
Goodbye High School (Changed and restarting again)

I was furious. Like very furious. Just to note, I'm not someone who gets angry easily, especially to people I'm close with, but this time my BEST FRIEND Sehun really went overboard. Like c'mon!! Not everything I do or go have something to do with Jungkook... right?

When I reached home, I dashed straight to the toilet to wash up before heading to bed. What an annoying day was it.

The next day, I purposely reached class just 2-3 minutes before my lessons start, just to avoid the chance that Sehun might talk to me. 

The day was going relatively smooth, as I completely ignored everyone's presence, especially Sehun. But, things don't last like this til the day end.

Mr Jung, our Chemistry teacher called me up to answer a question on the board. I relatunctly stood up, walk over to the board and asnwered the question. And when I was walking back to my seat, my eyes met Sehun's eyes. 

And that was so awkward. I immediately broke the eye contact and pretended to look somewhere else. Yet, I still can feel Sehun's gaze on me, all the time. 

After Chemistry lesson was our lunch break. I took the chance when nobody was looking and rush towards the toilet. Not to really use the toilet, but to hide. Yes, hide.

I hide in the toilet for a good 15 minutes before making my way out. And of course, I made sure the hallway were clear of Sehun, Exo or Jungkook before stepping out.

I decided to have breaks alone from now til everything got better. I can also avoid seeing Sehun and to think about Jungkook's confession. So, I walk up to the school's rooftop and sat down on the bench.

No students or teachers like coming up to the rooftop, because there's a rumour saying that if you go up to the rooftop unnessarily, you will see a girl, crying at a corner. And of course, this rumour scared people off because they did not know what's the real reason the school forbits people from going to the rooftop. Apparently, the school spread this rumour to avoid people from going up and dirty the rooftop. What a lame excuse my school used. 

I brought along a sandwich and my water, in case I'm hungry and thirsty. But I didn't eat or drink them because I'm too preoccupied with my thoughts.

"Should I accept Jungkook?" 

Was the first thought that came into my head. 

And saying of Jungkook, I realized I haven't notice him the whole of today. What an idiot am I for not noticing the guy sitting next to me.

I took my phone out of my pocket and decided to text Jungkook. But to my surprise, when I unlock my phone, I receive lots of calls and messages from Jungkook. I immediately open the message.

I'm not going to school today. Please tell Mrs Lee for me, thanks.

Did you receive my message? Why aren't you replying?

Are you ignoring me? 

Where are you now? Are you in school already?

What are you doing now? Which lesson are you having now?

Choi Minah! Reply me or at least answer my calls!

Reply something! I'm really worried!

Are you sick? 

All these messages were what I receive from Jungkook. And the last text was something that made me smile. He send, 

I miss you so so so much. Can we meet up after school?

As much as I wanted to say yes, I thought about that for awhile. 

I really like Jungkook and I want to be his girlfriend, but should I accept him now? Is it the right time? 

Sigh. Whether having or not having someone that likes you is so annoying. 

Screw this. I can't think anymore. With that, I replied Jungkook, saying,

Okay. I will call you when school is over.











Hello! It's me, Kaizninja! 

So sorry for not updating for a long time! I was having test the whole of last week and I'm really busy! Nevertheless, thank you so much for reading and supporting! Lovely comments are appreciated :)




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jiyoung17 #1
Chapter 17: Oooomg!...sehun!!! He's giving her sass!hahaa...update soon fighting !
jiyoung17 #2
Chapter 16: Omg this is so cute!!! I can't omg! Ahhhhh!..fighting! Keep updating pls!:)
sehunaahh #3
Chapter 11: Aww jealous Sehun is so cute kekeke