
Goodbye High School (Changed and restarting again)


"With that, Sehun and Exo turned around and walked away and soon, I could no longer see the 12 tall backview in sight anymore. 

I sighed. I guess this is the power of friendship. And I guess this is how it feels when your closest friend drifts away from you. 

It's not like I needed Sehun's consent regarding my relationship, but it when your best friend don't wish you well. 

I sigh for the second time before walking back to my house.

The next day, I woke up to the annoying ringtone that is coming from my phone. I pulled myself out of bed and walked up to the table and grabbed my phone. I wondered who was calling me because I hate talking on the phone. But to my pleasant surprise, it's


My eyes light up when I saw the word 'Jungkook' appearing on my phone. I immediately tap to answer the call.

"Hello. Good morning"

He said

Best thing to wake up to -- my boyfriend's charming voice

I giggled before answering

"Good morning"

"Did my girlfriend sleep well?"


I wanted to answer yes, but the thought of playing around with him came up to my mind so I answered no instead

"Why? Are you sick or something?"

"Yes... I think so... My head hurts and my body aches"

"I'll come right over to your place now"

How cute is it seeing him being worried

But before he hangs up the phone, I quickly say

"I'm just joking Jungkook! Don't have to come over specially"


"Hello. Are you there?"

No answer

"Uh yes I'm here"

"You scared me. I thought you were angry because I joked around"

He didn't say anything, but just gave a small laugh

And suddenly, there is this silence between us

"Why did you call me?"

I broke the silence

"I need to make sure you slept well and I wanted to hear your voice"

Awww again

"You have heard it already. Where are you now?"

"I'm at home. Shall we go to school together? I can wait for you in front of your house"

He suggested

I really wanted to say yes, but afraid that my mother would see him -- yeah because she was unhappy that Jungkook send me to school previously and she only approves Sehun of sending me to school, I suggested to meet at the train station instead

"Okay. See you in 3o minutes time my girl"

With that, he hung up the phone and I quickly go to my closet and take my uniform out before heading to the toilet to wash up

I reached the train station 10 minutes before our meeting time and waited for him. But to my surprise, he appeared like 10 seconds after I reached.

When we see each other, we smiled and I walked over to him

"Wow. Why are you so early?"

"Still not as early as my girl"

I giggled again

"Let's go the train is here"

With that, he held on my hand and we walked to board the train together, hand in hand.











Here is chapter 17! So sorry I took such a long time to update! Nevertheless, please continue to like and support my story! Thanks!






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jiyoung17 #1
Chapter 17: Oooomg!...sehun!!! He's giving her sass!hahaa...update soon fighting !
jiyoung17 #2
Chapter 16: Omg this is so cute!!! I can't omg! Ahhhhh!..fighting! Keep updating pls!:)
sehunaahh #3
Chapter 11: Aww jealous Sehun is so cute kekeke