Chapter 13

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

I can't keep taking days off so eventually after a week, i had to go to school, reluctantly. At school, i would ignore and try to avoid the Kingkas as much as i can. I had asked to swap duet partners so now instead of being with Kai, my partner was changed to Tim. One day during music, the teacher informed us of the annual ball that the school has. 

"So next Saturday is the school's annual ball. Dress up nicely and enjoy yourselves, it will be a spectacular musical event. Since this is a performing arts school, each class will pick several representatives to put up a performance on the night. A winner will then be selected from all the performers and they will have the honour to perform at the end of year concert, where many scouts will be watching. It is a huge event and if you guys are lucky, you might be scouted to become trainees under leading entertainment companies. So i've selected Kai and Tiffany pair, as well as Ara and Tim pair to perform at the ball. With your talents, i don't think there are any objections from the class to pick you four. You will perform one duet with your partner and then all 4 of you will combine to perform a song at the end. I have chosen the songs for you so come see me after class. That is all."

I looked over at Tim and he smiled at me brightly. I had no choice but to smile back. Then i glanced over at Kai; he was trying to hide his annoyance with Tiffany as she latched herself onto him. I felt like throwing up at the sight of it. Kai suddenly turned around and our eyes met for a brief moment before i hurriedly looked away, not wanting to cry because i saw it, i saw the pain visible in his eyes whenever he looks at me... to be honest, when i found out that Kai was going to be partnered with Tiffany, my heart scrunched up in pain.

"The duets you will have to find time yourself to practice on your own, but we will have group rehearsals with the four of you together to work on the last song. Please work hard, we are all counting on you 4."

We nodded, feeling important all of a sudden as our classmates cheered us on. As the bell rang, we gathered our books and drifted out of the room. I watched Tiffany dragging Kai out the room, loudly exclaiming that they are practising right now as she shot me a glare. I pretended not to notice as i packed up my books and headed towards Tim. Kai's eyes begged me to save him, just to call out his name once he would have came over to me immediately. I lowered my eyes; i'm sorry Kai, i still can't face you at the moment. Just before he was dragged out of the classroom, i saw his disappointed look before he completely vanished. I sighed and turned back to the smiling Tim. Tim is considered as the romantic 'Ballad Prince' in the school, gifted with a gorgeous voice that makes girls and guys cry as well as a handsome face. He is a gentleman and never raises his voice when he talks to others, greeting others with a heart-warming smile all day. 

"Hey Ara, i'm so honoured to be able to pair up with you, we all know you are the best female singer and dancer in the school."

I gave him a small smile at the compliment and cut to the chase.

"Thanks Tim-shi, i should be the one saying that. But i was thinking we should practice every lunch leading up to the performance, after all, we want to be the best pair and have the opportunity to perform for the scouts at the end of year concert."

"Sure! And you needn't call me Tim-shi, just Tim or Tim oppa is fine."

He winked at me and i smiled politely before leaving the classroom to go to the library again. I guess that's now my seating spot once more. After a hard day at school, i've never looked forward to home more. Once i got back, i immediately went up to my room and flopped on my bed. Youngmin came into my room and sat on the edge of my bed. I peeked at him and then covered my face with a pillow.

"Not even a hello huh? Your day was that bad?"

"Not really... and hello."

Youngmin chuckled just as Kwangmin came into my room, carrying two tubs of ice-cream. I narrowed my eyes.

"You are not to come into my room with food; we all know you are a messy eater."

"But they are not for me today, these, are for you missy. Now now, don't be so mean to me, i'm giving my ice-cream to you and i normally never share."

I looked at them and my expression softened, they care about me so much but i'm always annoyed towards them, only talk and joke with them when i feel like it. Even when i completely ignore them, they are always there for me. I felt tears stinging my eyes and without further persuasion, i grabbed the first tub and started eating while my tears fell, mixing the sweet flavour of the ice-cream with my salty tears. They sat on either side of me and patted my shoulders sympathetically. Then the whole story came out...

Kai pov~~~

I dragged my tired body towards the guys and flopped on the bench. Suho hyung came over.

"It was that bad huh? At least you are still half alive after Tiffany's through with you."

"Gosh, all she want to do is sit there and snog me all day... But that i can handle; it's just that... Ara... she ignored me, like i don't exist... that's what i can't handle."

Suho hyung patted me on the shoulder while i just sat there with my head in my hands. 

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