Chapter 8

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

It's been weeks and i slowly got closer to all the Kingkas. Himchan had apologised for his behaviour before and seeing that he was sincere, i had waved it away and forgiven him. The Kingkas have warmed up to me and accepted me as one of them and i slowly got used to hanging out with them. I was especially close with Kai after everything that happened. We seem to go everywhere together now like it's the most natural thing to do. Since then, i started looking forward to lunch times and no longer have the need to stay in the library to hide the fact that i am a loner... because i'm not anymore. I used to think that friends were pointless but now, i'm so happy to have them around that i can't have any one of them out of my life. 

It was a Friday; i had just finished typing up my assignment and closed my laptop with a sigh. Because it was exam times soon and all the assessments are due, Kai, the other Kingkas and i have been busy day and night studying without much time to talk to each other. I haven't seen Kai or anyone else all morning. I frowned when i thought about it. I hope Kai and the others are ok, and hope they are taking care of themselves since they've been so busy like me lately. Just as i got out of the library, i was thrown roughly against the wall...

Moments earlier, Kai pov~~~

We've been busy with assignments and studying all morning; it's so annoying that we have to do this. And it is a bit worrying that we haven't seen Ara all morning, she had said that she was going to study as well and not bother us, but is she ok? There's this awful feeling inside my stomach i have no idea why. I sighed and tried to concentrate on my essay. Suho hyung came up to me and placed a cup of coffee in front of me. I smiled and thanked him before taking a drink, immediately feeling much more awake as the warmth of the coffee spread through my body.

"I see you are studying hard Kai, that's great to see!"

"Thanks hyung, i really needed that coffee. By the way, have you finished studying?"

"Yeah, i was just checking if you are all done so we can meet up with the guys."

"Ok, i'm just about finished."

I stood up, closed my laptop and left the classroom with Suho hyung to meet up with the guys and hopefully, Ara. Once we were all under the usual tree, i looked around for Ara but didn't see her. Maybe she's still in the library studying, better let her concentrate and not bother her. Suddenly, the clicking of heels coming our way snapped me out of my thoughts. I frowned, knowing who it is that's coming. The biggest in the school, Soojin, and her posies are the Queenkas at this school; all of us really hate her. It seems like that she has a huge crush on me, but i have no feelings for her at all besides repulsion.

"Hi oppas, it's really nice to see you all here."

"What do you want Soojin? We aren't got time for you."

Daehyun asked, slightly annoyed while Soojin just flicked her hair and commented in a super fake sweet voice.

"Nothing, we just came to say hi, can't we?"

"Yeah, whatever, just go away, i don't like fake and phoney people."

Yongguk commented with a growl while Soojin's smile faded and was replaced by a dark expression.

"Then i wonder why you don't get rid of that Ara, she's as much of a nuisance as anyone else that bothers you."

"She is NOT a nuisance, and i would appreciate you not calling her a ''."

Suho hyung said in a dangerously low voice. He doesn't get angry very often but when he does, you better run. Soojin didn't seem at all fazed by the scary expression Suho hyung has, instead, snorted and held up a voice recorder. A terrible feeling developed at the pit of my stomach and i saw the other guys tense. Soojin smiled almost too innocently.

"You know oppas, voice recordings are such wonderful things. They are able to bring people together or tear them apart... No matter what, we will sure get rid of that annoying girl for you oppas. Once she listens to a voice recording that we've kindly put together for her, everything will return to normal..."

"What are you thinking of doing?"

I asked in a sharp voice but Soojin just laughed before walking up to me and put her arms around me. I tried to struggle out of her grip but she just held me there. Giving me a quick peck on the lips, she whispered.

"Soon, oppa, you will be mine, mark my words."

"You wish..."

I gritted my teeth in hatred and spat while she just laughed again; her laugh is driving me crazy, it's a painful sound to listen to.

"I love it when you are angry oppa, you are so damn y! Well, see you later oppas, have a good day!"

She left while we just stared at their backs in disgust. Suho hyung was the first to react as he suddenly stood up, surprising us all. 

"Gosh i hate her! But whatever Soojin prepared isn't good, she plans to get Ara away from us, so she must have some shady voice recordings that hold nothing but lies. Whatever we do, we should warn Ara first."

I wiped at my mouth, disgusted by the intimate contact with Soojin a moment ago and feeling sick being surrounded by her overpowering perfume; jumping up from the bench, i ran off to look for Ara, hoping i'm not too late.

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