Chapter 12

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

Thank goodness it was the weekend after that unpleasant incident, so i didn't have to face any of the Kingkas at school. I had Youngmin calling the school, saying that next week i won't be going to school because i am very sick. So today was Monday, my mood hasn't improved at all and Youngmin and Kwangmin are not their normal teasing self, but tried their best to cheer me up. They never asked why i was ditching school, something i have never done and would never do in my life, but they know it's not the right moment to ask, my emtoional state is fragile as it is. I got out of bed and washed up before heading down to the kitchen, where i was surprised to find a huge breakfast waiting for me.

"Ah! So the sleeping beauty finally awakens, come and eat."

Youngmin came up to me with an apron on and pulled out a chair for me; i couldn't help but snicker at how feminine he looks. I sat down and started eating. I gotta admit, his cooking skills have certainly gotten better. I guess it's not that bad to have them around if i don't need to cook every day. 

"There's not much food left in the house, so i'm heading to the market. Kwangmin, look after the house while Ara and i head to the markets and NO complaints because we will bring you back some ice-cream."

I giggled as Kwangmin swallowed back his protests at the mention of ice-cream, he is really like a little kid, i thought to myself. Youngmin grinned before turning to me.

"Hurry and finish your breakfast and get changed. You need a breathe of fresh air."

So he's doing it for me, my expression softened before i turned to Youngmin with a brighter smile.

"You got it captain!"

At the market~~~

"Now, what shall we get?"

Youngmin and i wandered arm in arm down the aisles while i looked at the grocery list.

"Hmm, let's see... seems like we need more ramen and vegetables and some evening snacks and..."

"Whoa whoa, slow down princess, one thing at the time."

Youngmin and i separated to find the different spices we need. I looked for chicken powder and found it at the top of a shelf. I reached for it but am not tall enough. Damn it, why did i have to be so short, i mean Youngmin is my cousin but he's so much taller! Where's Youngmin when you need him? Just when i was struggling, a hand easily reached up and got the powder before handing it to me. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to my helper.


I was about to thank the person when i froze. Standing in front of me were Kai, Suho, Sehun and Baekhyun. The people i've been trying so hard to avoid is now standing in front of me.

"What are you guys doing here?"

I hissed in annoyance and Kai was surprised at my hostility but shrugged nevertheless, with pain in his eyes which he tried so hard to hide. I don't even know why i was so annoyed at them but i just am.

"This is a market right? What else would we be doing in a market? Also, why haven't you been at school? The teacher said that you were sick but you don't seem sick to me. Is that an excuse to avoid us?"

"That's none of your business, i can skip school if i want to, you are not the boss of me, so out! So what if i'm sick and i'm skipping school? Sue me and see if i care! And not everything is about you Kai, or the Kingkas, i have nothing to do with you guys so i don't NEED an excuse to avoid you."


My outburst was greeted by silence as Kai and the others stared at me in disbelief, shocked at how such words could come out of my mouth. I'm normally a quiet girl and generally pleasant, even when i was annoyed i always try to keep a smile on my face. But now.... I glared at them as i felt my heart break into a million pieces again.

"Hey babe, have you found what you were looking for?"

Before i could snap at Kai again, Youngmin came around and put some stuff in our cart. Pain and jealousy flashed through Kai's eyes and Sehun's eyes widened as he pointed at Youngmin.

"It's him! Hyung! It's that guy!"

"I'm sorry but do i know you?"

Youngmin seemed surprised for a moment before he composed himself and smiled politely at Sehun. I just looked at Sehun, how did he know Youngmin?

"Doesn't matter, we were just leaving WEREN'T we Youngminnie?"

I spoke through my teeth; Youngmin looked at me weirdly before nodding his head stiffly as i took his arm and turned around to leave.

"I thought you hated people calling you 'babe'..."

"That's because he is not like you..."

I spoke in a cold voice with my back towards the Kingkas as i heard Kai's angry and sarcastic voice. Without saying another words, i dragged Youngmin away; unknowingly, tears were flowing down my cheeks.

Kai pov~~~

Babe, he called her babe, and she called him Youngminnie... I never even had the chance to call her that, to get close to her like that and make her mine. Just after a few days since what happened, she had already found the perfect guy, so if i was special to her then, what am i to her now? I felt a rush of anger but i pushed it back. Guess he seemed really nice, maybe he can take care of her better than i can, maybe he won't hurt her like i did... I couldn't take it anymore as i ran out of the market, not listening to the desperate calls of my friends... Right now, i couldn't hear any of them, all i can hear is my heart breaking... 

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