Chapter 7

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

"Can you please not do that? I'm not sure that i'm comfortable around you yet. And don't call me babe, i don't like it."

Himchan looked surprised before shrugging and pulled away. I suddenly lost all interest in sitting with the Kingkas, at least for today if every once in a while, a guy is going to do that to me. Honestly, i hate it when guys have no respect for girls; they think that they could just randomly flirt with us and play with our hearts for their entertainment purposes. Although Kai and the other EXO members don't seem like that kind of person, i figured there may be a few guys that are in the group. Well, that won't work on me. I stood up suddenly, causing all the guys to turn to me. I dusted myself off and swang my bag onto my shoulder before giving them a stiff smile.

"Thank you Suho oppa, for inviting me to sit with you guys, but i suddenly remembered i needed to go to the library so i will see you guys around i guess."

"Oh... ummm... ok, it's no problem, see you around then."

With that, i my heels and left without looking back, feeling slightly annoyed at how i was treated. I guess i could be oversensitive about these things... Soon i heard footsteps behind me; i didn't stop to see who it was. Suddenly, someone reached forward and gently grabbed my shoulder. I turned around and saw an out of breath Kai. My expression softened a little; after all, even though his friend may have been a jerk, he didn't do anything wrong.

"Sorry... about Himchan... hyung ... back there..."

"Catch your breath first Kai,"

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his silliness. He grinned widely while tried to take deep breaths to calm down. After a while, he seems to be better as he straightened up.

"At least your hair isn't all messed up this time."

I commented and he laughed.

"That's the power of hair gels. Anyways, i just wanted to apologise for Himchan hyung's behaviour back there, it was really disrespectful of him to do that to you and i know you are offended. But he's always been like that since all the girls like it when he does that to them, no one has rejected Himchan hyung before. So don't take it to heart ok?"

He's such a gentleman, apologising for his friend like this, when he had nothing to do with it. It wasn't even something that concerned him but he was afraid that i was upset and came to explain... I walked up to Kai and he looked at me confusingly. I wrapped my arms around him for a brief second and i felt him tense. Once i quickly pulled away, i saw his red face and stoned expression. I tried to hold back my laughter and spoke.

"Thank you Kai oppa, but you didn't have to apologise for him since it's not even your fault. If he realised he was wrong, then he should come and apologise himself, not make his friend do it. Anyways, i'm not angry at you or the others because i trust you guys to not do the same thing, and i'm sure once everyone gets to know me, and what kind of girl i am, they won't do that to me anymore, Himchan-shi too."

Kai's eyes sparkled upon hearing me call him oppa and flashed me his charming smile. This time it was me who was blushing, hoping that it is not that noticeable.

"Ok, well, i guess i will see you around ok? And still hang out with us at lunch ok? I promise i won't let Himchan hyung lay a finger on you next time."

"I'm counting on you then Kai oppa."

Kai smiled again at my comment before running away, waving. I giggled and waved back before walking to the library, hoping to settle down and study some maths.

No one's pov~~~

"Soojin, do you know who that girl was that just hugged Kai oppa?"

"Oh yes, her name is Kim Ara; she's that outcast, but somehow after that gym class, where the oppas cared for her injuries that she started hanging out with them. Gosh, the oppas are probably bothered by her presence but are just too nice to say that to her face. She doesn't even see that, she's just so ignorant and still sticks to the oppas like vermin, it's disgusting!"

Soojin played with one of her perfect blonde locks and bit her bottom lip in annoyance. That girl Ara is really getting on her nerves. How dare she approach the Kingkas and appear best friends with them when she's not even popular like me? Soojin thought angrily. I'm the Queenka of the school and yet i don't even get the attention i want from the Kingkas. How dare she slap Himchan oppa like that and hug Kai oppa? Now she's officially on my hate list.

"What should we do about her Soojin? She's like so totally stuck-up and fake and just plain annoying."

"She just pissed me off so this isn't going to turn out well for her. Watch out Kim Ara, we are going to make your life living hell!"

Soojin smirked and waved her newly manicured hands and all the Queenkas stood up before leaving with her. This is going to be fun! Soojin thought. Let's play a little game shall we, Kim Ara?

A/N: i have trouble thinking up names for my characters so i'm sorry i've settle on Soojin for the lead Queenka. I know it's not very original, but please bear with me xD and please support my story thank you :)

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