
Goodbye High School (Changed and restarting again)

"I'm home." I said to my parents who were sitting in the hall with a cup of coffee in their hand while closing the door behind me. 

Feeling tired and all sweaty, I didn't say anything else but just headed towards the toilet to wash my face before going to bed.

"Jungkook ah!" My mother called out to me before I could even step in the toilet. As much as I want to quickly head to bed, I still walk out to the hall to answer them.

"Sit here son." My dad said while patting the empty space on the sofa next to him. I went over and sat myself down and looked at both of them.

"Jungkook ah, your mother and I have made some arrangements and I hope you will understand us." My dad said in a serious tone.

"What kind of arrangements?" I replied, trying hard not to sound disrespectful despite the tiredness in me.

"We need you to transfer to another school." My mother said while sipping her coffee. 

"Why all of the sudden?" I said calmly. 

"You should know that your school is Korea's best art school and the school fees are of course higher than normal high schools." My mother said. "And we don't have enough money left to pay your school fees." My mother added.

"But it's my last year in the school. I can work part-time to help." I said, hoping they would change their mind.

 "Don't have to, Jungkook. We just need you to work hard in school and graduate well." My mother said with my dad agreeing with her.

'All the friends I made in school.. Do I have to leave them?' I thought to myself.

"Do you have any high schools in mind that you don't mind going to?" My dad said, trying to make me feel better. 

Just as I wanted to insist on staying in my current high school, I suddenly thought of something.

"Transfer me to Grand Seoul High School then." I said while standing up and walking towards the toilet.


"Minah! Wake up! Don't you have to work this morning?" My mother shouted again while turning on my room lights.

As soon as I heard her, I pretended like I'm late for work and dashed towards the toilet to wash up. After washing up, I grabbed my grey knitted shirt and a black skirt that ends a few centimeters above my knees and  quickly put them on.

"Mom, I will be back around 11pm alright! Good bye!" I said loud enough for my mom to hear while walking out of my house.

'What should I do now? I can't tell my mother I've been dismissed by my boss, she will definitely make a scene in the restuarant and embarras me further.' I thought to myself while mentally deciding where should I go from now till 11 at night.

"I think I will just tour around Seoul alone today then." I said to myself while walking towards the train station.

It was a new experience for me going around alone, as I'm always being accompanied by Exo or my parents. 

I spend the day going around streets teenagers would go and also going around to try different food. After walking around for a good few hours, I decided to go somewhere with lesser people and more peace.

I ended up going to a park with less than 10 people around me. As much as I was afraid I would encounter another ert again, I still stayed in the park.

While walking around the park, I realized I've not checked my phone for the entire day and when I unlocked my phone, there were 20 missed calls and 40 unread messages, all from Exo, especially Sehun.

I decided to quickly send him a message saying I'm fine and continue walking around the park. While walking, I suddenly heard a familar voice near me.

Being curious, I tried following the source of the sound and I ended up seeing a guy sitting down on a bench, back facing me. Gathering enough courage, I walked up to the bench and saw someone none other than......


the Jungkook guy I know yesterday. 

I was surprised to see him there, sitting alone on the bench and singing some songs that I've never heard before. 

I wanted to at least say hi to him, but I didn't dare as I was afraid he would ignore me, but after a minute of considering, I still took the initiative to say hi.

"Oh! Hi!" He replied, feeling shocked. 

Uh yes luckily he did not ignore me. 

"What are you doing alone here?" I said while looking at him. "I think it's going to rain soon, are you still not going home?" I added.

He suddenly stood up and that scared me. I thought he would just walk away, but instead he patted my head.

"You are cute." He said. With that, he sat down on the bench again and signalling me to take a sit next to him, which I did so.

"Aren't you afriad that I might be a bad guy?" He said. 

Wow, now that he said that, I'm actually kind of scared. But whatever, if he was really a bad guy, he and his group of friends wouldn't send me to the train station safely yesterday......right?

"No. I think you are a good person. BTS too." I said giving my shy smile.

He didn't say anything else, but just smiled and looked over at the going-to-rain-soon sky. We both sat there for a good 10 minutes without saying anything and weirdly enough, it doesn't feel awkward at all.

The longer we sat there, the more tired I feel so without even me knowing, I feel asleep, next to the Jungkook guy. 


It was kinda weird for me seeing her there, but who cares. Ever since the first time I saw her in the restuarant, I really liked the way she is.


"Jungkook ah! Let's go have pizza." My older brother said to me as he walked out of his room. 

"Sure." I said and we headed to a pizza restuarant few bus stations away from home. The restuarant did not have many people when we reached so we got a table really fast.

"Minah! Can you help me deal with the crying baby at table 10? I really can't handle the baby and her parents." I heard a worker said to another worker at the table next to where I'm sitting at.

Being curious, I looked over at table 10 and saw a girl patiently comforting a crying baby and her helpless parents.

'That girl is.....different.' I thought to myself while sipping my drink.

"Jungkook ah, stop staring at people. If you want her number go and get it." I heard my brother saying while looking at me. 

*end of flashback*

Without me knowing, I saw her waking up and pulling my hand.

"It's raining! Let's go!!" Minah shouted as I quickly stood up and we ran to somewhere with shelter. Throughout the run, she was holding my hand and I kinda like it.


"Phew!" I said while brusing my hair and clothes that got drenched by the rain. And that Jungkook guy just stared at me all the time. Feeling uncomfortable, I quickly said something to distract him.

"I don't think the rain gonna stop anytime soon." I said while he just nodded his head while touching the back of his neck.

So just like before, both of us didn't say anything but just look at the crying sky quietly. 

After 20 minutes, the rain stopped and both of us walked out of the shelter. 

"Do you need me to send you home?" I hear him saying.

As it late already, I shyly said yes to him and we both walked towards the train station.

"Here would be fine. Thank you so much!" I said before walking away.

"Minah!" I suddenly heard him saying, and I stopped walking.

He then walked up to me and closing the distance between us.

"Can I have your number?" He said while trying to avoid eye contact with me.

Hesitantly, I wanted to reject but still gave him my number after remembering that he send me to the train station twice.

"See you next Monday." He said while walking away.













Alright, here is chapter 5! I will improve further so thank you for the support! Lovely comments are appreciated :)



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jiyoung17 #1
Chapter 17: Oooomg!...sehun!!! He's giving her sass!hahaa...update soon fighting !
jiyoung17 #2
Chapter 16: Omg this is so cute!!! I can't omg! Ahhhhh!..fighting! Keep updating pls!:)
sehunaahh #3
Chapter 11: Aww jealous Sehun is so cute kekeke