Chapter 3

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

As i went to put all my books in my locker, a petite but cute girl i recognise as Min, who was one of the friendly people who wanted to befriend me before bounced up to me. 

"Hey Ara, we have gym next, the teacher told us to get changed first."

I nodded and smiled back weakly before she bounded away. Ok, the feeling this morning was definitely bad... I sighed again... To be honest, i hate gym. I am not very sporty; i'm just good at music... I took out my gym clothes and shoes and made my way towards the change room. After i got changed, i pulled my hair up into a messy bun, pinned my hairpin back on and tried to smile at the girl in the mirror.

"Kim Ara, you can do this, it's just gym... Aja aja, fighting!"

After that little cheer to myself, i walked out of the change room and walked towards the gymnasium. I was just thinking about how to survive through gym class when i almost ran into someone. 

"Oops, careful there! Um... hello? Earth to Ara."

I heard a gentle, familiar voice call out and snapped out of my thoughts before lifting my head. I was greeted by an alarming sight. All 18 Kingkas were standing in front of me, some were looking bored and some were looking amused. I then focused on the person whom i almost ran into and stared into the face of Suho, the leader of EXO. Don't get me wrong, i do not have a crush on him but being this close to him, and all guys actually, make me feel awkward and uncomfortable, so of course, i started blushing and some guys started to smirk.

"I'm, I'm sorry, i wasn't paying attention."

"It's alright, but don't zone out next time or you will get hurt ok?"

"Eh? Ah... Thanks."

I nodded and Suho smiled that charming smile of his before all the Kingkas started moving away. My breathing slowed and i breathed a sigh of relief. It's so weird that they know who i am and what my name is, but i guess it's not hard to find out who's an outcast at this school. I sighed again, this time in exasperation and blew my bangs away from my face before i looked at my watch. My face slowly turned white.

"Damn those stupid Kingkas, now i'm late for gym!"

Kai Pov~~~

I walked up to Suho hyung after we left Ara behind and he smiled at me.

"I think you startled her hyung, she appeared as if she didn't know we knew who she was."

Suho hyung chuckled and i switched my thoughts to that girl. She is quite pretty, not mentioning intelligent. But she does seem a bit of an outcast, she's friendly enough but she never seem to want to make actual friends. She was always distant with other people, and seem to purposely distance herself from others. Suho hyung turned to me when i fell silent and studied my face before flicking me on the head. I snapped out of my daydreams and rubbed the sore spot on my forehead.

"Ow! What was that for hyung?"

"Stop zoning out, didn't you hear what i said to Rina about not zoning out? You are thinking about her aren't you?

I shrugged and looked at Suho hyung

"She seem like an interesting person, you are equally as interested in her as me. Besides, i think she has a crush on you hyung, didn't you see her blush when she ran into you?"

"Haha, she might be interesting but the crush thing, i think she was just shy."


When i think about that girl Ara liking Suho hyung, i get this tight feeling in my chest and my stomach churns in discomfort. I didn't take much notice. Must be that indigestion again... I sighed and turned silent, concentrating on the ground hard. I was concentrating on the ground so hard that i did not notice Suho hyung looking at me with a knowing smile on his face; i just couldn't stop thinking about that girl with the brown hair, gorgeous chocolate coloured eyes and that amazing smile. 

Ara pov~~~

"Miss Ara, I hope you will be here on time next gym class."

"Sorry miss."

I pulled a face behind the gym instructor's back after she gave me a lecture with a disapproving look. Turning my thoughts to the Kingkas, i suddenly wondered why they were outside the gym just then... was it a coincident?

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