Chapter 14

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

I rubbed my stomach as i laid back on my bed with a groan. I'm never eating this much ice-cream ever again, i feel like i'm about to be sick. But at least it helped, just a little, at helping me feel better. Youngmin and Kwangmin went downstairs to clean up while i lay there, alone, thinking...

Moments earlier~~~

My tears couldn't stop flowing when i talked about everything. Youngmin and Kwangmin never interrupted once when i was telling them the story. Once i had finally finished the story as well as the tub of ice-cream, Kwangmin silently opened the second tub and passed it to me before i dug in without much persuasion. We were all quiet before Youngmin started talking. 

"You know... i think your little friends were telling the truth. From your description, there's no doubt that this Soojin is a real so there's nothing she won't do to get what she wants. I'm betting she and her sneaky little friends twigged the voice recording so you'd drift away from the Kingkas, so you'd get hurt, and you fell right into their trap. Little pieces of different conversations put together can sound really convincing as if those harsh words are directed at you but maybe they weren't?"

"But it was so realistic... it's hard not to believe it's real..."

"Princess, there is only one truth. Do you think your friends would say something like this about you? I mean, it sounded to me as if they really cared about you, so why would they insult you? That Suho guy was right; to be someone's friend means that you trust them to stick with you through thick and thin, and for you to do the same back, or else the friendship would mean nothing. And if they trust you so much, you should trust them that much as well, it's not a one way thing. And that Kai, the fact that he kept on coming back to you, no matter how mean you are to him or how much you ignore and avoid him, shows that he care about you, so much, and wouldn't never hurt you. Now, THIS is true love, if this isn't, then i don't know what is. Did you not notice? That day at the market, it looked like he was ready to dig my eyes out and punch my face in for being so close to you. Even when we turned around to go, i felt his eyes burning holes in the back of my head."

Youngmin finally stopped to take a breath. I didn't reply but i know what Youngmin said was true. I'm a horrible person to treat my friends in such a way without finding out the real truth, and in turn, i probably hurt them countless times.

"Maybe it's time that you stop this pointless fight and i don't know, be with the ones that care about you the most yeah?"

I lowered my eyes and stared at my hands that are clutching the ice-cream tub tightly.

"I... don't know how... how to approach them anymore, i mean this became something really big because of me, so i don't know how to fix it..."

Youngmin patted me on the shoulder and smiled softly.

"Always remember Ara, words can start a fight, but they can also end one too."

Flash back ends~~~

I sighed as i rolled off my bed just as Youngmin and Kwangmin made their way back while Youngmin was holding a letter and reading the content, concentrating so hard he almost ran into the bed frame. 

"Hey, what's that you are reading? Let me see... This is my house you know, and that's my mail, what if it's personal stuff?"

"Did you know about the formal dance party or whatever it's called?"

Oh yeah, the dance... i have to perform with... Tim. No matter how perfect Tim is, he can't be compared to Kai because, well, he isn't Kai. At the mention of that, my heart sank and my face fell. Youngmin seem to notice before he sat down beside me on the bed again.

"I'm not going... i know it might be hard for Tim to perform without a partner, but i'm sure they can find him another partner... I can't, be up there with him and see... Kai singing with another girl, let along Soojin."

"You can't hide forever Ara! Besides, if you aren't going for yourself, then go for this Tim guy, you can't just back out on him at the last minute because of your own personal matter, it isn't fair to him or to your classmates that are expecting you to win. Look, this is not the Ara i know, the Ara i know made another girl who was her best friend at the time cry by chasing after a boy they both liked... Ok, that's not a very good example, in fact, that's a negative example, don't do that again, but where did that Ara go? That brave, carefree girl who would always get back up, dust herself off and keep going no matter how many times she fall and how painful the fall was?"

I rolled my eyes and flicked Youngmin on the head.

"Wow, way to go for making me sound like a !"

"You know what i mean. The bottom line is that find that girl and bring her back ok?"

Youngmin stared at me expectantly while i sighed and murmured.

"Well, people change... and some part of me just changed..."

"But some things have stayed the same..."

Youngmin lifted up my chin and looked at me softly. I looked into his eyes and knew he was right, i can't avoid it forever because, my love for Kai will never change. I sighed in defeat and he knew i had given in before a big smile came onto his face.

"I will get a good friend of mine to get you ready for the dance on the day."

Kai pov~~~

"Kai, we've got a plan on how to expose the lies Soojin told Ara."

I sighed again... Ara singing at the dance but i'm not her partner, how did everything turn out this way? I thought about all the good times i've had with her, how i'd made her laugh and her eyes would twinkle like the stars. Her every move, her laugh, her smile, seem to make me fall for her that little bit harder and hate Soojin that little much more. I turned to Suho hyung and squeezed out a smile.

"Neh hyung, let's do this and teach that a lesson."


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