Chapter 11

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

I ran away, that's the decision of the cowardly me, instead of facing my problems, i chose to run away. Was it out of embarrassment? Or something else? I don't know, but what else could i have done? I still don't know what i should do now. I sighed as i flopped onto my bed. After i got homme today, i found a note from my parents saying that they've gone on a business trip and will be away for about a few months, and they've contacted my cousins Youngmin and Kwangmin to come and live with me, can this day get any better? I rubbed my eyes that are sore from crying and grabbed a pillow before screaming all my frustrations into it. Feeling better afterwards, i looked my watch and sighed for the hundreds time today and got up, time to get ready for work.

After getting to the shop, i greeted the middle aged manager politely before changing into my uniform and stood behind the counter while rubbing my throbbing temple. The manager came over and looked at me worriedly. 

"Are you ok dear? You look a bit pale, and you've obviously been crying. Is everything alright at home? Or is it something else? Normally at this time, you would still be getting here from school wouldn't you so didn't you go today? You would never skip school..."

I smiled weakly at the lady. Honestly, she seemed extremely motherly now, and it kinda just make me want to run into her arms and cry like a baby, telling her everything that's going wrong in my life, but i can't. It would be wrong to trouble someone else with my own problems. So instead, i pretended to be cheerful, the only thing i can do best right now.

"Yep, i'm alright, i got something in my eyes so i rubbed it hard to get it out, that's probably why it's red. School was out early today, so i thought i'd come straight over, so i'm not late."

They were such badly made up lies and the manager knew i was lying, but she saw that i don't want to talk about it right now, so she stopped asking me questions and just gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder before leaving to do her paperworks. I sighed and stared into space until i heard the door jingle. I put my best forced smile on and turned around, that's when i saw them and my face fell.

"Yo cousin! Still remember us?"

I groaned and rolled my eyes when Youngmin and Kwangmin stepped through the door, looking like super models as usual. Honestly, even though they love and care about me like their little sister, most of the times they can still be annoying and love to tease me.

"What are you guys doing here? Didn't mum tell you to stay home?"

"NoPE, we don't have the key silly, so she told us to come and find you at work."

Youngmin popped the 'p' and happily chirped like a little kid. I sighed and puffed my cheeks out while they both laughed and ruffled my hair one by one. I groaned again.

"I just fixed my hair! Gosh, if you two are going to stay here, you'd have to behave yourselves."

"We've got it sis, just calm down. What's wrong with you today, you are so touchy and overly sensitive."

I stopped fixing my hair and hurt reflected in my eyes. Yeah, i'm really sensitive today, why can i never hide my emotions properly? Youngmin and Kwangmin seem to have realised something was off as they exchanged worried looks. I saw their caring expressions and pretended to grin at them.

"I'm perfectly fine see? So you two should go wonder around, get us some milk tea and stuff and then come back to find me in about 4 hours ok? That's when my shift ends. Oh, and don't forget i want pearls in my tea."


Kwangmin was going to object but Youngmin quickly shushed him, seeing that maybe i needed some time to myself.

"Sure sis, we will buy and save a cup for you yeah? And yes, with pearls."

I nodded and both Youngmin and Kwangmin exchanged a look again before coming up to me one by one to kiss me on the forehead. I smiled at them gratefully and they left, i was alone once more...

Sehun pov~~~

I saw them, twins, kissing Ara on the head as she smiled at them. The genuine smile that she used to give all of us although she seemed tired. I turned my head and saw Kai hyung looking. I grabbed his shoulders and turned him around before leading him away.

"Hyung... let's just go..."

A/N: Hi all my lovely readers! thank you to the people who have subscribed to my story, i really appreciate it! Sorry for not updating for a few days, i've been busy at work, so didn't have time at all! Anyways, i will try and update more often :) 

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