by the door, like she was waiting for someone. She had only been standing there for a few minutes, but it felt like forever and I was getting impatient. I was ready to just quit and walk into the library, but then Jessica walked out and Taeyeon immediately grabbed her by the arm. Jessica must have gotten there after I left. Taeyeon began pulling her down the hall and I followed close behind. They finally stopped. We were a bit far from the library and there was no one else around. I stopped close enough to hear what they were saying.



(End of Krystal’s POV)



“What are you telling Krystal?”Taeyeon asked in an angry tone.



“What do you mean?”Jessica asked.



“Don’t play dumb with me, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”Taeyeon said.



“I told her the truth.”Jessica answered.



“THE TRUTH?!”Taeyeon began to raise her voice.



“Say it any louder and people will hear, isn’t that what you don’t want?”Jessica mocked her. Krystal noticed how composed Jessica was and wondered how she could be so calm. ‘Maybe she’s trying to keep things from getting out of hand’Krystal thought to herself.



“You said you wouldn’t say anything if I didn’t.”Taeyeon said.



“Well my sister found out and we can’t hide it from her anymore. She wants to know about us, so I told her.”Jessica explained.



“US?!!! There is no us. It’s over……..look, I get you want her to know, but-“Taeyeon paused once again and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. This was the angriest Krystal had seen Taeyeon.



“I can see you’re agitated. Is this really what you wanted to talk about or is it about something else?”Jessica asked.



“Don’t change the subject Jessica.”Taeyeon retorted. Krystal noticed Taeyeon’s hands were beginning to tremble and so was her voice. Krystal wasn’t sure why, she looked tired when she saw her earlier, but that was all she noticed. Jessica began to walk closer and Taeyeon began moving back. It was as if she looked afraid of Jessica. Her anger changed into fright. There was no more space to move back and Taeyeon’s back was against the wall. They were so close to each other that they’re bodies almost touched. Jessica lifted her hand and caressed Taeyeon’s cheek. She then leaned in close to Taeyeon’s ear and said something. Krystal couldn’t make out what she said, but she noticed Taeyeon tensed up when she heard what Jessica told her. When Jessica was done, she moved back and faced Taeyeon once again.



“Remember, I’m here to help you Taeyeon. All you need to do is ask.” Jessica said with a sly smile. Krystal saw Taeyeon clench her fists. It seemed like Jessica knew something about Taeyeon that she didn’t want her to know. Krystal thought that maybe she’d catch Taeyeon doing something that would prove some of the allegations Jessica was making, but this didn’t make things any clearer. ‘Maybe there’s still something between them’Krystal thought. She wasn’t sure if she was just caught off guard or if it was jealousy that she felt seeing Jessica that close to Taeyeon. ‘Why do I feel like this? Envy?......Krystal get a hold of yourself, what the hell are you saying.’Krystal told herself trying to shake those thoughts out of her head.



Jessica began to walk away with a smile. Like she was walking away with a victory after that conversation. She was walking towards Krystal’s way, so she hid well enough that when she walked past her, she wouldn’t be seen. As Jessica turned the corner, Krystal looked back to where Taeyeon was. She was breathing heavily. It was clear to see Taeyeon was not okay. She slid down the wall, hugged her knees, and buried her head in between them. Krystal wasn’t sure if she was crying or if she just didn’t want anyone to see she was upset. She wasn’t very close to Taeyeon, so she didn’t know if it would be okay to go over and console her, and plus she’d know Krystal was spying on her. She turned away from Taeyeon and began to think of what to do. ‘I can’t just leave her like that, it doesn’t seem right’ Krystal thought to herself.



She finally decided to go and console the girl. If Taeyeon suspected, all Krystal had to say was that she was looking for the bathroom and ended up getting lost or something. As she turned back, Taeyeon was gone. Krystal looked around, but she couldn’t find her. She shook her head in annoyance and walked back to the library. When she entered, Jessica was already there. She looked normal, like nothing was bothering her. She looked around to see if Taeyeon was around and she was. Minwoo was sitting with her and they were talking. Krystal took a seat at a table that was empty and started to think about everything. She felt bad for Taeyeon, but it’s not like she wasn’t mad at the fact that she’s been ditched and lied to. And so far, everything was not looking good for Taeyeon, everything seemed to point against her. It frustrated her the fact that she still wanted to console Taeyeon even though Taeyeon wasn’t being honest and didn’t even try to her give an explanation about her relationship with Jessica or an explanation as to why she acted so odd sometimes.



She understood that Taeyeon may have been scared that she would have judged her, but She’s Jessica’s sister. She should have at least tried to tell her. ‘I never gave her any reason to think I would judge her in any way, I wanted to be friends with her’ Krystal thought to herself. She also didn’t get why Taeyeon would be so sweet to her and other times she’d completely ignore her. That was one thing Jessica and Taeyeon had in common, except Jessica had that death glare that scared the hell out of Krystal. In a way, Krystal knew she was just being nosy, but she couldn’t help but be curious. This was the most drama she has had in her life and it just seemed to intrigue her.



Never in a million years did she think Jessica would date a girl. I mean she knew Jessica was pretty and there was a possibility a girl would fall for her, but not the other way around. If people found out, the school would surely hate her and her popularity would plummet. It would be the same for Taeyeon. ‘They dated and didn’t want to me to know about it.….I should just let it go….it’s not even a big deal….’She told herself. This situation was stressing her out and it wasn’t even something to be stressed over. Like yeah, they didn’t tell her about it, but in a way, it had already ended. To her there were doubts whether it really ended or not, but that was between them…..she also wanted to stop feeling the feeling she felt when she saw Taeyeon or when she saw her with someone else. Krystal told herself she wasn’t sure what it was, but deep down she knew, she was just too afraid to admit it. She had been too caught up in her thoughts that when the bell rung, it startled her. Jessica put a hand on her shoulder.



“Are you ready to go?” Jessica asked her.



“Uh yeah, I am.” Krystal answered.



“Where were you by the way?” Jessica asked.



“What do you mean?” Krystal asked.



“You left and then I left after you, but you still weren’t back when I came back.” Jessica asked. Krystal tried not to show any signs of panic and tried to think of something fast.



“I-I was…..I was going to the uh bathroom and I uh got lost.” Krystal tried to sound as convincing as possible.



“You’re still getting lost here?” She asked.



“Just sometimes, I get distracted easily and then I don’t even realize where I walked to.” Krystal said.



“Ah, okay. Do you need to grab anything from your locker? Jessica asked.



“I just need to leave some books, I’ll meet you outside.” Krystal said feeling relieved that she stopped asking questions. Jessica walked out and Krystal walked towards her locker. There she saw Taeyeon by her locker and Minwoo was talking to her. She got to her locker and she couldn’t help but listen to their conversation.



“We don’t have to break up.” Minwoo said with a desperate voice.



“Yes, we do.” Taeyeon said. Krystal notices she sounded fine with it, like she didn’t care.



“No, we don’t, look I can just give you some space and we can work things out later.” He tried to reason with her.



“There’s nothing to work out. We just aren’t working.” Taeyeon said.



“Tell me the truth, is this about Jessica?” He asked.



“What?” She sounded nervous. Krystal thought that maybe he knew they dated.



“I swear we just talked. She’s the one came up to me, nothing happened.” He pleaded.



“It’s not because of her. It doesn’t have to do with anyone but us, we just didn’t click and that’s it. I don’t know what else you want me to say, but we aren’t getting back together. You’re a really great guy and I’m sure you’ll find someone better.” She explained. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek before leaving. Krystal turned to him and he looked like he couldn’t believe it. She felt bad for him. Krystal left the books she didn’t need and then closed her locker. She noticed people were staring at him and he walked the other way in an angered manner. She walked out the entrance towards Jessica’s car. As she entered, Jessica noticed her face looked like she was thinking about something.



“Are you okay?” Jessica asked her.



“Yeah…well I think so, I don’t know…. I just saw Taeyeon break up with Minwoo.” Krystal said.



“So? Does that bother you?” Jessica said, not understanding why Krystal cared.



“Well no, I just think it’s kinda sad when you love someone, but they don’t love you back.” Krystal expressed.



“I’m sure I’m not the only one who has told you this, but people don’t tend to stick around when it comes to Taeyeon. Not because they don’t want to, but more like Taeyeon doesn’t want them anymore. She likes to keep her distance.” Jessica explained.



“Kevin told me that too.” Krystal said.



“See, even her own friend says that about her. This is why I want you to stay away from her. She may seem like a nice person, but she uses people and then throws them away. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Jessica said.



“Is that what she did to you?” It slipped from Krystal’s mouth.



“I think I’m the only one who actually got to know her best. I realized how she really was and I confronted her about it, but she obviously didn’t take it well. That’s not the only reason, but that was enough to know she wasn’t worth it. I don’t know what she’s telling other people or what she might try to tell you, but don’t trust her.” Jessica said in a serious tone.



“Then why did you hit her?” Krystal finally asked.



“What do you mean?” Jessica asked confused.



“I saw you slap her.”Krystal said.



“Look, the only reason I did that was because I wanted to make it clear that I didn’t want her anywhere close to you. I’m sure it must have come as a shock, but I only did it for you. Believe me, I’m not the bad guy here.” Jessica explained. Krystal realized she had completely misread that situation, she honestly thought Jessica was just being mean, but it turned out she was just looking out for her. This made her feel a bit guilty. She still wanted to see Taeyeon as a good person, but what Jessica was telling her was portraying Taeyeon as the bad guy.



“……” Krystal didn’t say anything, she just nodded in agreement.



“So, does that answer all your questions?” Jessica asked turning the car on and began to drive home.



“I have one more, but I don’t know how you’ll take it.” Krystal said. There were many more questions she wanted to ask, but they could wait.


“Ask away.” Jessica said.



“Please don’t get mad, it’s just I heard him say it and it got me thinking-“ Krystal began rambling and Jessica cut her off.



“Just ask it.” Jessica said.



“Did you have anything to do with Taeyeon and Minwoo’s breakup?” It took a lot for Krystal to ask that. She didn’t want Jessica to think she doubted her or anything, but she just wanted to make sure. She thought maybe there was a chance Jessica may be getting revenge, but she wanted to hear the truth from her because she knew people would start to spread rumors.



“Why would you think that?” She asked.



“He mentioned your name and said that you talked to him….and I saw you when you were talking to him a few weeks ago.” Krystal tried saying it in a way that wouldn’t sound accusive.



“I had a crush on him and decided to make a move, but of course Taeyeon beat me to it. She knew I liked him and she didn’t want me to get what I wanted. When I talked to him about us maybe going out for lunch, he said Taeyeon had already asked him.” She said.



“Is that why you were so mad the next day? Because you saw them together.” Krystal asked.



“Yeah…” Jessica said. Krystal saw sadness in her eyes when she answered.



“I also noticed that the day after it had looked like you were crying when school was over…was it because of her too? You were jealous he sat with her?” Krystal asked.



“I didn’t think it would get to me, but it did. You see Krystal, Taeyeon always has to get her way. I can’t do anything without her ruining it. And now that you’re here, it makes me even more nervous that she might do something to you.” Jessica explained.



“I’m sorry, I know it sounds like I’m doubting you, but I’m not. I want to be able to trust you, but you have to stop keeping secrets from me. I know what happened between Taeyeon and you should just be between you two, but I want you to know I’m here for you.” Krystal told Jessica.



“I want you to trust me too and I want you to know the truth. That’s why whatever questions you have I will gladly answer them.” Jessica said with a smile. They arrived at home and before going inside Jessica gave Krystal a hug.



“What was that for?” Krystal asked smiling.



“You’re my sister, I can hug you all I want.” Jessica said. They both laughed and went inside.







OH.MY.FRICKEN.GOD…. I finally updated. You guys can thank Chase Atlantic’s new album PHASES. I literally had that album on repeat and it helped me finish the chapter. I’ve said sorry so many times and I’ve said so many excuses. Well, to me they aren’t really excuses because I am really going through those things and I literally have no motivation. Anyway, I tried to make a long chapter for you guys since I haven’t been active with this story in forever. I can’t tell you all how thankful I am for those of you still reading this. Again, I’m so sorry for taking so long. This story is one I want to get right without any mistakes so I’m reading over everything and making sure I don’t miss anything. Thanks again to all my truly BEAUTIFUL readers.

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Can’t believe I published this back in 2015 and I’m still writing it. My gawd I’m really bad at finishing things. I know I keep saying this, but thank you thank you thank you all so much for staying with this story for that long. I read every comment and it makes me happy to know you guys enjoy it.


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Chapter 14: This is a good story... Btw i'm a new reader here~

I'm really waiting for the update...:))
Yay, an update! I going to re-read the whole thing to refresh my memory a bit (and I'm going to enjoy every mint). Thank you!
justincredible #3
Chapter 14: Finally. You're back!
Yeyy finally you're back author-nim
Sicjess2 #5
Chapter 14: This story is so beautiful like it's title and so I read it in one go. I know you are probably busy but please continue this beautiful work, good luck Nim.
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you're alright, thank you so much for the update author-nim, I hope you'll update again soon. Take care of yourself and fighting!!!
Bumella #7
Chapter 14: Thank you very much for the update.. hehe
larasatirobiatul_a #8
Chapter 14: Woah..I'm glad you finally updated this ... ??
larasatirobiatul_a #9
Update pliss
Chapter 13: I'm so glad you're back, author, I hope you've been doing great? Please take care of yourself, okay? And thanks a bunch for this update, you actually made my day :D.