Chapter 4

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

I stared at the obstacle course in front of me in disbelief. This has officially turned my day into a nightmare. The coach blew her whistle and we lined up in front of her. 

"Today, we've set up an obstacle course for you all to test your physical abilities. Since this is going towards your end of term mark, everyone MUST complete it, no matter what happens..."

She trailed off as she stared at me pointedly while i felt myself go warm with embarrassment. I have a tendency to get hurt in gym, and when i get hurt, i pull out. I guess this time i have no choice but to finish the course. Just as we were about to dispatch to get ready, a warm voice callled out as i froze at how familiar that voice sounded. Great, i thought to myself, just when i thought my day couldn't get any worse.

"Hey miss, all 18 of us have a free period, so do you mind if we watch your class?"

I turned around as i heard Suho's voice and my mouth opened in shock. I crossed my fingers and prayed that she won't let them stay... I can't let them see me do gym; i will be even more embarrassed and might even be made fun of after. But since almost all the female teacher at school adore the Kingkas, i'm not that lucky. So soon, i found myself lining up in front of the starting line, waiting for my turn while the Kingkas watched on intently. I stole a glance at them and saw that Kai, Suho and Sehun were all looking at me. I turned a bit pale and quickly turned away as Kai smiled that oh-so-charming smile of his at me while Sehun waved excitedly. What's there to be excited about and why are they so interested in me, i thought gloomily as i touched my lucky hairpin, praying that no accidents will be bestowed upon me today in gym. 

"Next, Ara, please, at least try and complete the course this time, i don't want to have to mark you incompetent."

I felt my mouth go dry and my hands were all sweaty. I nodded gravely and stared at the course in front of me before taking a small step towards it. I then closed my eyes and took a deep breath before i began. I was doing quite well and got through the first couple of obstacles perfectly fine, although i struggled a bit but it was better than all the other times. I heard Kai and the others cheering for me and felt confused, even slightly annoyed. What do they want with me? I thought and mumbled to myself. Because i wasn't concentrating, my hands loosened on the bars and slipped, the next thing i knew, i landed heavily onto the ground. Pain shot up my entire body and i gritted my teeth to stop myself from screaming out loud. Everywhere, panicked voices were calling my name but i couldn't utter a word as all air seem to be knocked out of my lungs. Stars were dancing in front of my eyes as i banged my head but i tried to blink them away. When the dizziness eased off, i managed to get up slowly but cringed as i discovered a sprained ankle. I don't want to be incompetent again. I looked weakly over at the coach and she was shaking her head slightly in disappointment. When i looked over at the Kingkas, i found Kai and some others standing up, looking very worried and tense.

"It's alright miss, i can continue."

"Are you sure? If you say ---"

"Miss! how can you let her keep going? She clearly hurt her ankle and hit her head and could possibly have concussion! She must be taken to the school infirmary."

It was Kai who spoke up for me. I felt kinda warm inside that he cared, but i also don't know why he would care so much; was it out of pity? I spoke to him with much difficulty, wincing at the pain.

"It's alright Kai-shi, i can keep going."

"But ---"

I smiled at him before turning back to signify i was ready to start again. My coach stared at me before blowing the whistle again and i was off to complete the last little bit. When i finally made it to the finish line, everyone cheered for me as i collapsed on top of the mat, even the serious coach cracked a smile and looked impressed at my persistence. I can no longer feel much of my left ankle but pain and i am breathing heavily from exhaustion but i didn't care; i'm finally competent for gym! Then, i felt a presence beside me and i tensed before opening my eyes; it was Kai, looking worriedly down at me.


"Now that you are finished, can i take you to the infirmary?"

"You are going to --- Kai-shi! Let me go! I can walk ---"

"Stop talking and just stay still, do you want to cause a bigger scene?"

Upon hearing this, i immediately shut my mouth and obediently let Kai carry me bridal style to the infirmary, all the while trying to hide my face. Gosh, all the girls are going to hate me now, i thought but felt a little tinge of happiness that Kai was carrying me in his arms. After we got there, he gently put me on one of the beds and started treating my ankle. The nurse had came in and checked my ankle as well as head; luckily my ankle was just sprained, no harm done to the bones and i didn't have a serious concussion. Kai was gently wrapping a bandage around my twisted ankle and every time i winced in pain, he would scrunch up his face and treat my ankle even gentler, afraid that he is hurting me. Once i was all wrapped up and treated, Kai came to sit beside me and we both just looked at each other. I was entranced by his gorgeous eyes; neither of us looked away and i'm sure there was a spark just now...

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