Chapter 6

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

Of course, when i called my mum to pick me up, she freaked out about the whole injury thing and treated me as if i was a little kid. I sighed on the other end of the phone before my mum clicked off in a hurry, vaguely hearing her say to her friend who had come to visit that she had to pick up her poor baby from school. I sat on the bed waiting for my mum to come, when my mind snapped to when Kai was taking care of me, he seemed so gentle and so nice; for a moment, i was able to forget where we were and that he was a Kingka. I can still feel the warmth of his fingers from when he was bandaging my ankle... i smiled thinking about the short moment i spent with him in the infirmary before i shook my head and mentally scolded myself. "You shouldn't be thinking about him you pabo," i said to myself quietly, "he's a Kingka and you are just some average girl, besides, they are probably being sympathetic and then going to laugh at you afterwards..." But he didn't seem like that kinda person, Kai, Suho and all the others. I was just getting up when my mum burst through the door. Great, here we go... I sighed as i limped towards the car with her while she mumbled on.

1 week after~~~

"Ara! Wait up!"

I turned around at the familiar voice of Kai and blinked my big eyes at him while he tried to catch his breaths. Once he calmed down, he straightened up and i had to laugh. His hair was all over the place and i shook my head at him before smoothing it down for him. A slight blush crept up his face and he gave me a goofy smile before clearing his throat and spoke up. 

"We were wondering if you want to hang out with us at lunch today."

"Well, i don't know... i mean you guys are the Kingkas, it wouldn't be right if girls like me hung out with you guys... it wouldn't... look good."

"What are you talking about?! What do you mean 'girls like you'? There's nothing wrong with you so be confident ok? Besides, we'd love to have you there, and Suho hyung did invite you that day at the infirmary, so we don't mind at all!"

I thought about it and Kai started to pull aegyo. I laughed and had to agree. His eyes twinkled as he said goodbye and rushed away, messing up his hair again while i just giggled before i made my way back to class.

After the bell rang for lunch, i gathered up all my books and thanked my teacher before walking out. I was startled to find Kai and the others waiting for me outside my classroom. They were standing with their hands in their pockets and leaning against the wall coolly. So that's why all the girls were screaming, i thought. Normally, one look at them standing there would have made all the girls faint but it had no effect on me as i just smiled and walked up to them. Once they saw me coming, they stood up straighter and Kai smiled at me.

"Are you ready?"

"You make it sound like we are going somewhere exciting."

"Well, isn't it exciting that you get to hang out with us? Most girls would die for an opportunity like this."

I just shrugged and commented before walking up to the lockers.

"Well, i'm not most girls..."

"Yeah... you are not."

Kai whispered the last part while i went to put my books away. Then they led me to where they always sit, under the big tree near the school gate. I said hello to B.A.P who were already sitting there chatting before sitting down and staring into space. Everyone else was conversing but i don't really know how to join in so i just cracked a smile occasionally here and there, pretending to know what they are on about. Just as i was feeling bored, Kai slid across to me and pressed a chocolate bar into my hand. I looked at him and but just smiled and gave me a little wink.

"You must be hungry; i didn't see you eat lunch today."

"No, i'm not that hungry actually,"

"Take it anyways, it will give you energy. And, how's your ankle?"

"It's all better, thanks for taking care of me the other day."

I smiled at Kai and he smiled softly back before returning to his seat next to Suho. I looked at the chocolate bar, thinking about how thoughtful Kai is before peeling it open and taking a small bite. I didn't notice that Kai was secretly watching me and when i took a bite of the chocolate, he smiled to himself and turned back to his conversation. Just as i was finishing up the chocolate, Himchan from B.A.P came to sit besides me. He flirtatiously wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"So, what do we have here? Someone new in our group today, a beautiful lady! Who are you babe?"

I threw away my chocolate wrapper and slapped his arm off before staring at him. The others stared in awe at me; no girl has rejected Himchan yet, he's got a certain charm that girls seem to just fall for... well, not me. It was about time someone knocked down some of his big ego and teaches him to not be arrogant just because he's popular. 

A/N: new chapter today guys! please subscribe lots and comment too!~~~~ thank you and i have nothing against Himchan, i didn't write to spite him or anything, it's just how i pictured him in this story, please don't be offended Himchan fans! :) 


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