Chapter 9

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

Present time~~~

I felt pain everywhere. I looked up to see the biggest at school, Soojin, glaring at me. Oh come on! Give me a break, i thought gloomily. 

"What are you doing Kim Ara? Who told you that you can get so close to the EXO and B.A.P oppas? Who gave you permission? Anyways, i thought you didn't like making friends, yet you are sticking to the oppas like vermin. You are probably just a little who wants to sleep with one of them right? Admit it."

I know i might not be the brave sort of girl, but i'm certainly not scared to stand up for myself. I stood up straighter and shrugged off Soojin's arm.

"There's nothing to admit. I don't need you to tell me who i can and can't be friends with Soojin, it's my choice, and i certainly don't need YOUR permission. And if i'm a , what does that make you?"

Soojin was going to lose her temper when one of her friends put a hand on her arm to stop her. She looked back and her friend gave her a look before Soojin turned back to me, smirking. 

"Well, well, have you ever considered that the oppas might hate you?"

"Why would they? I did nothing to annoy them."

"You being there annoys them, have you thought about that? Anyways, listen to this, the recording says it all."

I stared at the voice recorder and narrowed my eyes. What tricks are these girls playing now? Soojin fiddled with it and gave it to me; i had no choice but to take it. When i turned it on, there were a lot of shuffling noises before Soojin's voice became audible. I felt sick and wanted to throw up at how fakely sweet Soojin was trying to sound. 

"So oppas, what do you think of that girl Ara? I'm going to cut to the chase, do you like her oppas?"

My eyes widened at the voice of the next person who spoke in the recording; it sounded oddly like Yongguk oppa.

"I don't like fake and phoney people."

"What about you Suho oppa?"

"God i hate her!"

Soojin smirked again as she saw my hurt expression. I was trying hard not to believe all of this until i heard the next voice in the recording; my heart scrunched up in pain as shock crossed my face. It was Kai.

"So Kai oppa, will you ever like someone like Ara? Like i mean, will you ever befriend her by will?"

"You wish..."

Just two words, but they cut me deeper than everything else that i've heard up till now. Kai said he didn't want to be my friend, that he didn't befriend me at his own will... Unknowingly, tears flowed down my face, i was so hurt that i didn't even suspect anything suspicious about the recording, like the little breaks in between sentences showing it's been edited. I was just so blinded by the hurtful words that i never thought would come from the oppas. Soojin pretended to pout and stiffly patted me on the shoulder, faking sympathy but i shrugged her hand off harshly. Her expression turned cold before she turned off the recording and watched my dumbfounded and hurt expression. 

"I just saved you Ara, from further embarrassing yourself in front of the oppas, thinking that they like you when they actually hate you so much. How you can't see that i don't know, it's just so obvious."

"It's not... true, the oppas... they are not like that..."

I said in between sobs but i doubted every word i just said. Soojin gave me one more cold look before she turned away to leave. Before she left, she said one last thing that was like a cold pail of water being thrown into my face.

"You were a loner, you are a loner and you will forever BE a loner, so just accept it. It's time you snap back into reality and stop living in your day dreams that will never come true."

I sank to the ground as the clicking of her heels became distant. Then, remembering i was still in school, i snapped out of it, stood up and threw my books into my locker before running away, to the back of the school, not wanting to be in class right now; i chose to run away. I sat down heavily beside the little lily pond behind the school and cried harder than i have ever cried...

Kai pov~~~

"Suho hyung, did you find her?!"

"No... Kai, maybe try looking around campus instead of in the buildings."

"Got it hyung!"


I turned around again at the sound of Suho hyung's exasperated voice with a panicked and worried face.

"We will find her Kai! It will be fine..."

"Deh... hyung."

I gave one last hesitant nod before rushing off without looking back. Ara, don't believe anything you hear from the recording please... just don't... I silently willed in my heart. I hope i'm not too late. I frantically ran around to the lily pond at the back of the school, that's when i saw her... and she was crying. My heart jumped in horror. Damn it! I swore under my breath... we weren't quick enough. 


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